The Deer And The Cauldron 23


The Deer And The Cauldron 23
第二十三回 天生才士定多癖 君与此图皆可传

‘I shall need to know all the forms of attack these young ladies are capable of and match each of them with a Prajna Hand defence before I can begin instructing you. You and the four brothers who were with you that day will have to have another encounter with them. That could be dangerous.’ Trinket laughed. ‘I don’t think that will be necessary. If you want to know more about their method of fighting, why don’t you go and find out for yourself?’ ‘You mean fight them?’ said Brother Simple. ‘Oh dear me, no! Our vows forbid us to seek conflict with anyone.’ ‘All right, then,’ said Trinket. ‘Just come outside with me and the two of us will walk around together. Perhaps we shall find that the girls have already gone, in which case we shan’t need to bother.’

He seized the old monk by the hand and hauled him off after him. Brother Simple had seldom been outside the monastery walls since he was a lad and found much to marvel at as they walked around. He was just making an inane remark about some pine trees when there was a shrill cry and a blade flashed out from behind one of them. ‘Here he is!’ screamed the voice. The blade was aimed at Trinket, but Brother Simple effortlessly stretched out his arm and grasped the wrist of the person wielding it before it could do any damage. As he did so, he called out the names of the movements: That was a Wild Tiger attack. This defence is a Flower-Picker’s Catch-Can.’ But he quickly released the wrist. ‘Oh dear! I shouldn’t have used that defence. You’d find that one too difficult.’

The wielder of the sword was the Blue Girl. As soon as her wrist was released, she drew the sword back and aimed it in a wide sweep at the old monk’s waist. Meanwhile, however, the Green Girl had also run out of the trees with sword upraised to cut down Trinket; but as Trinket had at once dodged behind Brother Simple’s back, her blade was descending on the old monk’s shoulder at the same time as the Blue Girl’s sword was sweeping towards his waist. He had little difficulty in fending off this double assault, but it cost him considerable effort to name the two forms of attack and the way in which he had countered them. He appeared to be under the impression not that he was fighting for his life but that he was giving a lesson in unarmed combat; but the girls mistook his muttering for taunts and in their anger began hacking at him wildly. ‘Father Treasure,’ he called out between gasps as he warded off their blows, ‘tell the young ladies to go a little slower. My old brain isn’t fast enough to identify all these attacks!’

But Trinket, nearly helpless with laughter, had slipped off to lean against a pine tree, from which vantage point he could devour the Green Girl with his eyes. The Green Girl, not seeing Trinket, thought he must have run away and stopped for a moment to look round. When she caught sight of him leaning against the tree and gazing at her she reddened and, abandoning the combat with Brother Simple, turned to run at him with her sword. But even as she did so, the old monk aimed the middle finger of his right hand against a Vital Point under her ribs. The effect of this was almost instantaneous. Halfway to the tree she twisted about, dropped her sword, and fell down, paralysed from the neck downwards, upon the ground. Trinket ran up and knelt beside her. ‘How beautiful you are!’ he said. ‘Just to look at you almost makes me want to die!’ And he touched her cheek.

Speechless with shock and anger, she fainted away. Trinket got up. ‘Brother Simple,’ he called, ‘why don’t you do that to the other girl as well? Fighting isn’t a very good way of finding out their methods. If they’re both immobilized you can find out what you want by just asking them.’ ‘You’re right, Father,’ said Brother Simple. ‘We should always avoid violence if we can.’ The Blue Girl paused and stepped back. She knew she was no match for the old monk and that, if there was to be any hope of rescuing her companion, it was essential for her to remain free. She darted towards the trees, just pausing a moment to look back. ‘If either of you harms a hair of her head,’ she shouted, ‘I’ll burn your monastery to the ground.’ And with that she plunged into the trees and disappeared.

‘Why should we want to harm her hair?’ Brother Simple asked, naively. ‘Do you think she will burn the monastery if one of the young lady’s hairs should just chance to drop out?’ Trinket ignored his dumb question. He was gazing down at the green-clad figure on the grass, wondering how he could take advantage of this heaven-sent opportunity to have her in his power. Somehow or other the old monk must be persuaded to let him keep her. He placed his palms together and raised his eyes heavenwards in what he hoped was a convincingly pious attitude. ‘The Lord Buddha’s holy name be praised, Brother Simple!’ he said. ‘He has delivered this girl into our hands for the greater glory of the monastery.’ ‘Oh?’ said Brother Simple. ‘How do you make that out?’ ‘Don’t you see? We can take her back with us. Then you will have plenty of time to find out all you need to know about her combat methods and work out the appropriate ways of countering them. Once we know that, no one will be able to say that the Shaolin monks are no match for a couple of half-trained girls.’ He took off his monk’s habit and wrapped it round the recumbent figure, then, gathering her up in his arms, began marching off with her. ‘Come on!’

Brother Simple felt that there was something not quite right about this, though he couldn’t have said exactly what it was; nevertheless, Trinket was his superior and he was enjoined by his vows always to obey his superiors in religion, so he simply picked up the Green Girl’s sword from the grass and trailed along, somewhat unhappily, behind. Just outside the side gate of the monastery Trinket drew a flap of the monk’s habit over the Green Girl’s face, so that none of her was visible. Even so, his heart beat faster as they entered, for he knew that if any of the monks saw him like this, their suspicions would be aroused and there would be serious trouble. Fortunately he got to the Prajna Hall without an encounter, and once he was inside, the monks on duty there, seeing him followed by their own superior, made way for him with meekly downcast eyes and did not venture to question what he was doing.

