The Deer And The Cauldron 26


The Deer And The Cauldron 26
第二十六回 草木连天人骨白 关山满眼夕阳红

Lamas at the Inn

In the days that followed, Trinket continued to concern himself with the welfare of his two charges. He loved the Green Girl dearly, but dared not show it in the White Nun’s presence. He never got a kind word out of her, and often when the White Nun wasn’t looking, she would slip a sly punch or a kick in his direction; but he did not seem to mind. In spite of the kicks and punches, it was happiness enough just to be near her.

One day in Cangzhou, where, the evening before, they had put up at a little inn, he had gone out in the early morning to buy food for a breakfast which he intended to ask the servant in the inn to cook for them. Returning in high spirits after making his purchases—two pounds of cabbage, half a pound of bean curd ‘skin’, and two ounces of koumo mushrooms—he found the Green Girl standing in the doorway. He felt in his bosom for a little packet and held it out to her, smiling broadly. ‘Here, I bought these for you,’ he said. ‘Sugared pine nuts. They were selling them on the street. They’re really tasty. I didn’t think you could get anything so good in a little town like this.’ The Green Girl tossed her head. ‘Anything you bought would be horrible. Anyway, I don’t fancy them.’ This was a lie. He knew she loved sweet things but wasn’t given enough pocket money by the White Nun to buy any. In the end she did accept the packet.

‘Shifu is meditating,’ she said. ‘I’m feeling bored. Is there anywhere nice round here we could go to—anywhere quiet where there aren’t any people about?’ Trinket could hardly believe that he was hearing this. Had she really relented at last? The blood was pounding in his ears. ‘Aren’t you still angry with me?’ he asked. ‘Why should I be? Are you coming for a walk, or do I have to go off on my own?’ She began walking away as she said this. ‘Of course I am,’ said Trinket, putting his purchases down inside the doorway and hurrying after her. When they reached the edge of the town, she paused to look around. ‘What about making for that hill?’ she said, pointing in the direction of a low, tree-covered hill a mile or so south-east of the town. ‘Yes, let’s go there,’ he said eagerly.

There was no conversation on the way, and when they got there, there wasn’t really very much to look at. Just a lot of trees. But Trinket was anxious to please her. ‘It’s a beautiful spot,’ he said. ‘It isn’t,’ she said. ‘Just a few rocks and trees. I think it’s hideous.’ ‘Yes, I agree,’ he said. ‘Then why did you say it was beautiful?’ ‘I suppose it’s because, for me, you make anywhere seem beautiful.’ The Green Girl sniffed. ‘I didn’t bring you here to listen to you talking a lot of drivel. It was to get rid of you. I want you to go away. Just go away. I don’t ever want to see you again.’

His face crumpled, but he showed no sign of going. When she began threatening him and he still didn’t go, she took out the short-sword that she always carried with her and began slashing at him angrily. Though a very unsatisfactory pupil, Trinket had at least learned enough from Brother Simple to be able to stand up to her swordsmanship without getting hurt; but he could not go on dodging her sword indefinitely. In the end he took out the dagger from his boot and simply sheared off two-thirds of the blade. When she went for him with what remained of it, he could not retaliate with the dagger because he knew that the lightest blow from it might kill her, so he turned and took to his heels. ‘Just clear off!’ she shouted, as she pursued him down the hill. ‘Go away, and I won’t try to kill you any more.’

But then she saw, with dismay, that he was making back for the town. She wanted to head him off, but her inner training, like Trinket’s, was non-existent. The White Nun had taught her some swordsmanship, but not how to cultivate her Inner Force. In a trial of strength, long-distance running for example, she could not hope to beat him. With tears of vexation, after running and running, she saw him enter the inn doorway ahead of her. As she came panting in after him, still clutching her truncated sword, some invisible force from inside the inn caused her to stumble and fall. Her fall was broken by something soft. She turned her head and saw that she was sitting on top of Trinket. ‘Help me up!’ she said crossly. ‘I can’t,’ he said. ‘I can’t get up any more than you can.’ ‘You tripped me up deliberately,’ she said.

