Tao Yuanming: Reflections on Early History: Nine Chapters: Chapter No. 8


Reflections On Early History: Nine Chapters
Chapter No. 8

读 史 述 九 章
易 代 随 时, 迷 变 则 愚。
介 介 若 人, 特 为 贞 夫。
德 不 百 年, 污 我 诗 书。
逝 然 不 顾, 被 褐 幽 居。
Du Shi Shu Jiu Zhang


Yi dai sui shi, mi bian ze yu.
Jie jie ruo ren, te wei zhen fu.
De bu bai nian, wu wo shi shu.
Shi ran bu gu, bei he you ju.


Reflections on Early History: Nine Chapters: Chapter No. 8

[Two Shandong Confucian students]

For all times, the dynasties change, the foolish are overly enchanted by a changing of imperial power.
But these two adhere to permanent principles, their loyalty and fidelity special and unusual.

Can celebrate a new regime only after one hundred years of virtue, if not, all of their training would be defiled.
They do not care about being summoned by the emperor, happy to wear simple clothes, and live in deep seclusion.

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