
Romance of Three Kingdoms Chapter 60

Zhang Song Turns The Tables On Yang Xiu; Pang Tong Proposes The Occupation Of Shu. The man who proposed the plan spoken of in the last chapter was Zhang Song, who belonged to Yizhou and held the small office of Supernumerary Charioteer. He had a broad forehead, protuberant at the temples...

Wuxia Fiction

Li Qi Poem: Seeing Wei Wan off to the Capital – 李颀《送魏万之京》

送魏万之京 李颀 朝闻游子唱离歌, 昨夜微霜初渡河。 鸿雁不堪愁里听, 云山况是客中过。 关城树色催寒近, 御苑砧声向晚多。 莫见长安行乐处, 空令岁月易蹉跎。 注释: 云山:指令人向往的风景。 关城:指从洛阳西去要经过的古函谷关与潼关。 御苑:特指长安城内御苑清华的景致。 Seeing Wei Wan off to the Capital Li Qi At dawn I hear the roamer’s farewell song; Last night a thin frost crossed the river long. Are you not grieved to hear the wild geese cry? Can you bear clouds and mountains passing by? Yellow leaves hasten the cold to come near. Could...