
The Story of the Stone – CHAPTER 86

CHAPTER 86 Bribery induces an old mandarin to tamper with the course of justice And a discourse on the Qin provides a young lady with a vehicle for romantic feelings It was told in the last chapter how Bao-chai read Xue Ke’s letter aloud to her mother, who then summoned the boy and told...

Wuxia Fiction

Su Shi: Silk-Washing Stream ~ 《浣溪沙·麻叶层层》 苏轼 with English Translations

小编导读:《浣溪沙·麻叶层层》是宋代文学家苏轼的词作。这首词写夏日田园风光、乡村风貌及村中见闻,表现了农民大旱得雨、幸免饥馁的喜悦心情以及词人与民同乐的博大胸怀。 《浣溪沙·麻叶层层》 苏轼 麻叶层层苘叶光, 谁家煮茧一村香? 隔篱娇语络丝娘。 垂白杖藜抬醉眼, 捋青捣麨软饥肠, 问言豆叶几时黄? Silk-Washing Stream Su Shi Maidens make up in haste to see the magistrate; By threes and fives they come out at their hedgerow gate. They push and squeeze and trample each other‘s skirt red. Villagers old and young to celebration are led; With crows and kites they dance thanksgiving in array. At dusk I see...