Tao Yuanming: Reflections on Early History: Nine Chapters: Chapter No. 9


Reflections On Early History: Nine Chapters
Chapter No. 9

读 史 述 九 章
远 哉 长 公, 萧 然 何 事?
世 路 多 端, 皆 为 我 异。
敛 辔 朅 来, 独 养 其 志。
寝 迹 穷 年, 谁 知 斯 意?
Du Shi Shu Jiu Zhang


Yuan zai chang gong, xiao ran he shi ?
Shi lu duo duan, jie wei wo yi.
Lian pei qie lai, du yang qi zhi.
Qin ji qiong nian, shei zhi si yi ?


Reflections on Early History: Nine Chapters: Chapter No. 9

[Zhang Changgong: Western Han imperial advisor who left the palace]


Ah, such big plans ! This Zhang Changgong, why is he now in seclusion?
Life full on many roads, with many forks in them, not everyone will agree with your decisions.                                                                                                    Arriving home, he no longer has to go to the whip, time to concentrate only on raising one’s consciousness.
Until death, living under the radar, who knows of these implied meanings?

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