
Wang Wei: Song of Youth –to the yuef tune Shao Nian Xing ~ 《少年行·其一》 王维 with English Translations

小编导读:《少年行·其一》写侠少的欢聚痛饮。诗开头便以“美酒”领起,因为豪饮酣醉自来被认为是英雄本色。此诗意近李诗,不仅极言酒之珍美,而且还借前人的用语写出慷慨好客、纵情欢乐的盛况。 《少年行·其一》 王维 新丰美酒斗十千,咸阳游侠多少年。 相逢意气为君饮,系马高楼垂柳边。 Song of Youth --to the yuef tune Shao Nian Xing Wang Wei A vessel of Xingfeng wine is worth ten thousand cash; In Xiangyang most of the chivalrous and gallant are young men. Sharing like views and tastes they drink heartily to each other, While their horses are tethered to willows by tall...

Wuxia Fiction

Proverbs and Poems in Minor Snow

During Minor Snow, agricultural production in most areas in China involves field management and farmland capital construction. In this season a snowfall is beneficial for winter wheat. Thus, the proverb “a fall of seasonable snow gives promise of a fruitful year” has been used in China for a long...