Pressing a hand down heavily on his body to raise herself, the Green Girl got slowly to her feet and peeped in at the open door. She saw the White Nun sitting on the floor, defending herself with her one hand and her long left sleeve against a group of red-robed lamas— five, as far as she could make out—ranged opposite her with their backs against the wooden partition-wall. Although five against one, they seemed afraid of her. Each time one of them darted forward to strike her, some mysterious force which seemed to radiate from her would drive him back against the wall. It was this same force which had caused Trinket to lose his balance. It now caused the Green Girl to step quickly back from the doorway. She gave Trinket a kick. ‘Aren’t you going to get up? Shifu is being attacked.’

Trinket pulled himself up by holding onto the door and peeped inside. He could see that the lama nearest the doorway was holding a short cutlass—the kind they call a ‘monk’s knife’; but much as he wanted to help, he knew it would be useless for him to go inside. In desperation he picked up a broom that was resting against the wall and poked it sideways through the doorway, hoping to put the lama with the cutlass off his stroke, or, with a bit of luck, knock him over. The instant result was that there was a little jolt, and the head of the broom came flying out through the doorway, scratching his face in its passage and leaving him clutching the broomstick without the broom. ‘You’re uselessl’ said the Green Girl. ‘Is that the best you can do?’

The wooden partition on either side of the doorway consisted of solid panels in the lower half but open lattice-work in the upper half. Whether from poverty, parsimony, or neglect, the openwork panels of the upper half had been left unpapered, so that it was possible to get a partial view of the lamas as they moved back and forth inside. Trinket got out his dagger and, crouching down so that he would be invisible from the room, waited until the lama with the cutlass had his back against the partition, then drove the dagger swiftly into the woodwork behind his back. The wood of the partition was less than an inch thick and the dagger, which could cut metal with ease, went through it like bean curd and drove several inches into the man’s body. There was a sort of gurgling grunt and he slid downwards onto the floor. Surprised and delighted by his success, Trinket crept along a little farther, still keeping his head down, and shortly found an opportunity to deal in the same way with a second lama. At his third success the two remaining lamas were so terrified by what they believed to be the White Nun’s magic powers that they made a run for the door. The White Nun leapt up and dealt the nearer of them a blow from behind. Instantly he began vomiting blood and sank dying to the floor. The second one, whom she could not reach with her hand, she brought down with a flick of her long sleeve, then, descending on him and quickly pressing five Vital Points on his body, she rendered him completely paralysed, so that he lay there as motionless as the other four.

She glanced at the three bodies lying side by side at the foot of the partition. From the wet patches on their red robes where the dagger had entered their backs and the holes in the wooden panels behind them .she guessed at once how they had been killed. Then she looked back at the lama lying paralysed at her feet. ‘You . . .’ she said sternly, ‘you . . . what do you . . . ?’ She began swaying on her feet. Trinket and the Green Girl rushed to catch her as she collapsed; but even as they caught her, a stream of bright blood came gushing from her mouth. Her prolonged resistance—one seated, unarmed woman against five men— had drained her of all her inner power and this final effort had proved just too much for her failing body. They carried her over to the long and laid her down gentry, supporting her head and shoulders so that she did not choke. Her eyes were tightly closed and her breathing barely perceptible. After a few moments she brought up a lot more blood. The Green Girl was terrified but could only cry helplessly, not knowing what she could do.

