Wang Wei: Recall Late Winter Snow at Lay Buddhist Hu’s House


Recall the Late Winter Snow at Lay Buddhist Hu’s House

冬 晚 对 雪 忆 胡 居 士 家
寒 更 传 晓 箭
清 镜 览 衰 颜。
隔 牖 风 惊 竹
开 门 雪 满 山。
洒 空 深 巷 静
积 素 广 庭 闲。
借 问 袁 安 舍
翛 然 尚 闭 关。
Dong Wan Dui Xue Yi Hu Ju Shi Jia

Han geng chuan xiao jian
Qing jing lan shuai yan.
He you feng jing zhu
Kai men xue man shan.

Sa kong shen xiang jing
Ji su guang ting xian.
Jie wen yuan an she
Xiao ran shang bi guan.


Recall the Late Winter Snow at Lay Buddhist Hu’s House

Cold night-watch pierced by the approaching dawn
In a clear mirror see a decline in one’s face.
Wind against the window panes startles the bamboo
Open the door to snow-covered mountains.

End of storm flakes, deep narrow streets calm and still
Accumulated snow in the large, unoccupied front courtyard.
May I ask you, is yours like Yuan An’s house
Where you maintain the habit of secluded meditation and scripture study?



Biguan: To close one’s door and stay in rural seclusion.

Yuan An: (?-92 AD) Famous statesman during the Han Dynasty.

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