The Deer And The Cauldron 21


The Deer And The Cauldron 21
第二十一回 金剪无声云委地 宝钗有梦燕依人

Chapter 15-In which Trinket returns to Peking and meets Princess Ning is made a Manchu Bannerman Colonel and sent to the Shaolin MonasterYi encounters the Wang Wu Clan en route; and, as Father Treasure, meets Two Very Interesting Young Ladies

Back in the Palace-The Tomboy Princess-Emperor and Shifu-Mistress and Slave-The Bannerman ColonelGambling on the March-Father Treasure-Green Girl and Blue Girl-Green Girl and Blue Girl again, in Strange Circumstances


Back in the Palace

Some days later their ship berthed at Qinhuangdao and they disembarked and continued their journey by land. ‘I’ve got to think of some way of getting inside the Palace,’ Trinket told his companions when they finally reached Peking, ‘but I don’t know how long this job is going to take. I think we’d better first look for somewhere safe to stay.’ Doctor Lu made this his responsibility and rented a house for them in Hair Lane in a quiet part of the North City near the Gate of Military Proclamation. As soon as they had moved in there and were comfortably settled, Trinket went off on his own to make contact with his Triad friends at their headquarters in Sweet Water Lane; but the place had now become a tea emporium and and his muttered password evoked only a blank stare. It was clear that the new occupant was not a Triad and that the Triads had moved their headquarters to somewhere else in the city. He made his way to the Bridge of Heaven, reasoning that even if Xu Tianchuan, the Eight-Armed Ape, wasn’t at his usual stand, having perhaps, like himself, been forced to join the Mystic Dragon Sect, he was bound to run into one or other of the Brothers somewhere in that area. But though he tramped round the whole of it three times, he didn’t catch sight of a single one of them.

Abandoning the search, he made his way to the inn near the West Straight Gate where he had stayed last time he was in the city and where he had hidden the copy of the Sutra in Forty-Two Sections entrusted to him by the Old Emperor. By generous tipping he was able to obtain the same upper room, which by a stroke of luck was unoccupied, and after a brief rest on the bed, having first made sure that there was nobody around outside, he used his dagger to prise the brick out of the wall behind which the Sutra was concealed. To his relief it was still there in the hole. He took it out and undid the oilskin wrapping. After a brief inspection to make sure it was unharmed, he thrust it into the inside pocket of his gown, replaced the brick, slipped out of the inn, and hurried off to the Palace. A little trouble with the guard on the Palace gate was quickly resolved when he identified himself and explained that he was disguised as a commoner because he had been on a secret mission and was hurrying back to report.

Back once more in his own room in the Palace, he changed into his eunuch’s uniform, wrapped the Sutra in an old cloth, and went straight to the Upper Library to see the Emperor. Apprised of his coming, a beaming Kang Xi stood in the doorway of the inner library to welcome him. Tamardy, Laurie!’ he cried joyfully. ‘What a long time you’ve been away! Bugger in!’ (Kang Xi’s ventures into the vernacular were sometimes a little wild. Fortunately it was only Trinket who ever heard them.) Trinket knelt and kowtowed. ‘Congratulations, Your Majesty! It’s very good news.’

Kang Xi knew that this meant his father was alive and well. A surge of emotion caused him to reel momentarily, so that he had to clutch the side of the doorway to steady himself. ‘Come inside,’ he said. ‘I want to hear everything.’ His voice was trembling. After following him inside, Trinket closed and barred the door and looked carefully behind the bookcases before embarking on his story. ‘Well, I saw His Old Majesty in the Wutai Mountains,’ he began in a low voice. Kang Xi grasped his hand. ‘So … so he did go there and become a monk. What did he say?’

Trinket told him about his meeting with the Old Emperor. He also told him about the attempt made by the Tibetan lamas to kidnap him and how he, Trinket, helped by the Eighteen Lohans from the Shaolin Monastery, had frustrated them. He may perhaps have embroidered the facts a little, particularly when speaking of the part he had played himself in that affair. The young Emperor was horrified. ‘How terrible! I must send a thousand of the guards there immediately.’ Trinket shook his head. ‘I don’t think His Old Majesty would want that.’ He went on to tell him how the Old Emperor had praised his son, saying that Kang Xi was a better Emperor than he had been and must always continue to work for the welfare of his people. Kang Xi broke down and wept. When Trinket handed him the Sutra the Old Emperor had given him, tears fell on the cloth wrapping. They fell even faster when Kang Xi saw the inscription, Never Raise Taxes, on the flyleaf and recognized his father’s own writing.

‘Tamardy!’ thought Trinket. ‘If he’s going to carry on like this, I might as well cry too for company. A few tears don’t cost anything: they might even add a bit to my reward.’ He had always cried easily. In Yangzhou, across his mother’s knee, the tears had started falling even before her cane had made contact with his bottom. Soon he was putting on a very convincing performance. Somewhat surprised at seeing Trinket’s real tears, Kang Xi checked his own weeping and asked the reason for them.

‘Boo-hoo,’ sobbed Trinket, ‘I was just thinking how kind His Old Majesty was to me when I saw him on Wutai. If I hadn’t known how anxious you’d be if I didn’t return, I’d have stayed on to look after him. I’m worried that someone else might try to harm him.’


‘I’m worried about that too,’ said Kang Xi. ‘I tell you what, Laurie. It’s a good thing my father has taken a liking to you, because although I really need you here, a good son ought to put his father’s needs Erst and—’

Trinket’s jaw dropped. ‘Holy ting-a-ling bells!’ he thought. ‘Idiot! Why did I say that? He’s going to send me back to Wutai to be a monk and look after his dad.’ And this was just what Kang Xi now proposed. Trinket began sobbing again, this time with genuine feeling. ‘I can’t bear the thought of leaving you,’ he said between sobs—not because he thought there was the slightest chance of Kang Xi changing his mind, but by way of explaining his tears.

