Wei Zhuang Poem: Farewell to a Japanese Monk – 韦庄《送日本国僧敬龙归》









[1] 敬龙:日本僧人的名字。诗中的“师”也是指此人。

[2] 扶桑:《梁书·东夷传》中记载:“扶桑在大汉国东二万余里,地在中国之东,其土多扶桑木,故以为名。”《十洲记》中也称:“扶桑在碧海中,树长数千丈,一千余围,两干同根,更相依倚,日所出处。”一般以扶桑为东海古国,后来称日本为扶桑。

[3] 渺茫:遥远空荡的样子。

Farewell to a Japanese Monk

Wei Zhuang

The land of mulberry is in the boundless sea;

Your home’s farther east to the land of mulberry.

Who would arrive with you at the land of your dreams?

A sail unfurled in wind, a boat steeped in moonbeams.

Japan was called the land of mulberry.


The poem “Farewell to a Japanese Monk” is a seven-part poem composed by Wei Zhuang, a writer of the Tang Dynasty. The poem is written to bid farewell to a Japanese monk returning to his homeland, wishing his friend a safe journey and a smooth arrival in his hometown. The poet only writes on the word “send back”, reflecting his concern for his foreign friend and his feelings of farewell. The language of the poem is simple and fresh, and the feelings are sincere and touching. The two imageries, the moon and the wind, express the poet’s wish for blessing and also depict a wonderful and magnificent picture of a boat traveling on the sea and the moon, which attracts the imagination.

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