Tao Yuanming: Drinking Wine: Twenty Poems: No. 18


Drinking Wine: Twenty Poems: No. 18



饮 酒: 二 十 首
子 云 性 嗜 酒
家 贫 无 由 得。
时 赖 好 事 人
载 醪 祛 所 惑。
觞 来 为 之 尽
是 谘 无 不 塞。
有 时 不 肯 言
岂 不 在 伐 国。
仁 者 用 其 心
何 尝 失 显 默。
Yin Jiu: Er Shi Shou

Zi yun xing shi jiu
Jia pin wu you de.
Shi lai hao shi ren
Zai lao qu suo huo.

Shang lai wei zhi jin
Shi zi wu bu sai.
You shi bu ken yan
Qi bu zai fa guo.
Ren zhe yong qi xin
He chang shi xian mo.


Drinking Wine: Twenty Poems: No. 18

Zi Yun’s temperament was to constantly drink wine
My impoverished house without a chance to drink.
Often dependent on the generosity of others
Someone comes bearing simple wine asking me to answer their questions.

Give priority to using a wine cup
My replies to them also without a cork stopper.
At times do not want conversations
Especially about my experiences around the palace.
Benevolent people use their hearts to make decisions
Whether living in seclusion, or working for the emperor, do not want to make the mistake of giving personal opinions.


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