Kang Xi patted him kindly on the shoulder. There, there, Laurie! I’ll be visiting the monastery from time to time. It’s not as if you’ll never see me again. I’ll probably be paying a visit there in a month or two. Anyway, there’s nothing to stop you becoming a layman again in the course of time. You can learn to read and write while you’re in the monastery, so that when the time comes I’ll be able to give you a really important post.’

Trinket knew that ‘when the time comes’ meant when Shun Zhi, who might yet live forty years, had died, so he was scarcely comforted. He didn’t, in any case, want to end his days as a high-ranking Manchu official. However, his busy mind was soon thinking of ways in which he could deceive the Old Emperor into releasing him. For example, he might impress on that tender soul how much the Young Emperor was pining for his favourite eunuch, unable to eat properly and losing weight. The prospect cheered him and he promised Kang Xi continuing devotion in his new role.


To show his pleasure, Kang Xi gave Trinket carte blanche to reimburse himself from the Privy Purse for the expenses he had incurred on this last mission. But Trinket confessed that he had already helped himself rather generously while supervising, with Songgotu, the confiscation of Oboi’s estate, and that, moved to repentance by the teaching and example of the Old Emperor, he had used the money pocketed on that earlier occasion, which strictly speaking was the Emperor’s own, for pious donations during his Wutai visit. ‘I shall be nicely covered now if there’s ever an inquiry,’ he thought. But Kang Xi, suspecting nothing, was impressed.

Kang Xi was curious to hear more about Wutai and its temples, but their conversation was interrupted by the sound of footsteps outside and a ringing female voice. ‘Emperor-brother, when are you going to give me that fight?’ This was followed by some hefty knocks on the door and the rattle of someone trying impatiently to get in. ‘Better open it,’ said Kang Xi with a somewhat rueful smile. The Tomboy Princess

A fifteen- or sixteen-year-old girl dressed entirely in crimson brocade rushed like a whirlwind into the room as soon as Trinket had unbarred the door. She had a fine, oval face with strikingly thin lips and a lively, somewhat imperious expression. Because of his fear of the Empress Dowager, Trinket avoided the Hall of Maternal Tranquillity as much as possible and had never met most of its occupants; but he knew that one of them was the Empress Dowager’s own daughter, Princess Ning, and guessed that this was her. ‘Emperor-brother,’ said the Princess, ‘you promised to give me a fight. Why do you keep putting it off? Are you afraid?’ ‘Afraid?’ said Kang Xi, laughing. ‘I doubt you’re even a match for my pupil here. I’m sure you’re not good enough for me\’ He winked at Trinket, who gathered that he had been given a new role to play. He began formally presenting himself. ‘I’m Laurie, Your Highness. His Majesty has been good enough to teach me some kungfu. May I humbly—’

As he bowed down low she gave a little laugh and, without any warning, just as his head had reached its lowest level, shot out a foot and caught him squarely on the jaw, driving it upwards so that his teeth bit almost through his tongue. When he opened his mouth and cried out in pain, the blood flowed freely down the front part of his gown. Kang Xi was aghast, but the Princess only laughed. This pupil of yours is useless, Emperor-brother,’ she said. ‘He couldn’t even dodge the little kick I gave him. I don’t suppose you’re much better.’ ‘Are you all right, Laurie?’ Kang Xi asked with concern. ‘Your tongue must be very painful.’

‘Not too bad,’ said Trinket, trying hard to smile, though his tongue hurt so badly he could hardly speak. ‘Dod doo bad,’ the Princess mimicked. Tbe odely half dead and I’be feeling very sad.’ She grabbed her Imperial brother by the hand. ‘Come on!’ she said. ‘Let’s have this fight!’

The Princess had once or twice in the past watched the Empress Dowager giving Kang Xi lessons in kungfu and begged that she might have some herself; but the Empress Dowager, though not refusing outright, had been unwilling to give her much of her time, so she had gone off and badgered members of the Palace Guards to teach her. As they did their best to humour her and fell down each time she touched them, she considered herself a champion. But though she had picked up a good deal of the lingo, there was precious little else that she had learned from them. As a fighter she was negligible and had been beaten easily when she challenged her brother to a fight. Having recently got her Guards instructor to teach her a little Catch-Can, she was now anxious to make another trial of her skill. But Kang Xi was in no mood to indulge her. ‘Not now,’ he said. ‘I’m really too busy. Train a bit longer and we’ll have a match another time.’ -. The Princess frowned. ‘You promised. Refusing a challenge counts as defeat.’ ‘All right,’ said Kang Xi. ‘I concede defeat. Princess Ning is the champion. Her punch can knock out the Tiger of the South and her kick eliminate the Dragon of the North.’

‘You mean the Little Worm of the North,’ said the Princess, aiming another kick at Trinket, which this time, however, he sidestepped with the agility of a trained fighter. The Princess could see that her brother wasn’t going to fight with her; and since Trinket was about her size and appeared to have had some training, she decided that he would do instead. ‘Very well,’ she told Trinket. ‘You’ll have to fight me, since your teacher’s too scared.’ ‘Yes, Laurie, you go and play with her,’ said Kang Xi, who had always had a soft spot for his tomboyish sister and didn’t like to disappoint her. ‘We can continue our discussion tomorrow.’

