Du Mu: Willow Trees: Four-Line Poem


Willow Trees: Four-Line Poem

柳: 绝 句
数 树 新 开 翠 景 齐
倚 风 情 态 被 春 迷。
依 依 故 国 樊 川 恨
半 掩 村 桥 半 拂 溪。
Liu: Jue Ju

Shu shu xin kai cui jing qi
Yi feng qing tai bei chun mi.
Yi yi gu guo fan chuan hen
Ban yan cun qiao ban fu xi.


Willow Trees: Four-Line Poem

Numerous trees in a row, scenery of green leaves newly sprouted
Fascinated by meeting the springtime wind full of emotion.
Regret and reluctant to part from my hometown Fan Chuan
Trees half hidden, yet half touching the stream under the village bridge.



Fan Chuan: A town south of the capital city Chang’an (Xi’an).

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