Trinket made straight for Brother Simple’s cell and laid the still-unconscious Green Girl on the bed. ‘I think I’d better be with her on my own when she comes to,’ he told Brother Simple. ‘You’ve seen how stubborn and violent she is. I shall try to talk her into a better frame of mind so that she is more willing to help you with your investigation.’ Obediently Brother Simple went outside his own cell and allowed Trinket to close the door on him.

When, some minutes later, the Green Girl came to her senses, she saw Trinket standing over her holding his dagger an inch or two from her nose. She was on the point of calling out when he stopped her. ‘Don’t make a noise! If you call out, I shall cut your nose off. Just listen to me and answer my questions and I promise not to harm you.’ The Green Girl turned pale with anger. ‘Will you do as I say?’ She looked even angrier. ‘Kill me!’ she said in a scarcely audible voice.

‘Oh no,’ said Trinket. ‘You’re so beautiful, I can’t stop thinking about you. I can’t kill you and I can’t let you go. Either way I should die of longing.’ The Green Girl’s face turned very red, then, almost immediately, very pale again. ‘I think I’ll just have to cut your nose off,’ said Trinket. Then you won’t look so beautiful.’ She closed her eyes tight, but a big tear escaped from the corner of each of them and ran down towards her ears. ‘Don’t cry, don’t cry!’ said Trinket in a panic, laying down the dagger. ‘Of course I won’t cut your nose off. I’d sooner cut off my own. Just tell me what your name is.’

The Green Girl shook her head. ‘Look,’ said Trinket, ‘I have things to say to you. How can you talk to someone when you don’t even know what their name is. Can’t you just tell me your name?’ Again she shook her head. Her eyes remained tightly closed. ‘Well, I shall have to call you something,’ said Trinket. ‘I think I’ll call you “No Way”. “No” because you keep shaking your head, and “Way” because that’s my surname (get it?), and I’m quite determined to marry you, so you might as well get used to the idea of being Mrs Wei.’ ‘I shouldn’t think there could be another monk in the world who speaks such rubbish as you do,’ said the Green Girl. ‘You know that monks can’t marry. Probably you’ll burn in hell for just thinking of such a thing.’

Trinket fell down on his knees, so heavily that the Green Girl opened her eyes to see what he was doing. She saw that he was kneeling, his face towards the window and his palms together, in an attitude of prayer. ‘I call on the Rulai Buddha, the Amida Buddha, Guanyin the Bodhisattva of Mercy, Manjusri the Bodhisattva of Wisdom, the Puxian Bodhisattva, the Jade Emperor, and all the host of Heaven to bear witness. I, Trinket Wei, whatever the price, even if it means suffering all the tortures of hell for a thousand, thousand years, vow that I will in this life or a life to come have this girl here for my wife.’

She thought that he was fooling, but when he got up again and she saw the strange look in his eyes, she knew he was deadly serious. ‘But I hate you,’ she said. ‘I detest you. You can kill me if you like or you can beat me every day until I die, but I shall never, never consent to be—what you said. After the way you’ve shamed and humiliated me, my only wish is that I might one day have you in my power so that I could kill you and afterwards kill myself.’





‘I don’t want to kill you,’ said Trinket. ‘I’d rather kill myself. Look, just do one thing for me. Just tell me what your name is and I’ll let you go. I swear I will.’ ‘I don’t want you to let me go,’ she said. ‘You’ve dishonoured me so much that I don’t want to go out of here alive. Why don’t you just cut my diroat and have done with it?’

As she was saying this, he caught sight of the red line round her neck where the self-inflicted wound had only recently healed. A pang of remorse went through him and a strangled cry, halfway between a sob and a groan, rose up in his throat, so strange that the Green Girl felt quite frightened. ‘I know I’ve done you wrong,’ he said, falling once more on his knees beside the bed. ‘I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I really didn’t mean to.’ He held his arms out on either side of his face and began bringing them together, dealing himself heavy slaps on both his cheeks at once. ‘You mustn’t mind me,’ he cried between slaps. ‘I’m a stupid, silly idiot. I deserve to be beaten,’ After dealing himself a dozen or more of these double slaps, he got to his feet again and walked over to the door. He opened it to find Brother Simple patiently standing in exactly the same spot as before. The old monk had heard every word spoken inside the cell, but was far too unworldly or too simple to understand their meaning. He assumed from the earnestness of the tone that what Trinket was urging on the girl was a message of salvation. His admiration for Trinket’s saintliness had grown even stronger when he became aware from the sounds inside that Trinket was striking his own face. The Buddhism of the Shaolin Monastery was of the Zen variety, and Brother Simple had heard many stories of Zen Masters shouting at novices or striking them to bring about a spiritual awakening; but striking one’s own face for this purpose was rare indeed and worthy of the Holy One himself. ‘Brother,’ said Trinket, interrupting the old man’s rapt meditation on his saintliness, ‘I want to release her Vital Points. How do I go about it?’ ‘The point I closed is the Big Bag on the tract that connects the Greater Yin of the foot with the spleen. To release it, you have to reverse the flow of blood temporarily by applying pressure to the Basket Door and Sea of Blood points on the young lady’s legs.’