As they were on their way out, she suddenly stopped, squared up to Kang Xi, and raised her fists. ‘Watch this, Emperor-brother!’ She tried to execute a Double Drumbeat on him, driving her fists against his temples; but Kang Xi was too quick for her, parrying with an Opening the Window defence which sent her reeling. Trinket could not help laughing at her discomfiture, which so enraged her that she seized his ear and twisted it painfully, then marched, still holding him by it, out of the Library and down the long corridor outside, past the eunuchs and guards, who, though they dared not show it, were no doubt entertained by the spectacle of the Emperor’s favourite bowed down and trotting along behind her.

‘All right, all right,’ said Trinket. ‘Let go of my ear and I’ll follow you anywhere!’ ‘You’re a dangerous criminal,’ said the Princess. ‘Now that I’ve arrested you, I can’t possibly let you go. I shall have to immobilize you.’ She pointed a finger and jabbed it into his chest. ‘Oh, I’m paralysed!’ said Trinket, entering into the spirit of the thing by sitting down hard on the ground and freezing into immobility. ‘Get up!’ she said, and gave him a few gentle kicks. Then, as he still hadn’t moved, she kicked him again, this time very hard, in the kidneys. Trinket decided that enough was enough and jumped up with a great ‘Ow!’ That one released me,’ he said. ‘I don’t think even your Emperor-brother could have done that.’

‘Smarmy villain!’ said the Princess. ‘Who said I know anything about Vital Points?’ (She didn’t.) But secretly she was rather pleased that he was playing along with her. ‘Follow me!’ she said. She led him to the room in which he and Kang Xi used to do their sparring. When they were inside, she told him to bar the door. ‘I don’t want anyone stealing my methods,’ she said. ‘Silly bitch!’ thought Trinket. ‘What do you know about kungfu that anyone would want to steal?’ He closed the door; but when he turned to get the door-bar, he found the Princess holding it. He thought she had picked it up to hand it to him, but the next moment there was an explosion in his ears and a sharp pain in the crown of his head and he fell down unconscious.

When he came to, she was standing over him grinning, one hand on her hip, the other still holding the door-bar. ‘You really are useless,’ she said. ‘A kungfu fighter needs eyes in the back of his head. You don’t seem to have learnt anything.’ His head felt as if it was split in two, and from the sickly smell that filled his nostrils he knew that the stickiness which prevented him from opening his left eye properly must be caused by blood from his broken crown. ‘Get up and fight, if you’re a man!’ shouted the Princess, aiming a blow at his shoulder.

He got to his feet and tried to wrest the door-bar from her, but while they were struggling it caught him a crack on the right cheek-bone which made him see stars. ‘Bandit!’ she cried. ‘Highwayman! Scum like you must be exterminated!’ She swung the door-bar in a great sweep and Trinket went down again, this time on his face. Pleased with her handiwork, she raised the bar in both hands and aimed at the back of his head. It would undoubtedly have brained him if he had not rolled away in time. As it was, it hit the floor with a mighty thump and hurt her hand. ‘Horrible little eunuch!’ she screamed in rage. ‘How dare you dodge away when I’m trying to hit you!’

More blows followed when he had struggled once more to his feet, including one that nearly broke his arm. This isn’t playing,’ thought Trinket. ‘She’s out to kill me. The Empress Dowager must have put her up to this!’ Princess or no princess, he wanted to stay alive. In desperation he went for her eyes, and when she recoiled in fear, tripped her up with his foot, picked up the door-bar, and raised it up to strike. But almost at once he knew that he couldn’t do it. If he did, he would be guilty of high treason, the penalty for which was considerably worse than death by door-bar.

‘Horrible little eunuch!’ said the Princess while he hesitated. ‘Help me up. You’re no match for me. I just tripped over, that’s all.’ Almost without thinking what he was doing, he helped her to her feet. The blood from his head-wound was trickling down over his face and blinding him. He tried wiping it with his sleeve. ‘Useless creature, let me wipe it for you,’ said the Princess. ‘On River and Lake, people are supposed to help each other when they are in trouble.’ She took out a snow-white handkerchief and set about wiping the blood from his face. They were standing very close and he could smell the scent she was wearing. Suddenly he realized that she was rather pretty.

‘I was wrong,’ he thought. ‘She’s not trying to kill me, she really is playing. It’s just that she’s overdoing it a bit,’ But his martyrdom was not over yet. Turn round,’ she said, and he did so obediently: but instead of a gentle touch on his head he felt a sharp pain in the small of his back and an encircling leg round both of his which brought him once more face downwards on the floor. Next moment she was stabbing the back of his legs with a knife she had extracted from one of her little boots. ‘Is that painful?’ she asked. ‘If you say “Not too bad” again, I shall do it harder,’ ‘It’s very painful indeed,’ said Trinket. ‘If this really was River and Lake, you’d release me, now that I’m in your power.’ ‘Ah, some crimes can’t be forgiven,’ said the Princess. ‘A great pirate like you must first be made to confess.’

She bound his feet with his own belt, then tied his hands behind him with a strip of cloth cut from his gown. With mounting horror he watched her go to a table at the side of the room on which were some candlesticks and a tinder-box and light one of the candles. She was going to burn him! She did in fact hold the candle-flame to a corner of his gown, but soon grew impatient when it didn’t at once catch fire. Then her eye lit on his long, glossy pigtail and she gleefully set fire to that. A flame leapt up and engulfed his head, and the whole room was filled with the acrid smell of burning hair. Such was his panic that he managed, trussed up as he was, to struggle to his feet and ram his burning head into her stomach. The flames were extinguished and the Princess was temporarily winded; but having recovered herself, she kicked him in the head and, for the third time, he fainted.

