Li Bai: Palace Center Happiness: Eight Poems: No. 6


Palace Center Happiness: Eight Poems: No. 6

宫 中 行 月 词: 八 首
今 日 明 光 里
还 须 结 伴 游。
春 风 开 紫 殿
天 乐 下 珠 楼。
舞 舍 知 巧
娇 歌 半 欲 羞。
更 怜 花 月 夜
宫 女 笑 藏 钩。
Gong Zhong Xing Yue: Ci Ba Shou


Jin ri ming guang li
Huan xu jie ban you.
Chun feng kai zi dian
Tian le bu zhu lou.

Yan wu she zhi qiao
Jiao ge ban yu xiu.
Geng lian hua yue ye
Gong nu xiao cang gou.


Palace Center Happiness: Eight Poems: No. 6

Today there are bright lights inside
Must go back to produce travel companions.
Spring breezes into an opened up royal palace
Heavenly music under a pearled tower.

Aware of the bright and attractive dance house skills
Intense songs for the bashful with partial desires.
Experience sympathy for the flowers in a moonlit evening
Palace ladies laugh and smile with hidden hooks.


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