‘Whereabouts on her legs?’ said Trinket. The old monk bared his own legs one after the other and showed Trinket where the points were, behind the bend of the knee. When he had shown him several times exactly how the pressure was to be applied, Trinket went inside the cell again and closed the door. But the Green Girl had been listening to their exchange and wasn’t having any. ‘I don’t want my points opened,’ she said. ‘I don’t want you to touch me.’ Trinket went outside again to ask if a point could be opened without bodily contact being made. Brother Simple knew of at least one way it could be done, with a flick of the sleeve, but the art required many years of inner cultivation. It seemed not to occur to either of them that the easiest way of resolving the problem was for Brother Simple to go inside and do the job himself.

Trinket went back inside and looked around. On a table beside the bed there were some books and one of those instruments called ‘wooden fish’ which monks beat as an aid to their chanting. He picked up the little hammer which lay beside it, gently uncovered one of the Green Girl’s legs, and began delicately poking in the prescribed manner at the point on it which Brother Simple had indicated. ‘You see,’ he said. ‘I’m not touching you.’ He had in fact found the correct position, but he was being too gentle to do any good. ‘Can you feel anything?’ he asked her. ‘Useless creature!’ said the Green Girl scornfully. ‘Making disgusting, guttersnipe remarks is all you’re any good at.’

This was too much. He struck her angrily, this time quite hard, provoking an ‘Ow!’ which made him instantly concerned. ‘Did that hurt?’ But she was too cross to reply. He struck her again, in the crook of the other leg, but not quite so hard. This time a slight tremor ran through her whole body. ‘It worked!’ he cried joyfully. ‘It worked!’ But just as he was congratulating himself on his new skill, he felt a sudden sharp pain. The Green Girl had sat up, seized his dagger, and stuck it, with all the force she could muster, into his chest. ‘Aiyo!’ he cried. ‘You’ve murdered your own husband!’

As he slid down to a sitting position on the floor, she picked up her sword and ran to the door, planning to make a getaway. But instead of escaping, she ran straight into the arms of Brother Simple. ‘Young lady, what have you done?’ cried the old monk in distress. She slashed at him with her sword, but her legs were still weak and he had little difficulty in immobilizing her once again with a single skilled flick of his long sleeve.

He left her lying helpless on the floor and rushed into the cell where Trinket was sitting, his back against the bed and his legs stretched out in front of him, with a dagger sticking out of his chest. With the middle finger of his right hand Brother Simple flicked the Vital Points round the place where the dagger had entered, then he took hold of the dagger and, muttering ‘Amitabha, Merciful Buddha!’, gently drew it out. A rush of blood followed, but not nearly as much as might have been expected. The wound, though very painful, was quite a shallow one, for Trinket had been wearing his protective waistcoat and it was only because he had been struck with his own almost irresistible dagger that it had pierced through the fabric at all. An ordinary dagger might have bruised him severely but would not have broken the skin. The Green Girl, lying outside, immobilized but still fully conscious, assumed that she had killed him and tearfully begged the old monk to dispatch her quickly, convinced that, sooner or later, she must pay with her own life.

Ignoring the Green Girl’s cries, Brother Simple rushed off to get wound-powder to apply to the cut in Trinket’s chest. Later, as he was applying it, he told Trinket that his wound was by no means serious. He had been providentially saved: a reward, no doubt, for the saintly way in which he had attempted the Green Girl’s conversion. Now that he knew he was out of danger, Trinket’s chief concern was that Brother Simple should not let the Green Girl get away. ‘Oh, I’m dying, I’m dying,’ he groaned, sufficiently loudly for the Green Girl to hear him. Then, beckoning to Brother Simple to come closer, he whispered in the old man’s ear, ‘You can open her Vital Points now. Only, when you’ve done it, don’t let her go. Don’t forget you’ve still got to find out about her methods. Go on, go on!’

Somewhat puzzled by these instructions, the old monk went outside to do his bidding. Through the open door the Green Girl had witnessed the conspiratorial whispering from where she lay, but had been unable to hear what was said. She concluded that the evil little monk, knowing that he was dying, must be plotting for some horrible vengeance to be executed on her after his death, or, worse still— since he had more than once vowed that he would one day make her his wife—that he was planning for her to be forced into marrying him before he died. As soon, therefore, as she was released from her immobility, she reached for her sword and once more attempted to take her own life. But before she could do herself any harm, the old monk’s sleeve shot out and the sword dropped out of her hand.

She leapt up and tried to claw at his eyes, but Brother Simple effortlessly knocked her wrist back with his arm. The Eye Hazer,’ he said in his classroom voice, ‘favoured by the Jiang Family of Jiangnan.’ She kicked out at his lower belly, but he merely swayed a little to one side so that she was kicking at thin air. ‘Footfall in the Empty Valley,’ he chanted, ‘used by the Shato tribesmen of Turkestan, though I suppose they must have their own Turkish name for it. Such is my ignorance, I am afraid I have never been able to discover what it is. Do you know, by any chance, young lady?’

Ignoring his question, she followed up with several punches and kicks, all of which he blocked or evaded with the greatest of ease. At first he tried naming them, but when, with her increasing exasperation, her attacks grew wilder and more agitated, he was unable to keep up his commentary and had to content himself with identifying them mentally and trying to remember what she had done. The Green Girl was growing tired and dizzy, and since every single attack she made was frustrated and there was not the slightest chance of her overcoming the old man, whose skill in combat was clearly a hundred times greater than her own, she presently broke away from him, retreated a few steps, and plumped herself down on one of the benches which had been placed at intervals along the wall of the cloister. ‘Oh, aren’t you going to fight any more?’ asked the old monk, surprised.