This time when he came to, she was standing over him with a packet of white stuff in her hands. ’This is salt,’ she said. ‘I got this tip from the guards. They say it’s very good for getting a confession,’ Using her knife again, she cut away the front of his gown and made a few incisions in his chest into which she proceeded to rub some of the salt. Then she rolled him over and sprinkled some of it into the cuts she had made in his legs. His whole body was now in such anguish that he was nearly mad with pain.




He knew now that she was only playing but that, to this spoiled, unfeeling girl, eunuchs and maids-of-honour were scarcely human, and killing one of them was of no more consequence than squashing an ant. The thought that he was only an ant to her made him furious. Rage gave him superhuman strength. Wriggling about as she bent over him, he kicked out with both his feet and caught her in the solar plexus, knocking all the wind from her body and laying her out temporarily unconscious. In the brief respite this gave him he managed, by several contortions, to extract the dagger from his boot with one of his bound hands and cut through the belt which bound his feet. Then he plunged the dagger into a leg of the table, sat on the floor with his back to it, and freed his hands by rubbing the cloth which bound them against the blade. Though the whole of his body was in agony, a great happiness swept over him. He went over to the Princess and kicked her once more in the stomach.

Curiously, this second kick had the effect of bringing her back to consciousness. She gave a little sigh, opened her eyes, and got up slowly on her feet. Almost at once she began cursing him: ‘Horrible little eunuch . . . !’ But Trinket’s wrath was now thoroughly roused and he slapped her hard on both cheeks. Then he punched her in the chest and sent her sprawling by sweeping her feet from under her with his leg. When she tried to get up, he sat down on her facing her feet and began fiercely pummelling every part of her that he could reach, legs, back, and bottom. ‘Stinking little tart!’ he cried, as his fists flailed down on her. ‘Whore’s abortion! I’ll kill you!’ ‘Don’t you dare!’ she screamed. ‘I’ll tell my mother. I’ll tell the Emperor. I’ll have you executed by a thousand cuts,’

This gave him pause. Execution by a thousand cuts, sometimes known as the Slow Process, was a particularly nasty form of death, a lingering farewell to this world, during which bits of the body were sliced away one by one. But then he thought that now he’d started, he might just as well go on, so that, whatever the consequences, at least he would have had the satisfaction of giving her a good thrashing. ‘I don’t give a damn,’ he said. ‘Damn you! And all your ancestors!’ He laid into her again, but after a few more thumps she gave a little giggle. Trinket stopped in surprise. He pulled his dagger from the table-leg and, using his free hand to turn her over, pointed it threateningly at her throat. ‘What’s so funny?’ The Princess’s face was full of smiles. ‘You can go on hitting me if you like,’ she said coyly ‘only not quite so hard.’ Trinket was mystified. Was this some sort of trap? He put his dagger away and placed a foot on her chest. ‘Don’t try anything,’ he said. ‘I’m not falling for any more of your tricks.’

She tried to raise her head, but he pushed her back by her forehead. Then she let fly a kick. It caught him on one of the salt-filled cuts, which were already throbbing painfully. In a fury he began slapping her—left, right, left, right—on both sides of her face. ‘Don’t hit my face,’ she said. ‘If you hurt my face, the Empress Dowager will notice it and start asking questions.’ He gritted his teeth and gave her a couple of savage pinches on her left arm. ‘Aiyo, aiyo!’ she cried and frowned a little: but there was a look almost of happiness in her eyes. ‘Tamardy!’ said Trinket. ‘You liked that, didn’t you!’

She kicked again. This was too much. He tied her hands and feet up with both their belts, knelt on her shoulders, and began pinching her all over as hard as he could. She laughed. ‘Horrible little eunuch! I mean dear eunuch, darling eunuch! Have mercy!’

Trinket got up, panting. His body hurt all over and he felt he was going to faint. His anger had subsided somewhat, giving way to a sensation rather like the one he had experienced when he was with Fang Yi on the voyage; but he still couldn’t make her out. ‘This is fun,’ she said. ‘Can’t we go on playing?’ ‘Fun!’ said Trinket. ‘Your “playing” has just about killed me.’ ‘I can’t hurt you while I’m tied up,’ said the Princess.’ You can go on hitting me though if you like.’ He spat. ‘You’re no Princess,’ he said. ‘You’re a little tart.’

‘Are you really not going to play any more?’ she asked. ‘Let’s meet again tomorrow, then.’ He shook his head. ‘I can’t come tomorrow. It will take me more than a day to get over these injuries. More like a month, I should think.’ He began untying the belts round her hands and feet. ‘You must come tomorrow,’ she said. ‘I shall be waiting here for you at the same time. If you don’t come, I shall show the Empress Dowager what you’ve done to me.’ She rolled up one of her sleeves and showed him her arm. It was entirely covered with black and blue bruises where he had pinched her.

‘All right,’ he said. Til come on condition that you don’t hit me any more.’ After some argument she agreed. ‘Whenever I try playing with one of the guards or one of the other eunuchs,’ she said, ‘they won’t fight back properly. The only person who’s ever given me a proper fight is the Emperor, and even he has never really hurt me like you did. So don’t worry, Laurie, I shan’t kill you. I can’t afford to lose you.’


Quite suddenly she leant forwards and gave him a kiss, then turned and fled, blushing, from the room. Trinket sat down heavily, his head spinning. She must be a bit mad, this Princess. The more you hit her and swore at her, the more she seemed to like it. Tamardy!’ he thought. ‘Can she really have taken a fancy to me? I’m supposed to be a eunuch!’ But for the time being he was feeling too muzzy to think properly. Slowly getting to his feet, he dragged himself off to his room, where, utterly exhausted, he threw himself down on the bed and went straight to sleep.

