Su Dongpo: Xumen Rocky Deep Pool: Five Poems: No. 5


Xumen’s Rocky Deep Pool: Five Poems: No. 5


徐 门 石 潭: 五 首
软 草 平 莎 过 雨 新
轻 沙 走 马 路 无 尘
何 时 收 拾 耦 耕 身。
日 暖 桑 麻 光 似 泼
风 来 蒿 艾 气 如 薰。
使 君 元 是 此 中 人。
Xu Men Shi Tan: Wu Shou

Ruan cao ping sha guo you xin
Qing sha zou ma lu wu chen.
He shi shou shi ou geng shen.
Ri nuan sang ma guang si po
Feng lai hao ai qi ru xun.
Shi jun yuan shi ci zhong ren.


Xumen’s Rocky Deep Pool: Five Poems: No. 5

With new rain, nutgrass sprouts soft and level
Horses can walk on the light sand without raising any dust
What time can I go and plough my fields, harvest the crops
As the sun warms up, mulberries and hemp sprinkled with light
Winds arrive, Chinese wormwood smells like sweet grasses
I fell that I am basically a rural person of ordinary ability.

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