Tao Yuanming: Various Poems: Twelve Poems: No. 7


Various Poems: Twelve Poems: No. 7

杂 诗 : 十 二 首
日 月 不 肯 迟
四 时 相 催 迫。
寒 风 拂 枯 条
落 叶 掩 长 陌。
弱 质 与 运 颓
玄 鬓 早 已 白。
素 标 插 人 头
前 途 渐 就 窄。
家 为 逆 旅 舍
我 如 当 去 客。
去 去 欲 何 之?
南 山 有 旧 宅。
Za Shi: Shi Er Shou


Ri yue bu ken chi
Si shi xiang cui po.
Han feng fu ku tiao
Luo ye yan chang mo.

Ruo zhi yu yun tui
Xuan bin zao yi bai.
Su biao cha ren tou
Qian tu jian jiu zhai.

Jia wei ni lu she
Wo ru dang qu ke.
Qu qu yu he zhi ?
Nan shan you jiu zhai.


Various Poems: Twelve Poems: No. 7

Passing of day by day cannot be delayed or slowed
Four seasons push each other forward.
Cold winds through dry branches
Falling leaves cover the long footpaths.

Weakened nature, my destiny crumbles
Dark temple hair already has turned white.
Along with what is on top
Little by little the future narrowing.

My house now seems like a travel inn
I will depart and travel as a visitor.
Where will I wind up?
Buried with my ancestors in the Southern Mountains.

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