He must have slept for about five hours, because it was already getting dark when he awoke. His whole body hurt so much that he could hardly help crying out, and when he got up and went to wash the salt out of his wounds, he found that the blood from them had congealed and stuck to his clothes, making it agony to undress. He did eventually succeed in undressing, all the time cursing the hateful girl who was responsible for his suffering, and when he had washed and dried the numerous cuts and stab-wounds she had inflicted, he sprinkled them liberally with wound-powder.

Emperor and Shifu

Trinket went on duty next day sporting two black eyes. His nose, cheeks, and lips were swollen and his eyebrows and most of his hair, including his long, glossy pigtail, had been burnt away. Kang Xi knew that this was the handiwork of his precious sister, but was shocked by the extent of the damage. ‘Did the Princess do this?’ he asked. ‘I hope you’re not seriously injured.’ ‘It’s not too bad,’ said Trinket, managing a rueful smile. ‘I’m afraid I let you down badly, Majesty. I’ll have to train at least another three years before I can be a credit to you.’

Kang Xi was relieved that he was taking his beating in good part. He had been worried that Trinket might ask him to side with him against the Princess, which he could not possibly have done, since she was a member of the ruling class whose prerogative it was to beat servants as and when they pleased. In that case Trinket might have carried his resentment with him to the Wutai Mountains and been considerably less enthusiastic about serving the Old Emperor. ‘You’re a good fellow,’ he said. ‘I really must do something to reward you. What would you like?’ ‘Perhaps you could give me a few tips that I could use in future combat,’ said Trinket. Kang Xi was rather tickled.

‘All right,’ he said, and proceeded to demonstrate a few of the methods he had learned from the Empress Dowager. When Trinket thought he had mastered them, he dropped to his knees and kowtowed, knocking his head altogether eight times on the floor. ‘Majesty, will you be my Shifu, and have Trinket Wei as your first pupil?’ Since his return from the island he had noticed that, though Kang Xi had not grown physically during his absence, he had gained considerably in authority and self-importance and was no longer the carefree Misty with whom he had romped and wrestled in the past. Kang Xi, for his part, saw that they could no longer pretend to be equals, even when they were alone, and rather welcomed the new teacher-pupil relationship that Trinket was offering him. ‘All right,’ he said. ‘I was the one who started this and an Emperor shouldn’t go back on his word. I accept you as my pupil. Only you must never let anyone else know about this.’

He called for service, and two guards and two eunuchs came running in. Kang Xi made them stand in a row, shoulder to shoulder, then, taking a pair of scissors from his desk, he walked along behind them, selected the largest, glossiest pigtail of the four, and cut it off. It belonged to one of the eunuchs. The wretched fellow, scared out of his wits, dropped down on his knees and began kowtowing. ‘Your Majesty, Your Majesty,’ he whimpered, ‘forgive me, forgive me.’ ‘Don’t be afraid,’ said Kang Xi. ‘I award you ten taels compensation. Now be off with you all!’ The pigtail-less eunuch got up, and the four of them, totally nonplussed, walked backwards, bowing, from the room. The ways of Heaven and the whims of Princes were alike unfathomable. Who were they to question them?

‘You’d better take this,’ Kang Xi said, handing Trinket the pigtail when the two of them were once more alone together. ‘You won’t need any hair when you’re a monk, but in the meantime this will make you look a bit more presentable.’ Trinket kowtowed his thanks and stood watching him expectantly. The young Emperor had sat down at his desk and appeared to be lost in thought. Here he was, pretending to be Trinket’s teacher, Kang Xi was thinking, yet in actual fact neither of them was much good at kungfu, or would be of much use to his father in a crisis. Who were the great masters of self-defence? Probably the most dependable to have around you in times of need were the monks of the Shaolin Monastery, where the arts of self-defence had been preserved and cultivated for centuries. A plan began forming itself in his mind. ‘You can go now,’ he told Trinket. ‘Come and see me again tomorrow.’

Mistress and Slave

When Trinket got back to his room, he sent for one of the Imperial Physicians, who assured him, after examining his wounds and applying medication to them, that although they were so painful, they were only superficial and ought to heal up in a couple of weeks or so; then, after finishing his lunch, he went off to keep his appointment with the Princess. Rather surprisingly, though apprehensive that she might try to hurt him again, he found himself quite looking forward to seeing her.

As soon as he entered the room, she was on him with a shout; but this time he was ready for her. He warded off the blow and soon had her bending forwards with an arm twisted behind her back. ‘Horrible little eunuch!’ she cried. ‘A bit livelier today than yesterday, aren’t you!’ ‘My name’s Laurie, if you don’t mind,’ said Trinket. ‘Just say “Laurie”, will you, or “dear Laurie”, unless you want me to break your arm.’


But the Princess was unwilling to admit herself beaten, and put up a struggle. He gave her a few thumps, and she smilingly informed him that she only felt really happy when she saw his blood flowing.

This made Trinket completely lose his temper, and he gave her such a trouncing that she ended up helpless on the floor. After much pleading, and only after she had promised not to try hitting him again, he consented to help her up and support her on her way back to her apartment, which was on the west side of the Hall of Maternal Tranquillity where the Empress Dowager lived.


As soon as they arrived at the entrance, he turned to go. ‘No, come inside,’ she said. ‘There’s something I want to show you.’ There were four eunuchs and four Palace ladies on duty outside, so he couldn’t argue. He had to submit while she took him by the hand and led him through to her bedroom. Soon two Palace ladies came in with hot towels. The Princess took one and wiped her perspiring face with it, then handed one to Trinket. The women goggled somewhat to see the Princess treating a mere eunuch almost more politely than she did her own mother.