The innkeeper and his serving-man had removed themselves to a safe distance as soon as the fighting began. Now that it was quiet again, they came tiptoeing back and peeped inside the door. When they saw the pools of blood and bodies all over the floor they set up a great outcry and only stopped when Trinket, holding a lama’s cutlass in either hand, told them, in the coarsest possible language, that if they didn’t instantly shut up he would silence mem himself. When they had quietened down, he got out two silver ingots each weighing five taels from his Little store of treasure and handed mem to the serving-man. ‘We need a big covered cart to continue our journey. One of these should be enough for the hire. The other one is for you.’ The serving-man brightened, scarcely able to believe his luck, and ran off to hire a mule-cart.

Trinket counted out forty taels. ‘Now,’ he said to the innkeeper, ‘I must setde for our lodgings. Bad men, those lamas, weren’t they, fighting each other like that? I expect you saw with your own eyes how they killed each other.’ The man looked at the money, several times what he would normally have charged, gulped, and nodded. There we are,’ said Trinket. ‘I think that should just about cover what we owe you.’ Presently the serving-man returned to announce that a large mule-cart and driver were waiting outside. Trinket took a quilt from the kang to wrap the White Nun in and he and the Green Girl carried her outside and laid her down gendy inside the covered cart, nearest the driver’s end. ‘You stay here and look after her,’ he told the Green Girl before going inside again. He got the serving-man to help him carry the immobilized lama and lay him in the back of the cart, not forgetting to first ask for a length of rope to tie him up with in case the paralysis wore off while they were travelling. Then, before himself getting in beside the lama, he told the mule-driver to follow the main road soudiwards until otherwise instructed.

After they had gone about three miles, the Green Girl called out to Trinket to tell the driver to stop. Trinket saw diat she was crying. ‘Shifu’s breadiing is getting fainter and fainter,’ she said. ‘I’m afraid—’ She was unable to finish. Trinket moved back to look. The White Nun was barely breathing. She seemed to be very close to death. ‘If only there was somediing we could give her,’ said the Green Girl tearfully. Trinket suddenly remembered that he was still carrying in his pocket the little bottle containing the thirty Body Strengthening Pills that the King of Korea had given to the fake Empress Dowager (and which she in turn had given to Trinket to take to the Leader and Madame Hong). He took it out and shook two of the pills on to his palm. These might help,’ he said. They’re supposed to work very fast.’ He somehow got them into the White Nun’s mouth and the Green Girl poured a little water from her water-bottle between her lips. The effect was miraculous. Within a matter of minutes she gave a little sigh and opened her eyes.

‘I’ve just given you two pills, Reverend Mother,’ said Trinket. They seem to have done you some good. Let me give you another two.’ The White Nun shook her head. ‘Enough—for today,’ she said, speaking very faintly. ‘Let me get out.’ Trinket rolled the trussed-up lama out of the way and they helped her down from the cart. She sat down cross-legged on the grass at the side of the road and closed her eyes. Realizing that she wanted to meditate in order to restore some of her inner strength, they sat, in respectful silence, at some distance away from her. The Green Girl watched her anxiously, not taking her eyes off her. Trinket for his part gazed at the Green Girl until, becoming aware of his gaze, she blushed and looked cross. After a while they noticed that the White Nun was breathing regularly. A few moments later she opened her eyes. ‘We can go now,’ she said, still speaking very faintly. !,:., ‘There’s no hurry,’ said Trinket. ‘Rest a bit longer.’ ‘No need,’,’she said. Trinket wanted to give her the little bottle with all the rest of the pills, but she refused to take it. When it became clear that no amount of persuasion would induce her to accept it, they helped her back into the cart and continued their journey.

After they had been travelling for another mile or two, the White Nun told Trinket that they should find some quiet, out-of-the-way place where they could stop and interrogate their prisoner. Trinket ordered the mule-driver to head towards a little fold in the hills, out of sight of the main road. When they were there, he got the man to help him lift the lama out of the cart and lay him on the grass at the foot of the slope, with his head a bit higher than his feet. Then he told him to unhitch the mule, take it round to the other side of the hill to graze, and not come back until he was called. Making sure that the lama could see what he was doing, he took out his dagger, cut a branch from a nearby thicket, and proceeded to trim off the twigs and branchlets until only a stout stick remained. ‘See?’ he said. ‘Trimmed. You want to be trimmed?’ The man’s eyes had followed each movement, bulging with terror. ‘Not want,’ he said. ‘All right,’ said Trinket. ‘You talk then, eh?’ Talk,’ said the lama. ‘What’s your name?’ said Trinket.

