‘I Miss You’ 我好想你 by Sodagreen ~ [Chinese Songs]


’I Miss You’ (我好想你, Wǒ hǎoxiǎng nǐ) is included in Taiwanese indie band sodagreen (苏打绿,  sū dá lǜ) ‘s eponymous album, released on June 17th. The band’s vocalist Wu Qingfeng (吴青峰, Wú Qīngfēng) aka Wu Tsing-Fong said he wrote this song five years ago and experienced an emotional meltdown when recording it. This year, this song was chosen to be the theme song of the movie Tiny Times (小时代, Xiǎo shídài) directed by Young-adult Fiction writer Guo Jingming (郭敬明, Guō Jìngmíng).

Composer:Wu Qingfeng/Wu Tsing-Fong

Lyrics: Wu Qingfeng/Wu Tsing-Fong

Singer: Sodagreen

Lyrics (Original Chinese, Pinyin Romanization, and English Translation):



开了灯 眼前的模样 (Kāiledēng yǎnqián de múyàng)
Turn on the light, the scene in front of the eyes



偌大的房 寂寞的床 (Nuòdà de fáng jìmò de chuáng)
The spacious room, the lonely bed



关了灯 全都一个样 (Guánledēng quándōu yígèyàng)
Turn off the light, it’s all the same



心里的伤 无法分享 (Xīnlǐ de shāng wúfǎ fēnxiǎng)
The wound in the heart, unable to be shared




生命随年月流去 (Shēngmìng suí niányuè liúqù)
Life flows away with time



随白发老去 (Suí báifà lǎoqù)
turns old with gray hair



随着你离去 快乐渺无音讯 (Suízhe nǐ líqù kuàilè miǎowúyīnxùn)
leaves with you, no news of happiness



随往事淡去 (Suí wǎngshì dànqù)
fades away with the past



随梦境睡去 (Suí mèngjìng shuìqù)
falls asleep with dreams



随麻痹的心逐渐远去 (Suí mábì de xīn zhújiàn yuǎnqù)
leaves with the numb heart



我好想你 好想你 却不露痕迹 (Wǒ hǎoxiǎng nǐ hǎoxiǎng nǐ què bùliú hénjì)
I miss you, miss you, but no trace is left




我还踮着脚思念 (Wǒ hái diǎnzhejiǎo sīniàn)
I’m still tiptoeing in missing you



我还任记忆盘旋 (Wǒ hái rèn jìyì pánxuán)
I’m still letting the memories hover/spiral [over me]



我还闭着眼流泪 (Wǒ hái bìzheyǎn liúlèi)
I’m still shedding tears with my eyes closed



我还装作无所谓 (Wǒ hái zhuāngzuò wúsuǒwèi)
I still pretend not to care




我好想你 好想你 却欺骗自己 (Wǒ hǎoxiǎng nǐ hǎoxiǎng nǐ què qīpiàn zìjǐ)
I miss you, miss you, but I deceive myself







我好想你 好想你 却欺骗自己 (Wǒ hǎoxiǎng nǐ hǎoxiǎng nǐ què qīpiàn zìjǐ)
I miss you, miss you, but I deceive myself



我好想你 好想你 就当作秘密 (Wǒ hǎoxiǎng nǐ hǎoxiǎng nǐ jiù dāngzuò mìmì)
I miss you, miss you, I’ll just make it a secret



我好想你 好想你 就深藏在心 (Wǒ hǎoxiǎng nǐ hǎoxiǎng nǐ jiù shēncáng zài xīn)
I miss you, miss you, so I hide it deep in my heart
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