Li Bai: Qiu Pu River Songs: Seventeen Poems: Nos. 1-4


Qiu Pu Songs: Seventeen Poems: No. 1



秋 浦 歌: 十 七 首
秋 浦 长 似 秋
萧 条 使 人 愁。
客 愁 不 可 度
行 上 东 大 楼。
正 西 望 长 安
下 见 江 水 流。
寄 言 向 江 水
汝 意 忆 依 不?
遥 传 一 掬 泪
为 我 达 扬 州。


Qiu Pu Ge: Shi Qi Shou


Qiu pu chang si qiu
Xiao tiao shi ren chou.
Ke chou bu ke duo
Xing shang dong da lou.

Zheng xi wang chang an
Xia jian jiang shui liu.
Ji yan xiang jiang shui
Ru yi yi yi bu?
Yao chuan yi ju lei
Wei wo da yang zhou.


Qiu Pu Songs: Seventeen Poems: No. 1

Long Qiu Pu River in the autumn
Desolate twigs cause people to be sad.
This visitor’s sorrow not able to overcome
Travel to Mt. Dalou.

Gaze west into the distance at Chang’an
Below, see the river water flow.
Depend upon the river water to send letters in their direction
Do you not remember me?
Isolated, show you one handful of tears
To take my message to Yangzhou.



Qiu Pu: Village located in the ancient prefecture of Jiangzhou, Jiangxi Province.

Yangzhou: City in Jiangsu Province that straddles the Grand Canal. In ancient times was very wealthy from the salt trade.


Qiu Pu Songs: Seventeen Poems: No. 2

秋 浦 歌: 十 七 首
秋 浦 猿 夜 愁
黄 山 堪 白 头。
青 溪 非 陇 水
翻 作 断 肠 流。
欲 去 不 得 去
薄 游 成 久 游。
何 年 是 归 日
雨 泪 下 孤 舟。
Qiu Pu Ge: Shi Qi Shou


Qiu pu yuan ye chou
Huang shan kan bai tou.
Qing xi fei long shui
Fan zuo duan chang liu.

Yu qu bu dei qu
Bao you cheng jiu you.
He nian shi gui ri
Yu lei xia gu zhou.


Qiu Pu Songs: Seventeen Poems: No. 2


Qiu Pu River evening with the wailing monkey sounds
Yellow Mountains can endure the white snow.
Blue stream waters not for aqueducts
Yet my heart is still broken.

Hope to get out of here, but I cannot
This intended short trip becomes a long journey.
What year can I return home
Rain and tears in my solitary boat.



Qiu Pu: Village located in the ancient prefecture of Jiangzhou, Jiangxi Province.

Yellow Mountains:  Mountain range in southern Anhui Province. Famous for being in the background of Chinese landscape paintings.








Qiu Pu Songs: Seventeen Poems: No. 3

秋 浦 歌: 十 七 首
秋 浦 锦 驼 鸟
人 间 天 上 稀。
山 鸡 羞 渌 水
不 敢 照 毛 农。
Qiu Pu Ge: Shi Qi Shou


Qiu pu jin tuo niao
Ren jian tian shang xi
Shan ji xiu lu shui
Bu gan zhao mao nong.


Qiu Pu Songs: Seventeen Poems: No. 3


Qiu Pu River with many varieties of birds and animals
Humans very scarce above the heavens.
Mountain chickens scared of their green water reflections
Fearful of seeing their coarse appearance.






Qiu Pu Songs: Seventeen Poems: No. 4

秋 浦 歌: 十 七 首
两 鬓 人 秋 浦
一 朝 飒 已 衰。
猿 声 催 白 发
长 短 尽 成 丝。
Qiu Pu Ge: Shi Qi Shou


Liang bin ren qiu pu
Yi zhao sa yi shuai
Yuan sheng cui bai fa
Chang duan jin cheng si.


Qiu Pu Songs: Seventeen Poems: No. 4


Both of my temples white when entering the Qiu Pu
After one new day, already I am in decline.
Monkey sounds hasten this white hair
My hair, long or short, feels like silk.

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