Su Dongpo: Front Courtyard Filled With Fragrances


Front Courtyard Filled With Fragrances

满 庭 芳
三 十 三 年
今 谁 存 者
算 只 君 与 长 江。
凛 然 苍 桧,
霜 干 苦 难 双。
闻 道 司 州 古 县
云 溪 上, 竹 坞 松 窗。
江 南 岸, 不 因 送 子
宁 肯 过 吾 邦?
摐 摐, 疏 雨 过
风 林 舞 破
烟 盖 云 幢。
愿 持 此 邀 君
一 饮 空 缸。
居 士 先 生 老 矣
真 梦 里, 相 对 残 缸。
歌 声 断, 行 人 末 起
船 鼓 已 逢 逢。
Man Ting Fang

San shi san nian,
Jin shei cun zhe
Suan zhi jun yu chang jiang.
Lin ran cang gui
Shuang gan ku nan shuang.

Wen dao si zhou gu xian
Yun xi shang, zhu wu song chuang.
Jiang nan an, bu yin song zi
Ning ken guo wu bang?

Chuang chuang, shu yu guo
Feng lin wu po
Yan gai yun zhuang.
Yuan chi ci yao jun
yi yin kong gang.

Ju shi xian sheng lao yi
Zhen meng li, xiang dui can gang.
Ge sheng duan, xing ren mo qi
Chuan gu yi feng feng.


Front Courtyard Filled With Fragrances

Who can go home, be retired for thirty-three years
Only you Mr. Wang, and the Changjiang.
Inspire me, like the green Chinese junipers
In spite of frost, you both have survived.

Heard others say your hometown is Sizhou
Living above the clouds and a small stream.
Hollow bamboo structure and pine-framed windows
Jiangnan lakes, without you sending your friend to me.

We never would have met
Scattered downpours, winds in the forest then subside.
With the mists and clouds your carriage arrives
Wish and hope to invite you to empty the wine jar.

Both of us are old, retired scholars
Face to face, the lamp oil almost gone.
We look at each other, appear like images inside a dream
Sounds of singing stop, travelers have yet to arise
Boat drums already call to those who wish to leave.



Changjiang: Also known as the Yangzi River

Sizhou: Another name for the city of Suzhou  in Jiangsu Province.

Jiangnan: Literally means south of the river. It is the area within Zhejiang Province south of the Changjiang mouth.

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