Chapter 107 ~~ Juedai Shuangjiao/ Legendary Siblings / Handsome Siblings / The Proud Twins


The Legendary Siblings Chapter 107

Now she finally understood that Wei Wu Ya’s plan is really well thought out, really seamless. The most extraordinary part about this plan is that although he did leave a way out, but others are unable to use it. Although he did leave food, others can forget about eating it. It’s a cage full of disgusting live rats.

Princess Yao Yue felt her legs go weak, unable to support any longer, and finally poured a drink and swallowed it in one gulp.

Xiao Yu’er carried up a bottle as well and walked out, dragging Su Ying with him. Although Su Ying’s heart is filled with sadness and doom, but it’s also filled with gentle sweetness.

Who would have expected that Xiao Yu’er had just taken two steps, when he exclaimed hoarsely, “Oh no! We still had hope earlier, so everyone were on the same boat, thinking of escape, naturally we would work together. But now all hope is lost, she will not let me off.” Just as he finished his words, a shadow moved in front and Princess Yao Yue is already in front of them. Xiao Yu’er smiled bitterly and looked at Su Ying, mumbling “Isn’t my guess correct…. sometimes I really hope that I can guess a few things wrong occasionally.”

Princess Yao Yue said icily, “Have you finished your conversation? I will give you a little more time, talk faster.”

Xiao Yu’er suddenly laughed loudly, “Fine, sooner or later we will need to fight to the death, but since you said that you will let us talk a little more, then you must not be like Wei Wu Ya and eavesdrop at the side.”

He dragged Su Ying to the corner and mumbled a few sentences, and as he spoke, Su Ying nodded her head, until in the end Xiao Yu’er could be heard saying, “Do you understand?”

Su Ying replied quietly, “I understand, but you… you must be careful too.”

Princess Yao Yue smiled coldly, “It’s no use no matter how careful he is, come over.”

Xiao Yu’er grinned, “You want to kill me, why don’t you come over yourself?” Princess Yao Yue was so furious that the color on her face changed, but who would have expected that as soon as Xiao Yu’er finished his words, he flew up and executed three lightning fast palm attacks.

These three palm attacks are swift, fierce and strong, and few in the martial arts realm will be able to escape from this three ‘killer moves’. But in Princess Yao Yue’s eyes, it’s like child’s play. She did not seemed to have moved at all, but Xiao Yu’er’s palm attacks did not even get anywhere near to her clothes.

Su Ying took only one look and knew that Xiao Yu’er is certainly not Princess Yao Yue’s match. It seems that she can’t bear to watch any further and walked out with her head lowered. The more he fought, the more energetic he became, and there was no sense of fear at all. Every move of his is filled with strength, obviously he has used a hundred percent of his energy in it. But no matter how formidable his moves are, Princess Yao Yue need only to lightly wave her hands to deflect his attacks into nothingness.

Strange moves were executed, but until now, she has neither used the moves of ‘Shifting Flower Grafting Jade’, nor executed any deadly moves.

Xiao Yu’er blinked, and suddenly smiled, “Are you actually trying to kill me? Or are you having fun with me?” Without waiting for Princess Yao Yue to reply, he continued with a laugh, “Are you waiting to find out how I executed my strength before you kill me?”

Princess Yao Yue’s expression changed slightly and she asked with a furrowed brow, “Why would I want to find out how you execute your strength?”

Xiao Yu’er replied, “Because if you cannot figure out the direction my strength is coming from, then you cannot execute ‘Shifting Flower Grafting Jade’, right?” His mouth kept on talking, his hands kept on attacking, but his eyes kept staring at Princess Yao Yue, never leaving.

The expression on Princess Yao Yue’s face really changed again, but she said frostily, “When I want to use Shifting Flower Grafting Jade, I will use it, there’s no need for you to be anxious.”

Xiao Yu’er laughed loudly, “You need not lie to me, I have seen through you! The secret to Shifting Flower Grafting Jade, do you need me to explain it to you?”

Princess Yao Yue said icily, “You are not even fit to utter the four words ‘Shifting Flower Grafting Jade’.”

Xiao Yu’er replied, “Why am I not fit? What’s so great about Shifting Flower Grafting Jade, it’s just a martial arts move that uses the opponent’s strength, not much different from Wu Dang’s ‘Moving a thousand pounds with four ounces of force’, Shao Lin’s ‘Eighteen Falls’, it’s just that you’re extremely fast in your moves and you can steal your opponent’s strength before he can fully execute it. That’s why in other’s eyes, it became extremely inexplicable, and in addition you deliberately made it look more mysterious than it is, making a very simple thing into a very complicated, very mystifying matter, so others will think that this martial arts is formidable.”

