Du Mu: Mr. Shen Xiaxian


Mr. Shen Xiaxian

沈 下 贤
斯 人 清 唱 何 人 和
草 径 苔 芜 不 可 寻。
一 夕 小 敷 山 下 梦
水 如 环 佩 月 如 襟。


Shen Xia Xian

Si ren qing chang he ren he
Cao jing tai wu bu ke xun.
Yi xi xiao fu shan xia meng
Shui ru huan pei yue ru jin.


Mr. Shen Xiaxian

Who can compare to Shen’s style of poetry
Looked for signs of him, but could not find because his footpaths overgrown with weeds and moss.
At sunset found his hometown where he dreamed at Mt. Xiaofu
With a circular river, admiring the moon as well as his work.



[Shen Xiaxian was a student of the famous poet Han Yu.]

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