Tao Yuanming: Various Poems: Twelve Poems: No. 3


Various Poems: Twelve Poems: No. 3

杂 诗 : 十 二 首
荣 华 难 久 居
盛 衰 不 可 量。
昔 为 三 春 蕖
今 作 秋 莲 房。
严 霜 结 野 草
枯 蕖 未 遽 央。
日 月 有 环 周
我 去 不 再 阳。
眷 眷 往 昔 时
忆 此 断 人 肠。


Za Shi: Shi Er Shou


Rong hua nan jiu ju
Sheng shuai bu ke liang.
Xi wei san chun qu
Jin zuo qiu lian fang.

Yan shuang jie ye cao
Ku qu wei ju yang.
Ri yue you huan zhou
Wo qu bu zai yang.
Juan juan wang xi shi
Yi ci duan ren chang.


Various Poems: Twelve Poems: No. 3

Blossom glory and splendors very difficult to live for a long time
Cannot measure prosperity and decline.
In the past, during spring, several lotus leaves and flowers
Today in autumn, lotus seed pods.

Severe frost forms on wild grasses
Withered, yet not quickly finished.
Sun and moon encircles on their orbits
When I depart from this world, never again to return.
Yearn for my previous days
Recalling this, breaks up my insides.


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