He kept on talking, and only took a breather now. Princess Yao Yue’s expression revealed shock and asked fiercely, “What else do you know!”

Xiao Yu’er said, “Although I do not know how you manage to deflect the energy in your opponent’s veins, but this is not important, because I already know the most important thing in your martial arts, which is to first figure out from where and which direction your opponent’s energy is from!”

Princess Yao Yue exclaimed, “Humph.”

Xiao Yu’er added, “Because the energy from most people is from the few acupoints around the pelvic area, so you need not spend much effort to figure out where their energy came from, but me…”

He continued with a chuckle, “The martial arts I learnt is different from everyone else, and I have at least seventy, eighty masters, even you are one of them. Precisely because the martial arts I learnt are too mixed, so my internal energy is not that great. It’s my biggest disadvantage, but when fighting with you, this has helped me a lot instead.”

Princess Yao Yue said, “Did you think…” She only spoke three words, and stopped.

Xiao Yu’er said, “Because my internal strength is not that great, and there’s no sequence in the way I fight, so you cannot figure out where my internal energy is coming from in short notice, so you cannot even execute Shifting Flower Grafting Jade at all.”

Amidst Princess Yao Yue’s icy laughter, her slender fingers have already sealed the point between Xiao Yu’er’s ‘Qu Ze’ and ‘Tian Quan’ acupoints, the movements of her hands as if she’s plucking a flower.

These two acupoints belongs to the hand’s ‘yin’ veins, and the two moves that Xiao Yu’er is executing now, the energy is coming right from this place, obviously she has figured out where Xiao Yu’er’s internal energy is flowing from.

Who would have expected Xiao Yu’er to turn, and turn three feet away, and nothing happened to him at all. ‘Shifting Flower Grafting Jade’, which has never missed a target, became useless when used on Xiao Yu’er.

Now Princess Yao Yue is truly surprised. Since she has pinpointed that Xiao Yu’er’s energy came from the hand’s ‘yin’ veins, then she can never be wrong.

Xiao Yu’er laughed loudly, “You didn’t expect that right, let me tell you, you thought that I used a lot of strength in that two moves of mine, but I did not use any strength at all. You wanted to use my energy to attack me, but there was no energy at all. This is my way of dealing with Shifting Flower Grafting Jade, do you think this is a good idea?”

Princess Yao Yue’s expression changed, and she smiled coldly, “Very well, trust you to think of such a stupid idea. If you do not use any strength in your attacks, you’re already at a losing end, when two people fight, and you cannot win, isn’t that stupid?”

Xiao Yu’er nodded his head and grinned, “That’s right, I think this is really a stupid idea as well, but to deal with a person like you, sometimes the more stupid the idea, the better it works. Besides, you are the one who wants to kill me, I have no wish to kill you at all. As long as I can stop you from hurting me, I am satisfied.”

Princess Yao Yue exclaimed angrily, “Can’t I kill you if I do not use Shifting Flower Grafting Jade then?”

Xiao Yu’er replied, “I do want to see what other capabilities you have that can kill me!”

Before he could finish his words, he could feel a wave of energy coming towards him, and Princess Yao Yue’s hands seem to have become seven, eight pairs of hands. Xiao Yu’er only felt that there seem to be Princess Yao Yue’s palms all around him, and could not tell which is real and which is fake, and all the more does not know how to dodge or defend.

He really cannot imagine that a person’s movement can be so swift. Although he forcibly avoided a few attacks, but he does not know whether he will still be able to avoid Princess Yao Yue’s next attack.

All she need now is a fatal strike! Suddenly Xiao Yu’er shouted, “Wait, I have some last words to say.”

Princess Yao Yue totally ignored him, and attacked with lightning speed, but after one move, she suddenly stopped, just that her palm is still inches away from Xiao Yu’er, and her eyes never leaving Xiao Yu’er’s face, and she said coldly, “At a time like this, what other tricks are you trying to play?”

Xiao Yu’er sighed, “You should know by now, no matter what, I will not be able to escape, or will there be anyone who will come and save me. I have no choice but to die at your hands. Then, at a time like this, you should tell me that secret.”

His expression was full of anticipation and plea, and looked indescribably pitiful, no one would expect Xiao Yu’er would actually reveal such a pitiful expression. Princess Yao Yue looked at him, and did not speak for a long time.