‘What are you staring at?’ she shouted, going for the eyes of the nearer one with her nails. Fortunately she missed the woman’s eyes, but left deep red scratch-marks beside her left eye, from which the blood trickled down to her chin. The two women dashed from the room in terror. ‘You see what whining slaves they are!’ said the Princess. ‘Nobody will stand up to me but you.’ Trinket wondered what she was planning to do next.

‘I’m tired of always being a mistress,’ she said. Today we’ll change places. You can be the master and I’ll be your slave.’ Trinket objected, but when she threatened to scream blue murder and then claim that he had assaulted her, he submitted in order to keep her quiet. She sat him down in a chair and made him a deep curtsey. ‘Now, Prince Laurie,’ she said, ‘I’m sure Your Highness would like to rest. Let me help you undress.’ ‘No, thank you,’ said Trinket. ‘I don’t feel like sleeping yet. You can give me a very gentle massage if you like.’ ‘Very good,’ said the Princess eagerly, and kneeling with one knee on the floor, she laid one of his legs across her other knee and began to massage it, taking great care to avoid the parts that were still sore. After a while she took his boot off and began massaging his foot. Thank you, slave,’ said Trinket, pinching her gently on the cheek. ‘I think you made a very good job of that.’ The Princess was delighted.

When she had finished giving the same treatment to the other leg, she asked him to lie down. ‘Now, Prince Laurie, if you will lie down on the bed, I’ll massage your back for you.’ Trinket could see that he would never get away until he had let her go through with this, so he got up on to what was the most luxuriously appointed, ravishingly perfumed bed he had ever come across and lay down on his side. The Princess drew a quilt over him and began gently pummelling his back. Trinket was growing drowsy and just beginning, in his drowsiness, to enter fully into the spirit of his new role, when there was a chorus of voices outside the apartment: ‘Her Imperial Majesty the Empress Dowager!’ He sat up with a start.

There’s no time to get away,’ said the Princess in a great panic. ‘Get under the bedclothes and don’t move!’ Trinket quickly lay down again and disappeared beneath the quilt. Through it, almost fainting with terror, he could hear the muffled sound of someone thumping on the door. The Princess drew the bed-curtains together and ran to unbar the door. As soon as it was open, the Empress Dowager came striding in. ‘Barring the door in broad daylight! What does this mean?’ ‘I’m feeling very tired,’ said the Princess, forcing a smile. ‘I was just about to lie down and have a sleep.’ The Empress Dowager seated herself in a chair. ‘What mischief are you up to this time?’ she said. ‘Your face is as white as a sheet.’ ‘I told you,’ said the Princess. ‘I’m very tired.’

As the Empress Dowager looked around her, her glance lit on a pair of men’s boots by the side of die bed. She also thought she could detect a slight movement of the bed-curtains. ‘Go and wait outside, all of you,’ she said to the eunuchs and women who attended her. When they had all trooped out, she ordered the Princess to shut and bar the door. The Princess did this witJh an ill grace, then, following her mother’s steely glance, she noticed the boots beside die bed and coloured. ‘Oh, those,’ she said lighdy. ‘I’ve been dressing up. I was going to ask you what you thought. I think I make rather a handsome boy.’

‘I’d like to see what that boy in the bed looks like,’ said the Empress Dowager grimly, striding over, drawing the curtains apart, and lifting up the quilt. She seized die hapless Trinket by the collar and raised him up from the bed. He was shaking in every limb but was careful to keep his head turned away from her. ‘Don’t hurt him!’ cried the Princess. ‘He’s one of the Emperor’s favourite eunuchs,’ The Empress Dowager was not seriously worried by her discovery. She assumed that the Princess, having reached an age at which die first stirrings of sexual awakening are felt, was playing at ‘mothers and fathers’—harmlessly, in this case, since the playfellow she was experimenting with was a eunuch. She forced him to turn his face towards her and dealt it a couple of slaps. ‘Now be off!’ she said. ‘And don’t let me see you anywhere near Her Highness again!’ But tiien she looked more closely and realized who it was. ‘Oh!’ she said in surprise. ‘So it’s you?

‘No,’ said Trinket somewhat illogically, ‘it’s not,’ The Empress Dowager took a firmer grip on his collar. ‘Since you seem to deliberately run towards trouble,’ she said, ‘you can hardly blame me for the consequences.’ ‘I asked him to lie down in my bed,’ said the Princess. ‘It really isn’t his fault.’ The Empress Dowager ignored her and, raising her free hand high up in the air, prepared to deliver a blow mat would send Trinket speeding from this world to the next. In frantic desperation he resorted to one of the disreputable kungfu tricks that the Leader of the Mystic Dragon Sect had taught him—the third of the Three Heroes. He caused her to disengage by putting his hands behind him and squeezing her breasts. Then, stamping with his feet on the edge of the bed, he executed a clumsy back-somersault which landed him on her shoulders. As he straddled her neck from behind, he pressed his thumbs against the Greater Yang point on her temples and held a finger over each eye. ‘If you move,’ he said, ‘I’ll gouge your eyes out.’

The Princess burst out laughing. ‘Naughty, naughty!’ she said. ‘Let the Empress go, Laurie!’ Trinket raised his right foot and drew the dagger from his boot. Then he slid down from the Empress Dowager’s shoulders, all the time keeping the dagger aimed at a Vital Point on her back. While he was executing these manoeuvres, the Five Dragon Disc had slipped out of his inside pocket. It now fell to the floor with a metallic clink. The Empress Dowager looked down at it and gasped. That—that thing!’ she cried. ‘How did it get here?’ Trinket already knew that she must have some connection with the Mystic Dragon Sect from the fact that she had harboured two of its members, Liu Yan, otherwise known as Sister Swallow, and the cross-dressing Deng Bingchun, both of them disguised as her ladies-in-waiting. He wondered if she would know about the disc and submit to its authority. It was worth a try. ‘What do you mean, that thing!’ he said. ‘How dare you! Don’t you recognize the Five Dragon sign when you see it? Don’t you know what it means?’