‘Name.’ ‘Name Hubayin,’,’ said the lama. Hubayin was cooperative, but the information took a long time (and about a hundred questions) to extract. It appeared that they had set out from Peking, ten of them in all, to capture the White Nun and force her to hand over a copy she held of the Sutra in Forty-Two Sections. (It took a while to establish this, because Hubayin was more familiar with the Tibetan tide of the Sutra.) He didn’t seem to know what the special importance of this copy was. He said that their leader was the Grand Lama Sangge. Trinket remembered that this was the name of the lama he had been introduced to, along with the Mongol prince Galdan and Brigadier Ma from Yunnan, when he was a monk in the Shaolin Monastery. It was pretty obvious, though Hubayin didn’t know this, that Sangge must have been prompted to undertake this expedition by the false Empress Dowager, since only she would have known that the White Nun had taken a copy of the Sutra from the Palace. Hubayin knew nothing about the Blue Girl. Trinket calculated that Sangge and four other lamas must still be at large and probably not very far away. If, as seemed likely, they went to the inn to find out what had become of the other five, it was quite possible that they might soon be on their track. This was alarming. The White Nun was certainly in no condition to face an attack by another five lamas, and he and the Green Girl would be quite unable to defend her. He climbed inside the cart and told her what he had discovered.

The White Nun shook her head sadly. ‘Even if I were better,’ she said, ‘I couldn’t take on the five of them. I’ve heard of Sangge. Of all the Tibetan Tantrics, he is known to be the most formidable,’ Somewhat diffidently, for he was afraid she might find it beneath her dignity, he unfolded a plan of escape. It was that they should buy some clothing at the first market town they came to, disguise themselves as peasants (the White Nun could be a widowed mother travelling with her son and daughter), and ask for lodgings at some farm where they could stay until she had fully recovered her strength. The Green Girl intensely disliked the idea of posing as Trinket’s sister, but the White Nun could see the sense of the plan, only insisting that, in adopting it, she should pass herself off not as a mother of children but as an aunt travelling with her nephew and niece. That decided, Trinket called back the mule-driver who re-harnessed his mule and helped him lift Hubayin back into the cart. Then, as soon as Trinket himself was in the back, they set off once more on their journey south.

On the Road with Sir Zheng

They had not been on the road again very long when they heard the sound of hooves in the distance. It sounded as if a sizeable company of horsemen was coming up behind them, riding at speed, because the sound was growing louder by the moment. ‘Damnation!’ thought Trinket. ‘It’s the lamas. It doesn’t sound like five, though: more like a dozen.’ But when the horsemen came in sight, he breathed a sigh of relief. These were not red-robed lamas but laymen in black: a person of some importance attended by twelve mounted companions. As they overtook the cart, he heard the Green Girl cry out excitedly. ‘Zheng! Sir Zheng!’

The leader of the company reined in his horse and waited for the cart to catch up with him. A slatted blind in the side of the mule-cart was rolled up and the dashing Sir Zheng, an extremely handsome young man of twenty-three or so, trotted along beside me cart and leaned down to talk to the girl inside. ‘Miss Chen! What a surprise! Is Miss Wang with you?’ ‘No.’ ‘Are you going to Hejianfu? If you are, we can travel together.’ ‘No, I’m afraid not.’ ‘Oh, you should. It will be lots of fun,’ ‘Why? What’s happening in Hejianfu?’ Trinket noticed with a pang that the Green Girl’s cheeks were flushed with excitement.

