Remember Past Travels to Zhong Ling: Four Poems
怀 钟 陵 旧 游: 四 首
十 顷 平 湖 堤 柳 合
岸 秋 兰 芷 绿 纤 纤。
一 声 明 月 采 莲 女
四 面 朱 楼 卷 画 帘。
白 鹭 烟 分 光 的 的
微 莲 风 定 翠 湉 湉。
斜 晖 更 落 西 山 影。
千 步 虹 桥 气 象 兼。
Huai Zhong Ling Jiu You: Si Shou
Shi qing ping hu di liu he
An qiu lan zhi lu xian xian.
Yi sheng ming yue cai lian nu
Si mian zhu lou juan hua lian.
Bai lu yan fen guang di di
Wei lian feng ding cui tian tian.
Xie hui geng luo xi shan ying
Qian bu hong qiao qi xiang jian.
Remember Past Travels to Zhong Ling: Four Poems
Ten qing of embankment willow trees joined to the level lake
Autumn riverbanks covered with fine and small orchid roots.
Bright moonlight, one sound of women picking lotus bulbs
Scrolled up painted curtains around a four-sided vermilion tower.
Very bright scenery of white egrets in the divided mists
Steady breezes stop, tiny ripples calm and quiet.
Slanting sunshine causes the mountains shadows to slowly fall down
After a thousand steps over rainbow-arched bridges, whole atmosphere harmonious.
Zhong Ling: City in Jiangxi Province where Du Mu had a government position. There was a large lake nearby. Today it is known as Jiangxi Nanshan.
Qing: One area of land that is about sixteen and one half acres (16 ½), so ten qing is about 165 acres.