Wang Wei: Recall My Shandong Brothers on the Double Ninth Day


Recall My Shandong Brothers on the Double Ninth Day



九 月 九 日 忆 山 东 兄 弟
独 在 异 乡 为 异 客
每 逢 佳 节 倍 思 亲。
遥 知 兄 弟 登 高 处
遍 插 茱 萸 少 一 人。
Jiu Yue Jiu Ri Yi Shan Dong Xiong Di

Du zai yi xiang wei yi ke
Mei feng jia jie bei si qin.
Yao zhi xiong di deng gao chu
Bian cha zhu yu shao yi ren.


Recall My Shandong Brothers on the Double Ninth Day

Alone here not in my hometown, and not as a guest
At every festival, thinking of happy times with relatives.
Far away my close family members climb the mountains
Throughout the house they insert cornel flowers, minus this one person.



Double Ninth Day: Ninth day of the ninth month festival to celebrate a long life and what some call the Harvest Moon.

Cornel flowers: A very aromatic plant used to ward off evil spirits.

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