Departing Scene
观 别 者
青 青 杨 柳 陌
陌 上 别 离 人。
爱 子 游 燕 赵
高 堂 有 老 秦。
不 行 无 可 养
行 去 百 忧 新。
切 切 委 兄 弟
依 依 向 四 邻。
都 门 帐 饮 毕
从 此 谢 亲 宾。
挥 泪 逐 前 侣
含 悽 动 征 轮。
车 徒 望 不 见
时 见 起 行 尘。
余 亦 辞 家 久
看 之 泪 满 巾。
Guan Bie Zhe
Qing qing yang liu mo
Mo shang bie li ren.
Ai zi you yan zhao
Gao tang you lao qin.
Bu xing wu ke yang
Xing qu bai you xin.
Qie qie wei xiong di
Yi yi xiang si lin.
Du men zhang yin bi
Cong ci xie qin bin.
Hui lei zhu qian lu
Han qi dong zheng lun.
Che tu wang bu jian
Shi jian qi xing chen.
Yu yi ci jia jiu
Kan zhi lei man jin.
Departing Scene
Footpaths through very green poplars and willows
On a path moving away from people.
South of Hebei, a treasured son migrating like the swallows
Parents with many older relatives.
Without traveling he could not be a provider
But when traveling there are many new worries.
A little anxious in trusting brothers
Have to rely a little on the neighbors.
Under a canopy at the gate of the capital city, animals finish watering
From now on will be thankful for a relative’s hospitality.
Leading companions in single file, wipe off one’s tears
Endure melancholy as the long journey moves through its cycles.
As the line strings out, whether on foot or cart I look but cannot see them
Through the traveler’s dust, only occasionally meet up together.
I have also left my family for a long time
See my handkerchief soaked with tears.