He had never seen her like this, so happy and so animated. It was clear that she had known this young Sir Zheng for quite some time and that he occupied a high place in her affections. ‘We can’t go to Hejianfu,’ Trinket muttered. ‘We’re trying to escape.’ Either his remark was inaudible or the other two ignored it. ‘It’s the big Rat Trap Congress,’ said Zheng. From the conversation that ensued, Trinket gathered that this was the code name for the meeting of all the different anti-Manchu groups to plan joint action against the Satrap Wu Sangui. As Master of the Green Wood Lodge, he had once heard the Helmsman discussing plans for the meeting with the other Masters. The Green Girl was eager to take part. ‘Shifu, may we go?’ she asked the White Nun pleadingly.

Trinket didn’t wait for the reply. ‘If those lamas catch up with us, we’re done for,’ he said. ‘Our best plan is to hide,’ ‘What lamas are those?’ asked Zheng, pricking up his ears. ‘Sir Zheng, I want you to meet my Shifu,’ said the Green Girl. ‘She has been attacked by some lamas and is seriously hurt. The ones who were attacking her she killed or captured, but five of the group they belonged to are still around and they are out to get us.’ Zheng whistled to his companions to halt. The mule-driver stopped the cart and Zheng jumped off his horse and leant inside it to introduce himself.

He was the grandson of Marshal Zheng, it seemed, that famous Coxinga who took Taiwan from the Dutch and held it for the Ming Court in exile. The Marshal, created Prince of Yanping by one of the Ming Pretenders, had died in the first year of Kang Xi’s reign. The present Prince of Yanping and ruler of Taiwan was the Marshal’s son Zheng Jing. Trinket’s Shifu, the Helmsman, was the Prince’s military adviser. This young Sir Zheng was the Prince’s second son and younger brother of his Heir Apparent. His full name was Zheng Keshuang.

The White Nun was not nearly as impressed as the young man had hoped she would be when she heard who he was. She merely made some polite remark about his being ‘of loyal stock’. He could not know, of course, that she was an Emperor’s daughter, to whom his princely grandfather was merely one of her father’s generals. When she went on to ask him under what teacher he had trained, he told her that he had had not one teacher but three. She was a little shocked by the disrespectful way in which he referred to the first two of his teachers, but it transpired that one of them, an army officer called Shi Lang, had surrendered to the Manchus. ‘If I ever meet him again, I shall kill him,’ he said, looking even more dashing as he said it.

The third one, under whom he had already been training for ten years, was a professional called Feng, also known as the Bloodless Sword because of his superior swordsmanship which enabled him to kill an opponent without drawing blood. The White Nun had heard of this paragon. ‘You don’t need to worry about those lamas,’ he said. ‘We’re thirteen against their five; but even if we didn’t outnumber them, my men would be more than a match for them fighting just one to one. They are the pick of our fighting-men on Taiwan.’ The White Nun wasn’t so sure, but held her peace. She had already half made up her mind to travel with them. Disguise and concealment, enabling her to rest and recuperate, would no doubt have been the best course, but she was not going to dress up as an old peasant in the presence of this dashing young nobleman and his twelve companions. After a little hesitation she consented to travel in their company to Hejianfu. Trinket cursed inwardly. The insufferable Sir Zheng was older than him, taller than him, and more good-looking and well-spoken than him. And he was the son of a prince. (‘Loyal stock!’ he thought. ‘I haven’t got any stock at all!’) Worst of all, the Green Girl was fond of him. And if the White Nun knew that he, Trinket, was young Zheng’s rival for her hand, she would probably kill him on the spot for even daring to think about marrying her.

