Chinese Song: ‘The Great Artist 大艺术家’ by Yilin Cai ~ [Chinese Songs]


‘The Great Artist (大艺术家, Dà yìshùjiā)’ is included in 32-year-old Taiwanese singer Jolin Tsai aka Cai Yilin (蔡依林, Cài Yīlín)’s 2012 album MUSE.

Composer: Robin Jessen, Anna Judith Wik, Nermin Harambasic, Ronny Svendsen, Charite Viken Reinas, Eirik Johanson, Alexander Puntervold
Lyrics: Yan Yunnong
Singer: Jolin Tsai/Cai Yilin

Lyrics (Original Chinese, Pinyin Romanization, and English Translation):



他眼神 湛蓝 像从 爱琴海边 刚归来 (Tā yǎnshén zhànlán xiàng cóng àiqínhǎi biān gāng guīlái)
His eyes, azure, looks like he just got back from an Aegean beach



上半身 像诗人 下半身像 流浪汉 (Shàngbànshēn xiàng shīrén xiàbànshēn xiàng liúlànghàn)
The upper part of his body, is like a poet’s, the lower part of his body, is like a wanderer



你爱他 神秘 爱他 危险 YEAH (Nǐ’àitā shénmì àitā wēixiǎn)
You love him, [for being] mysterious; love him, [for being] dangerous, yeah



爱他 颓废 爱他的优越 (àitā tuífèi àitā de yōuyuè)
Love him, [for being] decadent; love him, [for his] sense of superiority



他心里的野兽 比毕卡索更 狂野 (Tā xīnlǐ de yěshòu bǐ Bìkǎsuǒ gèng kuángyě)
The demons in his heart, are wilder than those in Picasso



桃花比村上隆 画的更泛滥 鲜艳 (Táohuā bǐ Cūnshànglóng huà de gèng fànlàn xiānyàn)
[His] peach blossoms [a metaphor referring to the admiration a man receives from women] are more and brighter in color than the ones painted by Takashi Murakami



他爱你 随和 爱你 方便 (Tā’àinǐ suíhé àinǐ fāngbiàn)
He loves you, [for being] easy-going; loves you, [for your] convenience



YEAH 敢怒不敢言 (YEAH Gǎnnǔ bùgǎnyán)
Yeah, you dare to be angry but don’t dare to voice it



你自我催眠 他是艺术家 (nǐ zìwǒ cuīmián tāshì yìshùjiā)
You hypnotize yourself, [that] he is an artist



你给他色盘 去拼贴背叛 (Nǐgěitā sèpán qù pīntiē bèipàn)
You give him the palette, to collage betrayal



他不是梵谷 也不是莫内 (Tā búshì Fángǔ yě búshì Mònèi)
He is not van Gogh; nor is he Monet



他的模特儿 却都从来不缺少 Huh (Tāde mòté’er què dōu cónglái bùquēshǎo Huh)
He never runs out of models though, huh




面对你他装的 乖的 乖的 (Miànduìnǐ tā zhuāngde guāide guāide)
In front of you, he pretends to be goody good



背对你却乱来 坏的 坏的 (Bèiduìnǐ què luànlái huàide huàide)
But behind your back, he misbehaves as bad as they come


Ne Ne Ne Ne Ne… Never stop


他只想搜集 更多 芭比娃娃 (Tā zhǐxiǎng sōují gèngduō Bābǐwáwa)
He just wants to collect even more Barbie dolls




Wake up 你是大艺术家 (Wake up Nǐshì dàyìshùjiā)
Wake up, you are the great artist



你真心 创作的爱 无价 (Nǐ zhēnxīn chuàngzuò de ài wújià)
The love you create with all your heart is priceless



Wake up 别再做慈善家 (Wake up Biézài zuò císhànjiā)


Wake up, don’t be a philanthropist anymore



你其实 没有那么爱他 (Nǐ qíshí méiyǒu nàme àitā)
[because] you actually don’t love him that much




爱是缪思女神的吻 (ài shì Miùsīnǚshén de wěn)
Love is the kiss from Goddess Muse



谁都应该被宠爱 纹身 (Shuí dōu yīnggāi bèichǒng’ài wénshēn)
Everyone should be tattooed with excessive affection


Go get it. Go get it.


那种美能让 维纳斯诞生 (Nàzhǒngměi néngràng Wéinàsī dànshēng)
The kind of beauty can give birth to Venus



你无需 忍受他的 (Nǐ wúxū rěnshòutā de)
You don’t need to put up with his



人在曹营 心在汉 (Rén zài Cáoyíng xīn zài Hàn)
“presence in the Cao camp while his heart is leaning towards Han” [a Chinese idiom describing disloyalty]



要学会 放下不甘 戒掉母性泛滥 (Yào xuéhuì fàngxià bùgān jièdiào mǔxìng fànlàn)
You need to learn how to give up your unwillingness [to see other women take away the boyfriend], and renounce your maternal instinct [the tendency to give and sacrifice]



他要你 让让 你就 让让 YEAH (Tāyàonǐ ràngràng nǐjiù ràngràng YEAH)
[When] he asks you to make concessions, you just make concessions, yeah



说的爱你 只是嚷嚷 (Shuōde àinǐ zhǐshì rǎngrang)
The “I love yous” he says, are just empty words



他的 博爱 始终没有极限 (Tāde bó’ài shǐzhōng méiyǒu jíxiàn)
His universal love [fickleness and flirtatiousness in love] has no limits



复制 谎言 瓶颈不曾出现 (Fùzhì huǎngyán píngjìng bùcéng chūxiàn)
[When he] duplicates his lies, the “bottleneck” never comes up [meaning you never stop him]



你该说再见 就说再见 (Nǐ gāishuō zàijiàn jiùshuō zàijiàn)
You must say goodbye, just say goodbye



YEAH 千万别留恋 (YEAH Qiānwàn bié liúliàn)
Yeah, never ever look back







美不美丽 不是安迪沃荷 能决定 (Měi bù měilì búshì āndíwòhé néng juédìng)
Whether [you are] beautiful or not for Andy Warhol to decide



大艺术家 要有属于自己的感性 (Dàyìshùjiā yàoyǒu shǔyú zìjǐ de gǎnxìng)
The great artist should have her own sensibility



爱过就要 拥有勇敢放手 的淡 定 (àiguò jiùyào yōngyǒu yǒnggǎn fàngshǒu de dàndìng)
And have the calmness of bravely letting go after you loved



大艺术家 会让爱情再文艺复兴 (Dàyìshùjiā huì ràng àiqíng zài Wényìfùxīng)
The great artist is able to create the renaissance of love


Do it now!



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