Meng Haoran: Send to the Mt. Tiantai Daoist Scholars


Send to the Mt. Tiantai Daoist Scholars

寄 天 台 道 士
海 上 来 仙 客
三 山 望 几 时。
焚 香 宿 华 顶
裛 露 采 灵 芝。
屡 躡 莓 若 滑
将 寻 汗 漫 期。
倘 因 松 子 去
长 与 世 人 辞。
Ji Tian Tai Dao Shi

Hai shang lai xian ke
San shan wang ji shi.
Fen xiang su hua ding
Yi lu cai ling zhi.

Lu nie mei ruo hua
Jiang xun han man qi.
Tang yin song zi qu
Chang you shi ren ci.


Send to the Mt. Tiantai Daoist Scholars

Above the ocean, celestial visitors arrive
Almost their hour, gaze into the distance at several mountains.
Stay overnight, burning incense a colorful radiance overhead
Early morning gather the dew on mountain mushrooms.

Frequently walk on slippery moss with tippy-toes
For stretches of time, wander about looking for these places of solitude.
Follow young Daoist students as they saunter away
For a long time associate with those who are removed from common society.



Mt. Tiantai:  Located in Zhejiang Province and near the home of the Guoqing Buddhist temple. Also connected to Chinese mythology where the creator goddess Nuwa cut the legs off a giant sea turtle in order to prop up the sky. Mt. Tiantai was used to support this turtle and operation.

Gathering the morning dew: An operation to accumulate enough water to make tea and/or medicine.



This poem was written during a time when the mythological layer was alive and well.  Unlike the situation today where the humans are in love with themselves, fixated by their reflections in the mirrors and smooth waters.

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