Su Dongpo: Xumen Rocky Deep Pool: Five Poems: No. 2


Xumen’s Rocky Deep Pool: Five Poems: No. 2



徐 门 石 潭: 五 首
旋 抹 红 妆 看 使 君
三 三 五 五 棘 篱 门
相 排 踏 破 茜 罗 裙。
老 幼 扶 携 收 麦 社
乌 鸢 翔 舞 赛 神 村
道 逢 醉 叟 卧 黄 昏。


Xu Men Shi Tan: Wu Shou


Xuan mo hong zhuang kan shi jun
San san wu wu ji li men
Xiang pai at po qian luo qun.
Lao you fu xie shou mai she
Wu yuan xiang wu sai shen cun
Dao feng zui sou wo huang hun.


Xumen’s Rocky Deep Pool: Five Poems: No. 2

Quickly put on red make-up so one can meet the visiting government man
By threes and fives they stand by their bramble gates and fences
Jockey for position along broken steps, silk skirts on display.
Old and young help to harvest and transport the grains
Crows and hawks circle above the village harvest festival
In the twilight, old men lie by the roadside drunk.

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