‘What’s the point?’ she said. ‘You will always beat me.’ ‘But I am all the time studying how to beat you,’ he said. ‘How can I finish my research when I haven’t seen all your methods of attack? My dear young lady, if you won’t fight me, could you perhaps give me a demonstration and I will sit and watch. Do, please, go on.’ ‘So that’s your game!’ thought the Green Girl. ‘You have provoked me to fight you so that you can study my methods and think of ways to beat them. I’ll take very good care that you don’t learn any more from me!’ She rose from the bench and began punching the air with her fists and kicking and stamping with her feet like a little child in a rage.

Brother Simple, who had taken her place on the bench to watch this ‘demonstration’, gazed at her in astonishment. ‘Good heavens! Extraordinary! Remarkable! Oh dear, I don’t understand!’



The forms of attack were so unfamiliar and followed each other in such rapid succession that he suspected some mysterious, half-magical form of combat which had escaped him throughout all his years of study. His brain was whirling, a dreadful spiritual blackness possessed his soul as he reflected that the vast corpus of learning it had taken him a lifetime to acquire was perhaps invalid, and by the time the Green Girl ended her wild dance and sat down, exhausted, on the floor, the poor man was so dizzy and his mental faculties in such confusion that he fainted.

The Green Girl, scarcely believing her eyes, watched him keel over, then, when it became clear that he really was unconscious, she seized the opportunity to pick her sword up and run away. As she sped through the Prajna Hall, the monks there looked at this fleeting female vision in astonishment, but, lacking the authorization of their superior, dared not do anything to stop her, so that she actually succeeded in getting out of the monastery unchallenged.

It took some time for Brother Simple to regain consciousness. When he finally came to and saw that the Green Girl had gone, he felt that he had been defeated by superior knowledge and went in to see Trinket, full of shame and confusion, to confess his failure. ‘Father Treasure,’ he said, ‘I am very ashamed. In the demonstration just given by that remarkable young woman, I was unable to identify a single movement. I am unworthy to teach Martial Arts in this monastery any longer.’ Trinket had witnessed some of the Green Girl’s performance through the open doorway and, when he saw the old monk’s tragic expression, could not refrain from laughing. Unfortunately, laughter proved so painful that the sweat stood out on his forehead and he had to press his hands against the place on his chest where he had been stabbed before he was able to answer. That wasn’t kungfu you were watching, Brother,’ he said. ‘She was just throwing her arms and legs about to fool you, like a little brat having a tantrum.’

The old monk looked surprised. ‘Do you really think so, Father? Well, well. Bless my soul!’ Trinket was obliged to hold his chest again for fear of laughing.

Matters of the Heart

The by no means dangerous stab-wound on Trinket’s chest responded rapidly to the Shaolin Monastery’s excellent wound-dressings and by the end of a fortnight it had very nearly healed. As to the circumstances in which he had been wounded: the three or four monks of the Prajna Hall who had seen the girl kept their own counsel, and the rest, because Trinket was the Emperor’s proxy and a very senior monk, were not inclined to ask questions, so the episode passed without comment.

While Trinket was recovering, Brother Simple wrote down as many of the forms of attack used by the two young women as he could remember and worked out appropriate ways of countering them, with a view to demonstrating them to Trinket when he was better.


As soon as he was sufficiently recovered, Trinket agreed willingly enough to undergo some training, but after only a few days his enthusiasm was waning, and Brother Simple, for his part, although he had tried to accommodate his pupil by taking short cuts, was coming to the conclusion that it was only by going back to the very beginning of the course normally prescribed for Shaolin novices and training systematically that Trinket would ever get anywhere. ‘What we are doing at present,’ he said, ‘would only serve against the two young women. It would be useless against anyone who had received a proper training.’

‘But I only want the moves for using against the two girls,’ said Trinket. ‘You may never see them again,’ said Brother Simple. ‘In that case, isn’t this rather a waste?’ ‘But I must see them again,’ said Trinket. ‘I mean I must see the Green Girl again.’ Brother Simple was puzzled. But then a thought struck him. ‘Did she poison you, by any chance? Do you mean she has poisoned you and you need to see her to get the antidote?’ Trinket saw that it would be useless to try explaining matters of the heart to someone as unworldly as Brother Simple and decided to go along with his suggestion. That’s exactly the trouble,’ he said. ‘I’ve got her poison in my bones, in every part of me. I’ve got to see her again if I want to get better.’ ‘Brother Radiant knows a lot about poisons,’ said Brother Simple. ‘Shall I ask him to come over and examine you?’ ‘No, no,’ said Trinket. ‘He couldn’t do anything about it. It’s got to be that girl.’

A Mongol Prince and a Qrand Lama from Tibet

A few days after this exchange, Trinket and Brother Simple were in the latter’s cell discussing some fine points concerning the swordsmanship practised by the two girls when one of the Prajna Hall monks came in to say that they were wanted by the Abbot in the monastery’s main hall. When they arrived, they found thirty or forty visitors there, three of them sitting with the Abbot, the rest standing. Of the three sitting with the Abbot, the first was a young man in his early twenties who, to judge from his dress, appeared to be a Mongol nobleman; the second was a tall, thin, red-robed lama of middle years; and the third was a fortyish military man wearing the uniform of a high-ranking officer. Of the thirty or forty men standing behind them, some were army officers, some were lamas, while a dozen or so of them were dressed in civilian clothes but looked as if they might have had some sort of military training and knew how to fight.

