Lu Yu: Drinking With Village Neighbors


Drinking With Village Neighbors



村 饮 示 邻 曲
七 年 收 朝 迹
名 不 到 权 门。
耿 耿 一 寸 心
思 与 穷 友 论。
忆 昔 西 戍 日
孱 虏 气 可 吞。
偶 失 万 户 侯
逐 老 三 家 村。
朱 颜 舍 我 去
白 发 日 夜 繁。
夕 阳 坐 溪 边
看 儿 牧 鸡 豚。
雕 胡 幸 可 炊
亦 有 社 酒 浑。
耳 热 我 欲 歌
四 座 且 勿 喧。
即 今 黄 河 上
事 殊 曹 与 哀。
扶 义 孰 可 遣
一 战 洗 乾 坤。
西 酹 吴 玠 墓
南 招 宗 泽 魂。
焚 庭 涉 其 血
岂 独 清 中 原?
吾 侪 虽 益 老
忠 义 传 子 孙。
征 辽 诏 傥 下
从 我 属 櫜 鞬。
Cun Yin Shi Lin Qu

Qi nian shou zhao ji
Ming bu dao quan men.
Geng geng yi cun xin
Si you qiong you lun.

Yi xi xi shu ri
Chan lu qi ke tun.
Ou shi wan hu hou
Zhu lao san jia cun.

Zhu yan she wo qu
Bai fa ri ye fan.
Xi yang zuo xi bian
Kan er mu ming tun.

Diao hu xing ke chui
Yi you she jiu hun.
Er re wo yu ge
Si zuo qie wu xuan.

Ji jin huang he shang
Shi shu cao yu ai.
Fu yi shu ke qian
Yi zhan xi qian kun.

Xi lei wu jie mu
Nan zhao zong ze hun.
Fen ting she qi xue
Qi du qing zhong yuan?

Wu chai sui yi lao
Zhong yi chuang zi sun.
Zheng liao zhao tang xia
Cong wo shu gao jian.


Drinking With Village Neighbors

For seven years I have not worked in the palace
Not once did I call upon high ranking officials.
Every inch of my heart-mind dedicated and sharp
Talk and think of these poor local friends.

Recall former days in the western garrisons
Our small army units fought well against the enemy troops.
Soon enough we disbanded our divisions
Too old, they sent me back to my hometown village.

My young and healthy appearance is gone
Everyday my hair becomes whiter.
For sunsets I sit beside cool streams
The children herd the chickens and piglets out for fresh water.

Our good fortune to cook and eat the streamside plants
Also have village-made murky new wine.
Our ears flush with expectations of song
All four directions they get quiet for me.

Now the upper reaches of the Yellow River inside enemy territory
Things now different with our sorrows.
Who can help us fight these outsiders
In one engagement we could clean heaven and earth.

In the west, need to make a toast to grave of General Wu Jie
In the south, we can promote and rally around the spirit of Zong Ze.
We then could burn and bloody our enemies in the Longting area
Would not this eliminate the threat from their bad people?

All of my peers are getting the benefits of being old
The children and grandchildren need to know we are passionately loyal and righteous.
If we are ordered to fight the armies of Liao
Let’s combine our family forces and follow them with bow and arrow horses.



Generals Wu Jie: (1093-1139) and Zong Ze: (1059-1128) during the Northern Song Dynasty.

Longting: Enemy capital of the northern nomads.

Liao: Liaoning province

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