Tao Yuanming: Chant For Two Shus


Chant For Two Shus

咏 二 疏
大 象 转 四 时
功 成 者 自 去。
借 问 衰 周 来
几 人 得 其 趣?
游 目 汉 廷 中
二 疏 复 此 举。
高 啸 返 旧 居
长 揖 储 君 傅。
饯 送 倾 皇 朝
华 轩 盈 道 路。
离 别 情 所 悲
馀 荣 何 足 顾。
事 胜 感 行 人
贤 哉 岂 常 誉
厌 厌 闾 里 欢
所 营 非 近 务。
促 席 延 故 老
挥 觞 道 平 素。
问 金 终 寄 心
清 言 晓 未 悟。
放 意 乐 馀 年
遑 恤 身 后 (lu).
谁 云 其 人 亡?
久 而 道 弥 著!



Yong Er Shu

Da xiang zhuan si shi
Gong cheng zhe zi qu.
Jie wen shuai zhou lai
Ji ren de qi qu ?

You mu han ting zhong
Er shu fu ci ju.
Gao xiao fan jiu ju
Chang yi chu jun fu.

Jian song qing huang chao
Hua xuan ying dao lu.
Li bie qing suo bei
Yu rong he zu gu.

Shi sheng gan xing ren
Xian zai qi chang yu.
Yan yan lu li huan
Suo ying fei jin wu.

Cu xi yan gu lao
Hui shang dao ping su.
Wen jin zhong ji xin
Qing yan xiao wei wu.

Fang yi le yu nian
Huang xu shen hou lu.
Shei yun qi ren wang ?
Jiu er dao mi zhu !


Chant for Two Shus

For four seasons the big sky revolves
After each season concludes, they depart.
So I ask, at the end of the Zhou dynasty
How many people really understood these things?

Looking back to notice those in the Han Dynasty court
Only the two Shus can read the sky.
They will return with fame and renown
They had the opportunity to tutor the crown prince.

Palace farewell dinner given by the palace retinue
Crowds line the roads, sending them off in their curtained carriage.
Some sad emotions as they depart
But to remain or to look back, would prevent them from moving on.

Passerbys talk of their palace success
Those of virtue and ability achieve high praise.
Their hometown very satisfied and happy
When they got home, did not bring any gift money with them.

For a long time, talk with old hometown friends
Wielding wine cups, reminisce about earlier, simple times.
Their children got around to ask them how much gold they brought back
They honestly and quietly replied that they came back empty.

After several years, just wanted to search for pleasure
Did not worry about their children or destiny.
Who said these two have died?
In the course of time, what I write about continues on to this day.



(lu): This Chinese character could not be found within the Microsoft program I use.

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