Tao Yuanming: After the Western Jin Dynasty, My Maternal Grandfather Died Fighting: Part No. 3


After the Western Jin Dynasty, My Maternal Grandfather Died Fighting in the West As a Major General’s Historian, His Biography: Part No. 3

晋 故 征 西 大 将 军 长 史 孟 府 君 传
举 秀 才, 又 为 安 西 将 军
庾 翼 府 功 曹
再 为 江 州 别 驾, 巴 丘 令
征 西 大 将 军 樵 国
桓 温 参 军。
君 色 和 而 正
温 甚 重 之。
九 月 九 日
温 游 龙 山
参 佐 毕 集
四 弟 二 甥 咸 在 坐。
时 佐 吏 并 著 戎 服
有 风 吹 君 帽 堕 落
温 目 左 右 及 宾 客 勿 言
以 观 其 举 止。
君 初 不 自 觉
良 久 如 厕
温 命 取 以 还 之。
廷 尉 太 原 孙
盛 为 谘 议 参 军
时 在 坐
温 命 纸 笔, 令 嘲 之。
文 成 示 温
温 以 著 坐 处。
君 归, 见 嘲 笑
而 请 笔 作 答
了 不 思 容
文 辞 超 卓
四 座 叹 之。
奉 使 京 师
除 尚 书 删 定 郎, 不 拜。
孝 宗 穆 皇 帝 闻 其 名
赐 见 东 堂。
君 辞 以 脚 疾
不 任 拜 起。
诏 使 人 扶 人。


Ju xiu cai, you wei an xi jiang jun
Yu yi fu gong cao
Zai wei jiang zhou bie jia, ba qiu ling
Zheng xi da jiang jun qiao guo
Huan wen can jun.

Jun se he er zheng,
Wen shen chong zhi.
Jiu yue jiu ri
Wen you long shan
Can zuo bi ji
Si di er sheng xian zai zuo.

Shi zuo li bing zhu rong fu
You feng chui jun mao duo luo
Wen mu zou you ji bin ke wu yan
Yi guan qi ju zhi.

Jun chu bu zi jue
Liang jiu ru ce
Wen ming qu yi huan zhi.
Ting wei tai yuan sun
Sheng wei zi yi can jun
Shi zai zuo
Wen ming zhi bi, ling chao zhi.

Wen cheng shi wen
Wen yi zhu zuo chu.
Jun gui, jian chao xiao
Er qing bi zuo da
Liao bu si rong
Wen ci chao zhuo
Si zuo tan zhi.

Feng shi jing shi
Chu shang shu shan ding lang, bu bai.
Xiao zong mu huang di wen qi ming
Ci jian dong tang.
Jun ci yi jiao ji
Bu ren bai qi.
Zhao shi ren fu ren.


After the Western Jin Dynasty, My Maternal Grandfather Died Fighting in the West As a Major General’s Historian, His Biography: Part No. 3

Before dying, Yu Liang asked him to help General Yu Yi,
His younger brother and commander of the western forces, to carry forward his policies
Later, Mengjia was made vice-mayor of Jiangzhou
Hen promoted as a mayor of Baqiu in Jiangxi province
Next as a military advisor to Huan Wen, senior general replaced the deceased Yu Yi.

Even after all of the duties, his appearance was warm, harmonious and upright.
Ninth day of the ninth month
The military troops traveled to Dragon Mountain in Hubei province
Including the general’s four younger brothers and two nephews.

The time when everyone wore their military uniforms and armor
Winds came up and blew Mengjia’s hat off
The general asked the others not to tell him.
He wanted to know what Mengjia’s reaction would be
Mengjia carried on, not noticing his hat or the others looking at him.

After a while, as he relieved himself, they retrieved his hat for him.
Sun Sheng, former minister of military justice
Now was an army consultant
With a history of being a master or paper and writing brush
Was asked to write something to ridicule Mengjia.

After composing this as a practical joke
He put it on his seat.
Upon Mengjia’s return, the general wanted to add something to the document without giving it too much thought
The general’s writing exceeded Sun Sheng’s understanding of classical literature
All of the people present were amazed.

Mengjia was now sent to the capital to be the emperor’s historian
But he refused this appointment.
After hearing of this, the emperor summoned him to the east room of the palace.
But Mengjia explained to him that his foot was in a lot of pain
And he therefore could not carry out these duties, nor perform the necessary kowtows.



Huan Wen:  (312-373): Famous and highly regarded army general during the Jin Dynasty.

Sun Sheng:  (302-373): Historian for the Jin Dynasty. Known for being studious and having a book in his hand.

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