Lu Yu: About Twenty Years Old, Wrote a Poem About Chrysanthemum Flower Filled Pillows


About Twenty Years Old, Wrote a Poem About Chrysanthemum Flower Filled Pillows, Many Liked the Poem. This Autumn We Again Occasionally Gather Chrysanthemum Flowers For the Our Pillowcase With Gratitude and Emotion



余 年 二 十 时 尝 作 菊 枕 诗 颇 传 干 人 今 秋 偶 复 采 菊 缝 枕 襄 凄 然 有 感
采 得 黄 花 作 枕 襄
曲 屏 深 幌 閟 幽 香。
唤 回 四 十 三 年 梦
灯 暗 无 人 识 断 肠。
少 日 曾 题 菊 枕 诗
蠹 编 残 稿 锁 蛛 丝。
人 间 万 事 消 摩 尽
只 有 清 香 似 旧 时。
Yu Nian Er Shi Shi Chang Zuo Ju Zhen Shi Po Chuan Yu Ren Jin Qiu Ou Fu Cai Ju Feng Zhen Xiang Qi Ran You Gan

Cai de huang hua zuo zhen xiang
Qu ping shen huang bi you xiang.
Huan hui si shi san nian meng
Deng an wu ren shuo duan chang.

Shao ri ceng ti ju zhen shi
Du bian can gao suo zhu si.
Ren jian wan shi xiao mo jin
Zhi you qing xiang si jiu shi.


About Twenty Years Old, Wrote a Poem About Chrysanthemum Flower Filled Pillows, Many Liked the Poem. This Autumn We Again Occasionally Gather Chrysanthemum Flowers For the Our Pillowcase With Gratitude and Emotion

Need to gather yellow flowers for our pillowcase
Heavy curtains closed, hidden fragrances behind a zig-zag screen.
Facilitated dreams of forty-three years ago
Alone with a dimming lantern, broken heart in pieces.

Earlier days once wrote a poem about chrysanthemum filled pillows
Locked up in storage, under spider webs with a lot of moth damage.
Thousands of human things mostly wear down and disappear.
Only have this pure fragrance to remember these former times.



Originally Lu Yu was married young to one of his cousins. It was a happy and loving relationship. Because his mother did not like the new bride, she forced Lu to divorce and get remarried. This new wife was a disappointment, so when working away from his hometown, Lu left her back home. This nostalgic poem about chrysanthemum flower pillows was written for a lady friend Lu found while working in Yanzhou away from his hometown.

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