Liu Zongyuan: The Snake-Catcher ~ 柳宗元 《捕蛇者说》 with English Translations



柳宗元 《捕蛇者说》






The Snake-Catcher
Liu Zongyuan

The country around Yongzhou yields a curious snake — black withwhite spots. Any plant it touches dies, and its bite is fatal. But if caughtand dried for medicine, it cures leprosy, palsy and boils, heals putrid soresand checks all noxious humours. In earlier times it was decreed that two snakesshould be presented each year to the imperial physician, and that those whocaptured them should be exempted from other taxes. So the people of Yongzhoumade every effort to catch them.

I questioned a man named Jiang, whose family had made a living inthis way for three generations.

“My grandfather died of snake-bite,so did my father,” he told me in great distress. “Now I have followed in theirsteps for twelve years, and narrowly escaped death several times.”

I pitied him.

“If you hate this calling,” I said,“I can ask the authorities to release you from it and let you pay land taxinstead. What do you say?”

Jiang was appalled. Tears welled up in his eyes.

“Have pity on me, sir!” he cried.“Though this is a wretched life, it is better than paying taxes. If not forthese snakes, I would have come to grief long ago. For the sixty years that mygrandfather, father and I have lived here, our neighbours have been more andmore hard put to it every day. When their soil is exhausted, their savingsspent, they leave their homes lamenting to fall hungry and thirsty by thewayside; or toil winter and summer in the wind and rain, contracting diseasestill their corpses pile up. Of my grandfather’s generation, not one in ten isleft; not three in ten of my father’s; and not five in ten of those who were myneighbours twelve years ago. The rest are dead or gone while I alone live on —because I catch snakes. When those bullying tax-collectors come to our area,they bellow and curse from east to west and rampage from north to south, makingsuch a fearful din that the very birds and dogs have no peace. Then I tiptoefrom my bed to look into my pitcher, but breathe freely again at the sight ofmy snakes and lie down once more. I feed my snakes carefully, and present themin due season, then come home to enjoy the fruits of my fields in comfort. Irisk death twice a year, but live happily for the rest, unlike my neighbourswho face death every day. Though I die of snake-bite, I shall have outlivedmost of them. How could I hate this calling?”

At this I pitied the fellow even more.

I used to doubt that saying of Confucius: “Tyranny is more rapaciousthan a tiger.” But Jiang’s case convinced me of its truth. Alas, to think thattaxation can prove more dire than a poisonous snake! So I have written thisessay for those who study conditions in the countryside.

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