Together With Zhang Er, Going Back From Xiang Township, We Encounter Snow in the Middle of the Road
和 张 二 自 穰 县 还 途 中 遇 雪
风 吹 沙 海 雪
渐 作 柳 园 春。
宛 转 随 香 骑
轻 盈 伴 玉 人。
歌 疑 郢 中 客
态 比 洛 川 神。
今 日 南 归 楚
双 飞 似 入 秦。
He Zhang Er Zi Rang Xian Huan Tu Zhong Yu Xue
Feng chui sha hai xue
Jian zuo liu yuan chun.
Wan zhuan sui xiang qi
Qing ying ban yu ren.
Ge yi ying zhong ke
Tai bi luo chuan shen.
Jin ri nan gui chu
Shuang fei si ru qin.
Together With Zhang Er, Going Back From Xiang Township, We Encounter Snow in the Middle of the Road
Wind blowing snow like ocean sand
And willow pollen with the arrival of spring.
Passing through many places, we ride our horses and follow
Accompany the young, light-hearted and nimble people.
Ying songs an exact fit for the travelers
Their voices like the Luo River ferry workers.
Today we return to southern Chu
Together, like flying back to Qin.
Luo River: Tributary to the Yellow River in Henan Province.
Ying songs: Ying was the capital city of the Chu.
Chu: Ancient kingdom during the Zhou Dynasty (1030-223 BC). It encompassed the province of Hubei and Hunan as well as portion of others nearby.
Qin: Ancient kingdom during the Zhou Dynasty and located to the west of the Chu state.