Tao Yuanming: Drinking Wine: Twenty Poems: No. 17


Drinking Wine: Twenty Poems: No. 17



饮 酒: 二 十 首
幽 兰 生 前 庭
含 薰 待 清 风。
清 风 脱 然 至
见 别 萧 艾 中。
行 行 失 故 路
任 道 或 能 通。
觉 悟 当 念 迁
鸟 尽 废 良 弓。
Yin Jiu: Er Shi Shou

You lan sheng qian ting
Han xun dai qing feng.
Qing feng tuo ran zhi
Jian bie xiao ai zhong.

Xing xing shi gu lu
Ren dao huo neng tong.
Jue wu dang nian qian
Niao jin fei liang gong.


Drinking Wine: Twenty Poems: No. 17

Shade-loving orchids living in the front courtyard
Sweet fragrances await the cool breezes.
Spring breezes move lightly and then arise
To reveal the Chinese mugwort grasses.

Old paths have disappeared
Maybe better to start new ones.
Come to realize I should go another way
Without birds, cannot utilize a good bow.

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