‘Ah, Father,’ said Father Wisdom as Trinket entered, ‘our monastery has some distinguished guests today. This gentleman is His Highness the Mongol Prince Galdan; this is the Grand Lama sDe-srid Sangs-rgyas-rgya-mtsho from Tibet—in China he is known as Father Sangge; and this is Brigadier Ma Bao, who is on the staff of His Highness the Satrap of Yunnan.’ ‘And this,’ he said, turning to the three men he had just introduced and pointing to Trinket, ‘is my Brother in the Truth, Father Treasure.’

All those present were more than a little surprised at hearing this disreputable-looking juvenile introduced as an equal-ranking colleague of the Abbot. The Mongol Galdan laughed out loud. ‘Such a little Father! Very amusing.’ Trinket pressed his palms together and bowed. ‘Such a big Prince! Very funny.’ ‘What is funny about me, please? I should like to know,’ Prince Galdan said angrily. ‘What’s amusing about me, then?’ said Trinket. And he sat down unconcernedly in the chair next to the Abbot. It was clear from the looks of the others present that they didn’t know what to make of him.

‘Well, gentlemen,’ said Father Wisdom, ‘to what do we owe the honour of this visit?’ The three of us all happened to be passing through this area,’ said the Grand Lama Sangge. ‘We have heard of the famous Shaolin Monastery and we all come from obscure and backward places, so we decided to call on you in the hope that we might have the benefit of your instruction.’ Unlike the lesser lama Brother Bayen, whom Trinket had run into on an earlier occasion on Wutai, this one spoke like an educated Chinese and with a passable Peking accent.

‘You are too polite,’ said Father Wisdom. ‘Mongolia, Tibet, and Yunnan all have distinguished traditions of Buddhist teaching. I cannot believe that we in this monastery can have anything to teach you.’ Sangge had, of course, been referring to the Martial Arts for which the Shaolin Monastery was famous. Whether the Abbot had misunderstood him or was only pretending to do so it would be hard to say.

‘All the world has heard of the seventy-two incomparable fighting skills of the Shaolin Monastery,’ said Prince Galdan. ‘Could you not get your monks together to give us a little demonstration?’ ‘You mustn’t believe all the things that people say about us,’ said Father Wisdom. ‘All our monks here, without exception, devote their lives to the pursuit of Zen as a means of obtaining enlightenment. Although it is true that a number of them devote some of their time to training in kungfu, they do so only as a means of keeping their bodies fit and their minds alert. We attach no special importance to such exercises.’ ‘Are you not being a little devious, Abbot?’ said Prince Galdan. ‘We would like only to see a demonstration of the seventy-two skills. We do not intend to steal them from you. Why be so grudging?’

‘If you gentlemen wish to discuss the Buddhist dharma with us, I will gladly summon the Brothers,’ said Father Wisdom, ‘but not for a demonstration of martial skills. That is something expressly forbidden by the rules of our Order.’ Prince Galdan’s eyebrows went up. ‘It seems that the reputation of this monastery is a hollow sham. It is—how do you Chinese say?—not worth fart.’

‘We are indeed taught that this world we live in is a hollow sham,’ said Father Wisdom smiling gently. ‘Not worth a fart, as you put it. What you say about the reputation of this monastery is of course correct.’ Prince Galdan had not expected so mild a response. He pointed, laughing, at Trinket. ‘So. And this little monk, too, he is not worth fart?’ Trinket smiled cheerfully back at him. ‘I’m certainly not worth as much as you, Your Highness,’ he said. ‘So, if I’m not worth a fart, it’s safe to say that Your Highness is worth a fart. A big fart.’

Prince Galdan leapt up in a rage and was on the point of striking him. But then he reflected that the only reason this little monk had such high standing in the monastery must be that he was exceptionally skilled in Martial Arts. With some difficulty he restrained himself and sat down again. There are much worse things than not being worth a fart,’ said Trinket. ‘Owing hundreds and thousands of taels and not being able to pay them back, for instance—that’s much worse.’ ‘How true!’ said Father Wisdom. ‘My brother has stated a profound truth. It is the law of karma that evil actions incur a debt of evil and good ones a good reward. Not to be worth a fart, that is to have incurred neither good nor evil karma. How much better to be owing neither good nor evil than to have incurred an infinite debt of evil karma! The parable is an excellent one.’

Brother Simple was glad to hear the Abbot praising his saintly young companion. ‘I have learned much from Father Treasure since I have been working with him,’ he said. ‘Although he is so young, he has advanced far along the path towards enlightenment.’ The two older men’s praise of this impertinent little monk struck Galdan as a deliberate provocation. He leapt up once more, determined this time to do him an injury. Before he could hurt him, however, Father Wisdom’s long sleeve shot out and he stepped back and sat down heavily in his seat. How this had happened he did not understand. It felt as if he had been blown back by a small but powerful wind.

All this time Trinket had not even moved. This was partly from fright and partly because he was not expecting the attack and had not had time to respond. To Father Wisdom and Brother Simple, however, he appeared to have shown remarkable restraint. Father Wisdom now launched into a short homily, interlarded with quotations from the Buddhist scriptures, on the virtues of impassivity, ending with further commendation, in which Brother Simple joined, of Trinket’s spiritual advancement. This so enraged Galdan that he suddenly interrupted with a barked-out order that none of the Chinese present could understand. ‘Hanisbal nimahong kanubidigar!’

