Leaving For Pu Tang Post Station. Along the Highway Saw a Quan Gu Village Villa, Suddenly Think of the Capital, For a Long Time Recall Living There in Former Years
发 蒲 塘 驿 沿 路 见 泉 谷 村 塾 忽 想 京 师 旧 居 追 追 怀 昔 年
青 山 导 骑 绕
春 风 行 旆 舒。
均 徭 视 属 城
问 疾 躬 里 闾。
烟 水 依 泉 谷
川 陆 散 樵 渔。
忽 念 故 园 日
复 忆 骊 山 居。
荏 苒 斑 鬓 及
梦 寝 婚 宦 初。
不 觉 平 生 事
咄 嗟 二 纪 馀。
存 没 阔 已 永
悲 多 欢 自 疏。
高 秩 非 为 美
阑 干 泪 盈 裾。
Fa Pu Tang Yi Yan Lu Jian Quan Gu Cun Shu Hu Xiang Jing Shi
Jiu Ju Zhui Huai Xi Nian
Qing shan dao qi rao
Chun feng xing pei shu.
Jun yao shi shu cheng
Wen ji gong li lu.
Yan shui yi quan gu
Chuan lu san qiao yu.
Hu nian gu yuan ri
Fu yi li shan ju.
Ren ran ban bin ji
Meng qin hun huan chu.
Bu jue ping sheng shi
Duo jie er ji yu.
Cun mei kuo yi yong
Bei duo huan zi shu.
Gao zhi fei wei mei
Lan gan lei ying ju.
Leaving For Pu Tang Post Station. Along the Highway Saw a Quan Gu Village Villa, Suddenly Think of the Capital, For a Long Time Recall Living There in Former Years
Riding our horses around green mountains
Spring breezes stretch straight our government pennants.
Need to determine how many city people can be called into working on
government projects
Go inside their alley gates to count how many qualify for a health deferment.
Permanent households with kitchens depend upon spring fed water systems
The rivers and fields have scatterings of woodcutters and fishermen.
Suddenly think of my old garden and orchard days
Again recall living around Mt. Li.
Time slips by like the stripes in my temple hair
In the beginning of marriage, and now being a new official seems like a dream.
All my life’s affairs gone without realizing
It has been twenty-nine years in passing.
Some people have survived, some gone forever
Many sorrows, joys scanty and scattered.
Higher rank and salary does not bring satisfaction
Front of my clothes filled with a thousand teardrops.
Mt. Li: Located northeast of the capital city of Chang’an in Shaanxi Province.