Lu Yu: Eastern Villages


Eastern Villages



东 村
雨 霁 山 争 出
泥 干 路 渐 通。
稍 从 牛 屋 后
却 过 鹳 巢 东。
决 决 沙 沟 水
翻 翻 麦 野 风。
欲 归 还 小 立
为 爱 夕 阳 红。
Dong Cun

Yu ji shan zheng chu
Ni gan lu jian tong.
Shao cong niu wu hou
Que guo guan chao dong.

Jue jue sha gou shui
Fan fan mai ye feng.
Yu gui huan xiao li
Wei ai xi yang hong.


Eastern Villages

Rains clear up, mountains compete to emerge into the clear
Dried up muddy roads make the going slow.
Wind up behind a barn for oxen
Pass by a stork’s nest in the east.

Mountain run-off along sandy waterways
Open country winds push around the waves of grains.
My return expected, want to linger for a while more
Love the reds produced by the sunset.

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