Lu Yu: Dream of Traveling Through Lotus Flowers Within Large Tracts


Dreams of Traveling Through Lotus Flowers Within Large Tracts



梦 中 行 荷 花 万 顷 中
天 风 无 际 路 茫 茫
老 作 月 王 风 露 郎。
只 把 千 樽 为 月 俸
为 嫌 铜 臭 杂 花 香。
Meng Zhong Xing He Hua Wan Qing Zhong

Tian feng wu ji lu mang mang
Lao zuo yue wang feng lu lang.
Zhi ba qian zun wei yue feng
Wei xian tong chou za hua xiang.


Dreams of Traveling of Lotus Flowers Within Large Parcels

Sky and breezes on a highway without end through the vast and boundless
This old man controls the moonrise, the dew and strong winds.
Only hold a wine vessel as an offer to the moon
Dislike and suspect the odors of copper money and the other types of flowers.

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