Bai Juyi: Magnolia Tree


Magnolia Tree

木 莲
如 折 芙 蓉 栽 旱 地
似 抛 芍 药 挂 高 枝。
云 埋 水 隔 无 人 识
唯 有 南 宾 太 叟 直。
Mu Lian

Ru zhe fu rong zai han di
Si pao shao yao gua gao zhi.
Yuan mai shui ge wu ren shi
Wei you nan bin tai sou zhi.


Magnolia Tree

Like a picked cottonrose hibiscus growing on non-irrigated land.
Thrown and hanging from tree peony’s high branches.
Without human awareness, waters hidden by clouds
Only I as a small village official knows.

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