A number of the Mongol henchmen behind him raised their arms and there was a rapid succession of little flashes as nine metal darts sped one after the other through the air, three towards the Abbot, three towards Brother Simple, and three towards Trinket. Despite the lack of warning, neither Father Wisdom nor Brother Simple was hurt. Father Wisdom disposed of the three aimed at him by flicking his long sleeve; Brother Simple caught the three aimed at him by slapping his hands on them as if he was catching flies; but Trinket, once again taken unawares, sat motionless as the darts hit his chest and fell—link link link—on the floor. Once more the wonderful waistcoat had saved him, though one of the darts had landed near the newly healed stab-wound on his chest and hurt so intensely that it cost him a great effort not to cry out.

There were gasps of amazement from the visitors. Most of them had heard of the ‘adamantine body’, the temporary immunity to weapons said to be attained by a very few Martial Arts practitioners after years of ‘internal’ training involving breath control, meditation, and various secret exercises, but none had ever seen it, and seeing it now (apparently) demonstrated by one so young struck them as doubly miraculous. The Grand Lama Sangge was the only one who affected to be unimpressed.

‘Our young friend has made remarkable progress in the cultivation of the “adamantine body”,’ he said with a sort of sneering smile, ‘but I believe the ultimate aim of people who undertake this training is the creation of a protective aura round the body which prevents weapons or missiles from even touching it. I think our young friend still has quite a long way to go before he attains that level of immunity.’ Trinket, still struggling not to cry out in pain, was incapable of answering and could only manage a rather twisted smile; but his silence merely added to the admiration of those present, for it seemed to them that only a person who had reached so high a level of inner training could afford to treat pettiness like the Grand Lama’s with contempt. ‘How would you manage if we threw a few darts at youT they felt like saying, but were too polite to do so.

‘After what we have just witnessed,’ Sangge continued, ‘I would agree that the Shaolin Monastery’s reputation as an incomparable centre for training in the Martial Arts is fully justified. Certainly it could not be said that it is, as the Abbot here earlier suggested, “not worth a fart”. The same cannot, I fear, be said about the moral reputation of a monastery which conceals females on its premises.’ Father Wisdom looked grave. ‘Your Reverence is mistaken. We do not even allow female visitors to our monastery. The idea that we are hiding women here is absurd.’ ‘Yet such is the current rumour we have encountered on our travels,’ said Sangge. Father Wisdom smiled. ‘As a man of religion, Your Reverence must know better than to be moved by current rumours. Father Treasure here teaches us all a lesson in how to remain unmoved.’ ‘But it is precisely this young Father who is said to be concealing a beautiful young woman in his cell,’ said Sangge. ‘According to what we have heard, he tied her up and brought her in here a prisoner—kidnapped her, in fact.’

Trinket was startled. First he wondered how the Grand Lama knew all this. Then he wondered how it was that he knew so much yet didn’t know that the Green Girl had got away. After thinking for a moment it dawned on him. He must have got it from the Blue Girl. And the Green Girl had not yet made contact with her. That at least was good news. There aren’t any young women in my cell,’ he said, ‘but if you want to, you are very welcome to look.’ ‘We will,’ said Galdan. He turned to the men behind him. ‘Search the monastery!’ The men began to move.

‘Just a moment!’ said Father Wisdom. ‘Do you have a warrant to search?’ 7 give the order,’ said Galdan. 7 give warrant. I do not need warrant.’ There I am afraid Your Highness is mistaken,’ said Father Wisdom. ‘In Mongolia you can give all the orders you like, but you have no right to do so here.’ Galdan pointed to Brigadier Ma. ‘He is Chinese officer, commission of Chinese Court. He gives the order to search. You disobey us? That is rebellion.’ The Shaolin Monastery will not defy the Chinese Court,’ said Father Wisdom. ‘But the Brigadier is on the Satrap of Yunnan’s staff. The Satrap’s jurisdiction does not, as far as I am aware, extend to the province of Henan.’ The little Father has already agreed that we should look in his cell,’ said Sangge with a crafty smile. Why are you so unwilling that we should search the monastery? She couldn’t by any chance be hidden in your cell, I suppose?’

Father Wisdom was deeply shocked. ‘Amida Buddha! I trust Your Reverence is only joking?’ Suddenly a bearded figure spoke out from among the crowd of men standing at the back. ‘With my own eyes I saw my sister being carried off by this little monk, Your Highness. Please do carry out this search. If she’s not found here, we should burn down the monastery.’

It was a high female voice. Behind the layer of yellow grease and the copious whiskers Trinket had no difficulty in recognizing his old enemy the Blue Girl. Father Wisdom also recognized her. ‘Are you not the young woman who came to this monastery and injured several of our Brothers? There was another young woman with you whom we allowed to stay here until she had recovered from a self-inflicted wound. Is she not with you now?’ To Trinket it now seemed evident that the game was up. ‘Confess!’ said the Blue Girl, addressing herself to Brother Simple in a strident voice. ‘What I am saying is true, isn’t it?’

