Zheng Xie: Man Jiang Hong ~ 《满江红·麦浪翻风》 郑燮 with English Translations



《满江红·麦浪翻风》 郑燮



Man Jiang Hong
Zheng Xie

Field upon field of billowing wheat
Have long put out its awn.
The creaking waterwheels on slippery paths
Are churning up water capped by white foam.
The farmers have taken off their straw hats
And let the rain comb their heads.
Hoeing the fields,
Beads of their sweat drop on the plants.
The women tending the silkworms have just rushed past
To pick mulberry leaves.
Ah, ’tis a tough life for the farmer.

The wind sweeps by,
Blowing off one’s new conical hat.
The shells of bamboo shoots
Make a rustling sound.
Green club grass floats on the pond;
Red pomegranate flowers peer from the eaves.
You hear children’s laughter
Picking melons on the flatland.
Grown-ups wash their feet in the pond,
As the sun sets and work stops.
In the evening breeze everyone has a tall tale to tell.
The farmer’s life isn’t so bad after all.

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