Li Shangyin Poem: Our Old Abode—Elegy on My Deceased Wife – 李商隐《正月崇让宅》













[1] 崇让宅:洛阳崇阳坊有河阳节度使王茂元的住宅。

[2] 月含晕:月色朦胧。

[3] 帘旌:帘上端的布横沿。

[4] 窗网:古代将窗扇刻成网形,故云。

[5] 《起夜来》:乐府曲调。

Our Old Abode—Elegy on My Deceased Wife

Li Shangyin

Doors locked, curtains drawn down, on the mossy ground,

In winding corridor alone I stroll around.

By lunar halo the rising wind is foretold.

How can the flowers bloom when drenched in dew cold?

I toss in bed when curtain’s hit by a bat;

I am surprised to hear in the net squeak a rat.

Alone I talk with your shadow by the lamplight.

How can I help singing with you “Rising at Night”?

The poet describes the dreary old adode after his wife’s death.


A poem in seven lines written by Li Shangyin, a poet of the Tang Dynasty. The first couplet of this poem is based on the title “Chongjan House”, describing the desolation of the house and the sadness and misery. The first couplet of the poem is about the coldness and desolation of the house. The first couplet of the poem is about the coldness and desolation of the first month of the year, and the first couplet of the poem is about the coldness and desolation of the month of the year. The neck couplet shifts from the outdoor environment to the indoor scenery, using movement to write about the stillness, highlighting the poet’s loneliness and solitude. The last couplet does not say that the poet himself misses his wife, but that his late wife misses himself. The poem uses the technique of seeing the emotion from the scene, rendering the emotion true and touching through the description of the environment.

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