‘I do, I do,’ said the Empress Dowager, trembling all over. ‘Very good, then repeat after me,’ said Trinket: ‘Long Life to Our Leader! Blessings be on Him!’ ‘Long Life to Our Leader! Blessings be on Him!’ . ‘Obey His Teachings!’ Trinket intoned. ‘Follow Him to Victory!’ ‘Obey His Teachings! Follow Him to Victory!’ she echoed reverentiy. Inwardly sighing with relief, Trinket put away his dagger and seated himself imperiously on the bed. The Empress Dowager turned to the Princess. ‘Go outside!’ she said. ‘And don’t breathe a word of this to anyone, or I shall kill you.’ She looked as if she meant it, too. The Princess glanced wonderingly at Trinket. ‘Is this some secret business of Emperor-brother’s?’ she asked. ‘Yes,’ said the Empress Dowager. ‘And when you see him, you mustn’t let on that you know about it, or he will be very angry.’ ‘I’m not that stupid,’ said the Princess, and obediently left the room.

After a few moments, during which Trinket and the Empress Dowager looked at each other in silence, the Empress Dowager suggested, very deferentially that if they wanted to talk, it would be safer if they did so in the Hall of Maternal Tranquillity. Trinket nodded. But first, he thought, he had better explain the disc. ‘I’m the new White Dragon Marshal,’ he said, in a very low voice. ‘I’m here on the Leader’s instructions. He gave me the disc when he sent me out on my mission.’ The Empress Dowager bowed to him submissively. ‘Your servant,’ she murmured.

‘So she’s only an ordinary Comrade,’ he thought. ‘I’m actually higher up than her.’ He found it hard to imagine how a person of such exalted rank came to be a rank and file member of the Sect.

While he was musing on this, she mistook his silence to mean that he was feeling resentment. The red marks where she had slapped him were still plainly visible on his face. ‘I had no idea until now who you were,’ she said. ‘I hope you will forgive me for anything I did or said while I didn’t know.’ She wondered for a moment if this boy really could be who he said he was; but then she remembered hearing that the Leader and his wife had lately begun a campaign to import new blood into the Sect and that several of the old guard had been killed or fallen into disgrace. ‘Probably he really is the new White Dragon Marshal,’ she thought, ‘but in that case I’m in for a hard time. I know how much he hates me. Better kill him now, before he can do me any harm. No one need know I did it.’ At the mere idea of it, an evil gleam came into her eye.

Trinket noticed it with alarm. ‘She’s going to kill me,’ he thought. ‘I must say something to scare her.’ ‘I suppose you know who taught me that trick I played on you just now,’ he said. ‘It wasn’t… it wasn’t the Leader, was it?’ she asked nervously. They both taught me a lot,’ boasted Trinket. The moves the Leader taught me were all lethal. I decided to combine one of his Three Heroes with one of her Three Beauties—it’s called Princess Flying Swallow—because I didn’t want to kill you. Even so, I didn’t do it properly. To do it properly I should have gouged your eyes out. I left that bit out so you didn’t get hurt.’ The Empress Dowager shivered. ‘You are very kind,’ she said. ‘I shall try to find some way of showing you my gratitude.’

‘I’ve brought Fat Dhuta and Doctor Lu with me on this mission,’ said Trinket nonchalantly, at the same time picking up the Five Dragon Disc and putting it back in his inner pocket. ‘Oh,’ said the Empress Dowager, instantly abandoning all thought of killing him. She knew these two senior members of the Sect and was aware how formidable they were. If they were his subordinates in this mission (whatever it was), she would, by killing him, be signing her own death-warrant. ‘Marshal Zhong was a traitor and had to be killed,’ said Trinket. ‘I’m his replacement. And the Leader was so dissatisfied with Black Dragon’s failure to get the Sutras, that he’s given me the job.’

The Empress Dowager could see that she would soon be having to answer questions about these Sutras—something she had been dreading ever since the three copies she had been at such pains to acquire had gone missing. The Sutras, yes, that’s a long story,’ she said. ‘If you don’t mind coming with me to the Hall of Maternal Tranquillity, I’ll try to explain what has happened.’ Trinket nodded and rose to his feet to go. Having removed the door-bar and opened the door, the Empress Dowager stood politely aside for him to go through; but Trinket knew better than to go first. ‘Her Imperial Majesty is about to leave,’ he sang out in his best official voice, whereupon the Empress Dowager, murmuring, ‘Excuse me!’ as she did so, stepped out into the throng of eunuchs and ladies-in-waiting, who followed in a little column behind her as she made her way, with Trinket at her heels, to the Hall of Maternal Tranquillity.

There she led Trinket into her bedroom, and, having dismissed her attendants, shut and barred the door. When he was seated, she gave him ginseng tea to drink, waiting on him like a servant. He began to detect something that she and her daughter had in common: they both seemed to feel some need to be humiliated and to wait on people. While Trinket was sipping his tea, the Empress Dowager got out a small jade bottle containing thirty precious Body-Strengthening Pills, a present to her from the King of Korea, she said. Eight of them were for Trinket, the others he was to give to the Leader and Madame Hong when he next saw them. This brought up the subject of the Leopard Embryo Pills, and she asked him anxiously whether by any chance he had brought her the annual antidote; from which he deduced that she, too, had been made to take the pills and that her dependence on the antidote was the Leader’s way of exercising remote control over her.