Princess Yao Yue suddenly said, “After you’re dead, I will certainly tell this secret to Su Ying.”

Xiao Yu’er exclaimed, “You… can’t say it to me?”

Prinecss Yao Yue replied, “No!” This reply is as determined as the past reply, there is no room for negotiation at all.

Xiao Yu’er heaved a long sigh, “You’re fiercer than a robber, and would not even agree to my last request before I die. If I were to ask for another thing, would you agree?”

Princess Yao Yue hesitated for a moment, and finally said slowly, “That will depend on what you’re asking.”

Xiao Yu’er replied, “I want to pee, can I?”

At a time like this, he can actually make such a request, and one wonders whether to cry or laugh. Princess Yao Yue’s pale face seems to be turning red with anger.

Xiao Yu’er continued, “I drank too much wine earlier, and I can’t hold it in any longer. If you do not agree, I will have to do it right here.”

Princess Yao Yue exclaimed furiously, “I will kill you right now!” Princess Yao Yue gritted her teeth and stared at him for a moment, and suddenly smiled coldly, “Fine, you can go, I don’t believe you still have any tricks left.”

Xiao Yu’er replied, “This place is like a dead end, I can’t possibly know the ’72 changes’, and change into a fly and fly out!”

He went back to the underground cave, and saw that Wei Wu Ya’s body is starting to shrivel, and it makes one want to puke upon seeing it.

Xiao Yu’er blinked, “You’re not coming in? Aren’t you afraid I’ll escape?”

Princess Yao Yue ignored him. There is only one exit in this cave, and naturally she knows that no matter how capable Xiao Yu’er is, there is no way he can escape.

After a moment, the sound of water flowing was heard, and when in her life has Princess Yao Yue ever heard such a ‘scary’ sound. Her face unconsciously reddened, and can’t help but cover her ears. Luckily no one will be able to pee for too long a time, and she only has to tolerate for a moment.

Who would have expected that after a long moment, the flowing sound is still ongoing. After another while, the sound can still be heard.

The more Princess Yao Yue waited, the more impatient and perplexed she became. Princess Yao Yue can’t help but call out, “Jiang Xiao Yu, why aren’t you out yet?”

There is only the sound of ‘flowing water’ inside, but no one replied.

Although Princess Yao Yue obviously knew that there’s no way Xiao Yu’er can escape, but she can’t help but feel suspicious, and after calling out two more times without hearing a reply, she can’t help but thought quietly to herself, “Could this little imp really found another way out. He already knew the way out is here, that’s why he devised such a plot so that he can escape, but trap us in here!” Once she thought of this, her limbs turned cold, and without a thought for anything else, she dashed in.

No, there is no change in here at all, there is still the sound of water flowing, it’s just that there’s a ‘wall’ blocking her line of view, and she can’t see if Xiao Yu’er is in there. Once Princess Yao Yue dashed in, she waved her hand and emitted a gush of energy.

With a ‘crack’, the three walls made with the pile of stones and the coffin cover broke apart, and indeed not a shadow could be seen inside.

There were only a few wine bottles bundled together with a cloth rope, hanging in midair from the hole at the top, and there’s a small hole at the bottom of the bottles. The wine in the bottles flowed into the coffin, the sound continuous.

In her surprise, Princess Yao Yue suddenly saw a shadow dart out from the corner of her eyes. It turned out that Xiao Yu’er had been hiding behind that door, and when Princess Yao Yue’s turned her attention towards that side, he sneaked out. By the time Princess Yao Yue realized it, he is already outside the door.

When Princess Yao Yue wanted to give chase, the stone door had already closed noiselessly, and even Xiao Yu’er’s loud laughter was totally cut off. Only now was Princess Yao Yue totally shocked still.

No matter what she had faced in her whole life, she has never exclaimed in alarm, or begged anyone else, but now she can’t help but shout out, “Jiang Xiao Yu, open the door, let me out.”

After a while, Xiao Yu’er’s voice drifted in from the air hole at the top, and he chuckled, “Let you out, would I let you out to kill me?”

Princess Yao Yue bit her lips and said, “I… I promise not to kill you.”

Xiao Yu’er replied loudly, “Even if you do not kill me, I will not let you out, because even if you do not kill me, but I want to kill you. Don’t you forget the great enmity between us.” Princess Yao Yue’s heart pounded, there is nothing she can say further.

End of Chapter 107

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