Du Mu: Sui Palace in Spring


Sui Palace in Spring

随 宫 春
龙 舟 东 下 事 成 空
蔓 草 萋 萋 满 故 宫。
亡 国 亡 家 为 颜 色
露 桃 犹 自 恨 春 风。
Sui Gong Chun

Long zhou dong xia shi cheng kong
Man cao qi qi man gu gong.
Wang guo wang jia wei yan se
Lu tao you zi hen chun feng.


Sui Palace in Spring

Emperor’s boat wants to go east past empty city walls
Ancient palace filled with lush tendril grasses and vines.
His desire for the pretties lead to a lost nation and their families
Peach trees with dew naturally hate the spring winds.



Du Mu’s comments about Emperor Xuanzong and his consort Yang Guifei, the lady that brought down an empire.

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