No, said Trinket, he hadn’t brought the antidote, but he was sure that if she continued to be loyal and obedient, it wouldn’t be long coming. ‘Those Sutras you mentioned,’ said the Empress Dowager, thinking that she had best get a word in about them first, before she was asked anything. ‘I sent Deng Bingchun and Swallow with three of them to give the Leader. I hope he got them all right.’ ‘Not that I know of,’ said Trinket. ‘In fact, the Leader was complaining that Black Dragon had failed to bring him a single one of them. Black Dragon was very nearly made to kill himself.’ The Empress Dowager’s face assumed an expression of astonishment. ‘How strange! I gave Deng and Swallow explicit orders to take them to Snake Island. That was before you were obliged to kill Swallow, of course.’ ‘Deng Bingchun—is that the bald fellow you had here?’ Trinket asked innocently. ‘Yes,’ said the Empress Dowager. ‘When you get back to Snake Island, ask to see him. He’ll be able to tell you what happened.’

‘Clever!’ thought Trinket. ‘Deng Bingchun gets the blame. She knows dead men tell no tales.’ But what he actually said was: ‘Well, you’ve already done very well to get those three. Now we’ve got to find the other five. I’ll tell the Leader how well you’ve done next time I see him and put in a good word for you.’ The Empress Dowager made him a deep curtsey. That’s very good of you. I really am most grateful. In fact, if you will allow me, I’d like to apply for a transfer from the Black Dragon Branch to the White Dragon Branch so that I can be under your command.’ ‘No problem,’ said Trinket. ‘But first I’ll need a full account of everything you’ve done since you first joined the Sect. I want to know everything.’ ‘Certainly,’ said the Empress Dowager. ‘I promise not to conceal anything from you, Marshal.’

The Bannerman Colonel

Before the Empress Dowager could begin, there was a sound of footsteps and the discreet cough of a lady-in-waiting outside the door. ‘Your Majesty, His Majesty the Emperor wants to see Laurie Goong-goong on important business. He says could you send him over right away, please.’ Trinket nodded to her to comply. ‘It’s all right,’ he whispered. ‘We can finish our talk later.’ Thank you,’ she whispered back; then, loudly, The Emperor wants to see you. You’d better go now.’ ‘Yes, Your Majesty. Thank you, Your Majesty,’ said Trinket in his official Goong-goong voice.

When he got outside he found eight Palace Guards waiting for him. Wondering what on earth could have happened, he almost ran on his way to the Upper Library. Thank goodness you’re all right!’ said Kang Xi joyfully when he saw him enter. ‘I was really worried when I heard that that vile woman had gone off with you. I was afraid she might try to murder you.’ Thank you for worrying about me, Shifu,’ said Trinket. ‘Actually the Old Wh—I mean, Her Majesty—only wanted to find out where I’d been all this time. I didn’t dare tell her I’d been to the Wutai Mountains in case she suspected something, so I said I’d been to the South to buy some knick-knacks for you.’ Kang Xi laughed. ‘Good. That should put her off the scent. She’ll think my interests are childish still.’

He picked up a large yellow envelope from his desk. ‘Before you go to Wutai, I want you to go south to Mount Song, and make your way to the Shaolin Monastery. This is a Secret Edict for the monks there which I want you to deliver for me. You are to pick forty of the Palace Guards and a thousand men of the Valiant Regiment to go with you. The Edict is to be opened and read when you get there. It will tell you what you are to do next. I’m awarding you Manchu nationality and appointing you Second-in-Command of the Valiant Regiment of the Plain Yellow Banner and Deputy-Intendant of the Palace Guards, the two appointments to run concurrently. Your rank will continue to be that of Lieutenant-Colonel.’ Trinket kowtowed. ‘So I’m a Manchu now, am I?’ he thought. Thanks a lot! I suppose this is my consolation prize for offering to be a monk. I get the sweetie first and the nasty medicine after. It should be the other way round!’

Kang Xi had the Plain Yellow Banner commander, Colonel Chalju, summoned and explained to him that Trinket was now to become his deputy in the Valiants. Chalju understood perfectly well that, as the Emperor’s favourite, Trinket would now in effect be the commander, but was perfectly happy to play second fiddle to him: he had suffered greatly under Oboi’s regency and was glad to welcome the young hero who had removed his tormentor. Kang Xi handed Trinket the gold token of his command and told him that his marching orders were for that very evening and that there was no need to see him again before he left the city.

Kowtowing once again, Trinket took his leave, mentally noting that the Empress Dowager’s story would now have to wait until he got back to the Palace, whenever that might be, and that there would now be no time to find out how Auntie Tao was doing.

After seeing his friend Dolong, the Chief Intendant of the Palace Guards, and arranging for two of the latter’s trusted lieutenants, his own friends Zhang Kangnian and Zhao Qixian, to select another thirty-eight for the expedition, he slipped off to Hair Lane in the West City, leaving Chalju to decide which of the Valiants should go with him. He told Fat Dhuta and Doctor Lu that he had managed to gain an entry into the Palace and that the business of stealing the Sutras was well in hand. ‘Better lie low here until you hear from me again,’ he told them. We don’t want anyone to find out what we are up to.’ They were pleased to learn that he had made such a good start and gladly agreed to do as he had said. He made Doublet dress up as a boy. She was to go with him on the expedition as a sort of junior batman. When he got back to the Palace, accompanied by Doublet, he found that Chalju had thought of everything. As there was no uniform available that would fit him, Chalju had rustled up four highly skilled tailors to whom he had given a spare uniform of his own and whom he had told to sit in one of the wagons while they were on the march and alter it to fit someone of Trinket’s size. If they showed any sign of idling, he told them, they would discover what an army-style flogging was like.

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