Su Dongpo: Drink Lake Water, First Clear Skies and Then Rain: Two Poems: No. 1


Drink Lake Water, First Clear Skies and Then Rain: Two Poems: No. 1

饮 湖 上, 初 晴 后 雨: 二 首
朝 曦 迎 客 艳 重 冈
晚 雨 留 人 入 醉 乡。
此 意 自 佳 君 不 会
一 杯 当 属 水 仙 王。
Yin Hu Shang, Chu Qing Hou Yu: Er Shou


Zhao xi ying ke yan chong gang
Wan yu liu ren ru zui xiang.
Ci yi zi jia jun bu hui
Yi bei dang shu shui xian wang.


Drink Lake Water, First Clear Skies and Then Rain: Two Poems: No. 1

Dawn light greets the visitors, admire ridge after ridge turning bright
Late evening rain, remaining people get drunk together.
This beautiful feeling not easily understood
Should share one cup of wine with the lake water immortals.


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