Su Dongpo: Ninth Month Twentieth Day Light Snow, Thinking of My Brother Ziyou: Two Poems: No. 1


Ninth Month Twentieth Day Light Snow, Thinking of My Brother Ziyou: Two Poems: No. 1

九 月 二 十 日 微 雪, 怀 子 由 弟: 二 首
岐 阳 九 月 天 微 雪
已 作 萧 条 岁 暮 心。
短 日 送 寒 砧 杵 急
冷 官 无 事 屋 庐 深。
愁 肠 别 后 能 消 酒
白 发 秋 来 已 上 簪。
近 买 貂 裘 堪 出 塞
忽 思 乘 传 问 西 琛。
Jiu Yue Er Shi Ri Wei Xue, Huai Zi You Di: Er Shou


Qi yang jiu yue tian wei xue
Yi zuo xiao tiao sui mu xin.
Duan ri song han zhen chu ji
Leng guan wu shi wu lu shen.

Chou chang bie hou neng xiao jiu
Bai fa qiu lai yi shang zan.
Jin mai diao qiu kan chu sai
Hu si cheng chuan wen xi chen.


Ninth Month Twentieth Day Light Snow, Thinking of My Brother Ziyou:  Two Poems: No. 1

In Qiyang, September days of light snow
Already it feels like the end of the year.
Shorter days, hear the sounds of oncoming cold winter
Stone block and pestle poundings.

My cold office and house with nothing to do
Pent-up sad feelings after you departed, wine all gone too.
Autumn arrives, my white hair also inside my hairpin roll
Think maybe I could take a trip to Xichen.

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