Su Dongpo: Middle of a Rainy Departure of Ziyou to Dongfu


Middle of a Rainy Departure of Ziyou From Dongfu



东 府 雨 中 别 子 由
庭 中 梧 桐 树
三 年 三 见 汝。
前 年 适 汝 阴
见 汝 鸣 秋 雨。
去 年 秋 雨 时
我 自 广 陵 归。
今 年 中 山 去
白 首 归 无 期。
客 去 莫 叹 息
主 人 亦 是 客。
对 床 定 悠 悠
夜 雨 空 萧 瑟。
起 折 梧 桐 枝
赠 汝 千 里 行。
归 来 知 健 否
莫 忘 此 时 情。
Dong Fu Yu Zhong Bie Zi You

Ting zhong wu tong shu
San nian san jian ru.
Qian nian shi ru yin
Jian ru ming qiu yu.

Qu nian qiu yu shi
Wo zi guang ling gui.
Jin nian zhong shan qu
Bai shou gui wu qi.

Ke chu mo tan xi
Zhu ren yi shi ke.
Dui chuang ding you you
Ye yu kong xiao se.

Qi zhe wu tong zhi
Zeng ru qian li xing.
Gui lai zhi jian fou
Mo wang ci shi qing.


Middle of a Rainy Departure of Ziyou From Dongfu

Unlike front courtyard Chinese parasol and paulownia trees
I see you only every three years.
Year before last I was in Ru Yin
We met and expressed our farewells in the autumn rain.

Last autumn during that season I returned from Guang Lin
This year I depart to Zhong Shan.
With my white hair, may not have the time to return again
If I leave I may die before having another chance to see you.

You too are just a guest inside the capital
Spend numerous sleepless nights.
Evening rain empty sounds of a bamboo flute and zither
We arise, you gave me broken branches from your parasol and paulownia trees.

Given to me as a gift for the trip of hundreds of miles
You told me I have to come back healthy
Do not forget these emotional times.

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