Su Dongpo: Drink Lake Water, First Clear Skies and Then Rain: No. 2


Drink Lake Water, First Clear Skies and Then Rain: Two Poems: No. 2

饮 湖 上, 初 晴 后 雨: 二 首
水 光 潋 滟 晴 方 好
山 色 空 蒙 雨 亦 奇。
欲 把 西 湖 比 西 子
淡 妆 浓 抹 总 相 宜。
Yin Hu Shang, Chu Qing Hou Yu: Er Shou


Shui guang lian yan qing fang hao
Shan se kong meng yu yi qi.
Yu ba xi hu bi xi zi
Dan zhuang nong mo zong xiang yi.


Drink Lake Water, First Clear Skies and Then Rain: Two Poems: No.2

Bright ripples on the clear and excellent water
Mountain colors and rain strange and surprising.
Observing West Lake compares well with the beauty of Xizi
When dress and make-up are simple and elegant, appearances are more appealing.



Xizi: Also known as Xishi, she was legendary as one of the Four Beauties of Ancient China.  She lived during the fifth century BC, and like Yang Guifei was instrumental in bringing down a state.  With Yang Guifei it was the reign of emperor Xuanzong in 756 AD, and with Xizi it was the state of Wu in 473 BC.  Said to be so beautiful that when she once gazed into a pond, the fish spotted her and forgot to swim.

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