Su Dongpo: Tree Peony Flowers: Danzhou, Spring of 1099 AD


Tree Peony Flowers: Danzhou, Spring of 1099 AD Poem

减 字 木 兰 花:己 卯 儋 耳 春 词
春 牛 春 杖
无 限 春 风 来 海 上。
便 丐 春 工
染 得 桃 红 似 肉 红。
春 幡 春 胜
一 阵 风 吹 酒 醒。
不 似 天 涯
卷 起 杨 花 似 雪 花。
Jian Zi Mu Lan Hua: Ji Mao Zhan Er Chun Ci

Chun niu chun zhang
Wu xian chun feng lai hai shang.
Bian gai chun gong
Ran de tao hong si rou hong.

Chun fan chun sheng
Yi zhen chun feng chui jiu xing.
Bu si tian ya
Juan qi yang hua si xue hua.


Tree Peony Flowers: Danzhou, Spring of 1099 Poem

Spring oxen, spring plowing
Without limits, the spring breezes arrive from above the ocean
Common for the spring workers to plead for the peaches to be as red as meat.

Springtime pennants, springtime wonderful for planting
One course of spring breezes blow to sober up the wine drinker.
This is not like the edge of the world
Scrolls of poplar flowers are like snowflakes.



Danzhou: City on Hainan Island.

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