‘Young lady, I beg you,’ the old monk said earnestly, ‘do please tell us where she is. She has poisoned Father Treasure and only she can cure him. Be merciful. Entreat her to come here and save him. Father Treasure knows that life on this earth is an illusion, but we should like to keep him with us a little longer. Please, please—’ No one had the faintest idea what he was talking about, but at least it was clear from what he said that the girl they were supposed to be looking for could not be in the monastery.

‘I know you kidnapped her,’ said the Blue Girl. ‘Probably you’ve killed her and disposed of the body. We shall never find her.’ And she began to weep. ‘You are right,’ said Prince Galdan. ‘It is certain. The little Father is very, very bad.’ ‘You’re evil,’ cried the Blue Girl, pointing her finger at Trinket. ‘You saw my sister when you were in the brothel with those bad women. You must have taken a fancy to her then and afterwards killed her because she wouldn’t submit to you. A monk who goes to brothels—there’s no wickedness you wouldn’t be capable of!’ Father Wisdom smiled incredulously and shook his head. But Trinket was growing really worried. It would not be long now before all his guilty secrets came to light.

Providentially it was just at that moment that one of the group of officers standing behind Brigadier Ma’s chair put in a good word for him. ‘Excuse me, Miss, but I’m sure this young Father wouldn’t do anything wrong like going to brothels and that. It looks as if someone has been misleading you.’ Trinket looked at the speaker and wondered why he had not noticed him before. It was Yang Yizhi, who had come to Peking with the Little Traitor and whom he had befriended at the party given by Prince Rang. ‘How do you know?’ the Blue Girl said scornfully. ‘You’re not going to tell me that you’ve met him before?’ ‘With respect, Miss, I have,’ said Yang Yizhi. ‘He did me a very great kindness once at Prince Kang’s place in Peking. Before he entered holy orders, he used to be a eunuch in the Palace. That’s why I can’t believe he has been visiting brothels or doing any of those other things you accuse him of.’ There was a clearly audible ‘Ah!’ from the assembled company.

The Blue Girl could see that none of those present any longer believed her. Anger made her voice shrill. ‘How do you know he is a eunuch? He said he wanted to make my sister his wife. He is a liar and a seducer. And this old monk is no better.’ The eyes of those present turned to Brother Simple, more than eighty years old, with a vague, slightly half-witted expression on his face, and they remembered the all but incoherent statement he had made a little earlier. Clearly the young woman was deranged. They began to regret that they had ever listened to her wild story or agreed to come to this monastery, only to make fools of themselves.

‘Before he became a monk, this young Father was quite famous,’ said Yang Yizhi. ‘He is the Laurie Goong-goong who executed the traitor Oboi. When my master was slandered by bad men in Peking, it was thanks to this young Father here speaking up for him to the Emperor that his good name was cleared. My master still feels very much indebted to him.’ Everyone present had heard of the famous Laurie. There was another ‘Ah!’, and expressions of admiration were appearing on every face. ‘How are you, Yang my friend?’ Trinket asked Yang Yizhi. ‘And how is His Grace? You really shouldn’t have said all that stuff about me. It was nothing.’

It was obvious to all present that they really knew each other. Apart from the other officers who had accompanied Brigadier Ma from Yunnan, none of them had known Yang Yizhi by name. The Blue Girl was by now looking somewhat chastened. ‘Brother Yang,’ she said (confirming Trinket’s growing suspicion that she and the Green Girl were in some way connected with the Satrap), ‘is this . . . this person really a eunuch? Did he really speak up for the Satrap?’ ‘He did indeed, Miss,’ said Yang Yizhi. ‘And there are many people in Peking who would tell you the same thing.’ The Grand Lama rose to his feet. The Blue Girl’s charge was now quite discredited. It seemed there was nothing more to be said. ‘Father Wisdom,’ he said, pressing his palms together and inclining his head to the Abbot, ‘I trust you will forgive us for what has turned out to be a somewhat unmannerly intrusion. We had better take our leave.’

‘Won’t you just stay for a simple meal with us?’ said Father Wisdom. The, er, young lady—’ He wasn’t going to invite a young female who had smuggled herself into the monastery in disguise to sit with them at table. Sangge laughed. Thank you all the same, but I think we will forego that pleasure. We don’t want to embarrass you.’ The rest of the visitors followed him in making their farewells, and Father Wisdom, Brother Simple, and Trinket escorted them to the main gate of the monastery.

Just as they arrived at the gate, there was a sound of galloping hooves, and presently a party of sixteen Palace Guards dismounted twenty yards from where they stood and, arranging themselves in formation, advanced towards them on foot. The two officers leading them were Trinket’s friends Zhang and Zhao. As the senior officer among them, Zhang greeted Trinket by name, a trifle confusedly because he was not quite sure whether to call him ‘Colonel’ or ‘Father’. All sixteen guards saluted him Manchu style, dropping on one knee and touching the ground with the knuckles of their right hands. ‘Please get up, everybody!’ said Trinket, delightedly. ‘You can’t imagine how glad I am to see you.’

Galdan knew that the Palace Guards ranked higher than most civilian officials, so Trinket must evidently be a very important person. All the same, the fuss they were making of this young monk, while according only the curtest of nods to the Brigadier, so disgusted him that he was in a hurry to get away. Turning only to clasp hands in a brief gesture of farewell to the Abbot, he and his company set off at once on a rapid descent of the mountain. Inviting the guards to accompany him into the monastery, Trinket walked in at the head of them with Zhang Kangnian at his side. ‘I’ve got a Secret Edict for you,’ said Zhang, speaking in a low voice so that the others couldn’t hear. Trinket nodded.

