Stopping at Li Yi’s Residence
过 李 揖 宅
闲 门 秋 草 色
终 日 无 车 马。
客 来 深 巷 中
犬 吠 寒 林 下。
散 发 时 未 簪
道 书 行 尚 把。
与 我 同 心 人
乐 道 安 贫 者。 一 罢 宜 城 酌
还 归 落 阳 社。
Guo Li Yi Zhai
Xian men qiu cao se
Zhong ri wu che ma
Ke lai shen xiang zhong
Quan fei han lin xia
San fa she wei zan
Dao shu xing shang ba
Yu wo tong xin ren
Le dao an pin zhe Yi ba yi cheng zhuo
Huan gui luo yang she.
Stopping at Li Yi’s Residence
Unused door the color of autumn grasses
All day long no horses or carriages.
When visitors do arrive down the deep narrow streets
Hunting dogs bark in the cold forest below.
With no hairpin, his hair free and loose
Travel about, yet still holds onto Daoist books.
Give me people of like mind and spirit
Happiness and joy to be a peaceful and humble follower of the Dao.