Wang Wei: Huang Fuyue at Yunxi: Five Poems: No. 2


Huang Fuyue at Yunxi: Five Poems: No. 2



皇 甫 岳 云 溪 杂 题: 五 首
莲 花 坞
日 日 采 莲 去
洲 长 多 暮 归。
弄 篙 莫 溅 水
畏 湿 红 莲 衣。
Huang Fu Yue Yun Xi Za Ti: Wu Shou

Lian Hua Wu

Ri ri cai lian qu
Zhou chang duo mu gui.
Nong gao mo jian shui
Wei shi hong lian yi.


Huang Fuyue at Yunxi: Five Poems: No. 2

Lotus Flower Hollows

Everyday lotus gatherers go back
Long islets, many return at sunset.
Everywhere plied punt poles splash water
They fear their red lotus work clothes will get wet.

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