A Secret Edict

There was, of course, a more formal Edict which Zhang read out when they were all assembled in the monastery’s main hall. The Emperor was donating five thousand silver taels to be spent on refurbishing the monks’ dormitories and re-gilding the image of the Buddha. There was also a fancy religious title which he was bestowing on Trinket in recognition of his spiritual services to the Empire. Trinket and Father Wisdom both kowtowed. Then followed what, for Trinket, was the most important part of the Edict. He was to leave the monastery not later than noon next day and proceed to the Wutai Mountains. He bowed down low. This was what he had been waiting for. ‘I hear and obey.’

After they had taken tea, Trinket invited Zhang and Zhao to his cell, where they could be more private. As soon as they were inside, Zhang took out the Secret Edict and Trinket kowtowed and received it in both hands. It was fastened together with seals of sealing-wax. ‘Fat lot of good this is, when I can’t read,’ he thought. He couldn’t get Zhang to read a Secret Edict; but then it occurred to him that Father Wisdom could be trusted to keep a secret, so he excused himself and went off to see the Abbot. Father Wisdom expressed his willingness to explain the contents, but when the seals were broken, it appeared that his help wouldn’t be needed after all. The Secret Edict turned out to be a large folded-up sheet of drawing paper divided into four sections, in each of which was a picture.

The first one showed a mountain range with five peaks, which Trinket could see was meant to be Wutai. On the north side of the southernmost peak there was a little building, above which were written the characters for ‘Pure Coolness Monastery’. Because he had stayed in the monastery and seen the characters many times before, they had a familiar look. Seeing them in this context, he could easily guess what they were.

The second showed a little monk entering the gate of a monastery over which were written the same characters: ‘Pure Coolness Monastery’. A small procession of bigger monks were following him. Over them were written the words ‘Monks from Shaolin Monastery’. Trinket could read the characters for ‘Shaolin’. The other ones he could guess.

The third picture was of a big hall in which a grinning little monk sat in the middle wearing the cope and crown of an abbot, with larger monks standing on either side of him. Trinket burst out laughing when he identified the little abbot as himself. It was some time before he could take his eyes off this picture and go on to the next.

In the fourth picture the little Abbot was kneeling down in front of a monk of middle years. From the thinness of his face Trinket guessed that this was Brother Wayward, as the Old Emperor Shun Zhi was called when he entered holy orders.

Apart from these pictures there was nothing else in the Edict. Kang Xi knew that Trinket could not read and had used his considerable skill as a draftsman to convey his message. ‘Congratulations!’ said Father Wisdom. The Pure Coolness Monastery is an even older foundation than the Shaolin and very greatly respected. You will be able to do great things there for the Truth.’ ‘How can I possibly be an Abbot!’ said Trinket ruefully. ‘I’ll be sure to make a mess of things.’ ‘Don’t forget that according to these drawings you are to take some of the monks from here with you,’ said Father Wisdom. ‘If you pick Brothers you know and can trust, they will surely do their best to help you and see that you don’t make mistakes.’

After a moment or two of reflection Trinket began to appreciate what a lot of thought Kang Xi had given to his plan. He couldn’t have sent soldiers to guard his father because, apart from the fact that his father would in any case refuse to have them, their presence would attract too much attention. There might even be some of them who recognized him as the ex-Emperor. And he couldn’t have sent Trinket there from the Palace because that, too, would have been likely to excite suspicion. But the present Abbot of Pure Coolness Monastery, Father Aureole, was a former Shaolin monk, and what could be more natural than that he should be replaced by a monk from the same monastery? Moreover, this stay at the Shaolin Monastery had given Trinket time to get to know which monks would be most congenial to take with him and best able to help him guard the Old Emperor. The Young Emperor had thought of everything.

Trinket hurried back to his cell, where Zhang and Zhao were still waiting. He took out six thousand taels’ worth of banknotes from his monk’s chest to divide between them. This was a surprise. They had not expected the fabulous generosity of his Palace days to survive his transplantation to a religious environment. Was something expected of them? They still did not know why Kang Xi had sent him to the Shaolin Monastery to be a monk and, in view of Kang Xi’s known interest in the Martial Arts, wondered if it had something to do with the monastery’s incomparable collection of texts relating to this subject. Perhaps Kang Xi coveted them and had planted Trinket there to ‘acquire’ them for him.

‘If you’ve got something big in mind,’ said Zhang, ‘you can count on us to help you. For example, if you want to get hold of their books, we could start a fire and get them away for you while we were “rescuing” them. You’ve only got to say the word.’ ‘No, that’s all right,’ said Trinket, somewhat alarmed by this offer. ‘But there is something else I’d like you to do for me.’ ‘Anything. It’ll be a pleasure.’

Those men who left as you arrived—they’re up to no good. Treason, probably. Keep an eye on them, will you, and find out what they’re up to?’ ‘Easy. They can’t have got very far.’ ‘Oh, and one other thing,’ said Trinket, trying his hardest to sound nonchalant. There’s a young woman dressed up as a man with them and she says she’s looking for a friend, a girl of sixteen or so. Find out both of their names, will you, and anything else you can about them?’ ‘We will. You can count on it.’ They took their leave in haste, wanting to go about their business straight away. Sniffing out rebellion meant rapid promotion and generous rewards. The sixteen guards were soon galloping on their way.

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