Now that it was decided that they should travel together, the blind was lowered and they resumed their journey. Young Zheng continued to ride beside the mule-cart, but his companions divided themselves into two groups, six of them riding ahead of the cart, the other six bringing up the rear. They took a right turn at the next junction as they were journeying westwards now, in the direction of Hejianfu. About midday they arrived in Fengerzhuang, one of the larger market towns of West Hebei, and decided to look for somewhere to eat. When they had found a place and had all dismounted, Trinket saw just how much taller young Zheng was than himself and how magnificently dressed. His companions, too, were big, swaggering fellows, full of arrogant self-assurance. Inside the eating-house the Green Girl helped the White Nun to a small table and, when she had got her seated, sat down herself at one of the sides next to her. Young Sir Zheng sat at the side opposite the Green Girl. Trinket was about to sit down in the remaining seat, opposite the White Nun, when the Green Girl scowled at him and told him to sit elsewhere. There’s plenty of room over there,’ she said. ‘You can’t sit here. I shan’t be able to get my food down if I have to sit next to you.’

Trinket blushed scarlet and, with rage in his heart, went to sit alone at a distant table. The White Nun was shocked. ‘Ah Kor,’ she said, ‘why are you always so rude to that boy?’ ‘He’s horrible, Shifu,’ said the Green Girl. ‘There’s nothing so bad that he wouldn’t do it. If it weren’t for you, I would kill him.’ Trinket heard all this from his table and entertained dark thoughts of waiting until Zheng and the Green Girl were married, then killing Zheng and magnanimously consenting to take the widowed Green Girl as his wife. When the food was served, Zheng’s companions, who were sitting all round him, fell on it like hungry wolves. Trinket was so disgusted that he took some of the steamed buns that had been served with the meal and went outside to feed Hubayin, who was still lying trussed up in the cart Hubayin’s company seemed preferable to that of Zheng’s bully-boys inside. After feeding him a few of the buns, he went in again and, from his distant table, gloomily contemplated the Green Girl and young Sir Zheng happily chattering and laughing together while the White Nun ate silently between them. While he was picking without much appetite at his food and trying to think of some way in which he might widow the future Lady Zheng without her finding out that it was he who had murdered her precious husband, his thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the sounds of a party of horsemen arriving and dismounting outside. A moment later five red-robed lamas came into the eating-house.


The tallest and thinnest of them he thought he recognized as the Grand Lama Sangge whom he had last seen in the Shaolin Monastery in the company of Galdan and the Brigadier. As soon as they caught sight of the White Nun, they began talking excitedly to each other in their foreign language. The one whom Trinket had identified as Sangge gave an order and the five of them sat down at a table near the door and ordered a meal. From time to time, while they were waiting, they would glance round in the direction of the White Nun with angry looks. Presently one of them got up and marched towards her table. ‘Hey, you! Nun!’ he said in a voice loud enough for everyone in the eating-house to hear. ‘It is you kill my friends?’ Young Sir Zheng leapt to his feet.

‘What do you mean by it, shouting at people like that? Have you no manners at all?’ ‘You are who? said the lama angrily. ‘I talk with nun. This not your business. You <****> off!’ In a trice four of Zheng’s followers leapt up and rushed on the lama to seize him, but they were quickly disposed of. Two of them he swept aside with his right arm, one he sent flying with a mighty kick, and the fourth he smashed on the nose with his fist, so hard that the man sank bleeding and unconscious to the floor. ‘Right! Get in formation!’ shouted one of Zheng’s eight remaining men, and all eight of them jumped up, drew out their swords, and stood shoulder to shoulder for a fight. The lamas, too, drew out their monk’s knives, all except Sangge, who continued to sit at his table looking on. He and his lamas, and Trinket and the White Nun’s party were now the only diners left, the others having all retreated at the earliest sign of an affray. A small melee now took place in the middle of the eating-house, in which, amidst the sounds of tables being overturned, crockery being smashed, and the clash of weapons, it was for a time hard to tell what was going on. Then quite suddenly there was a cry and one of the men’s swords went flying upwards and lodged itself in the ceiling. This was followed by another sword and then another. Trinket watched in astonishment as, one by one, each of young Zheng’s followers was disarmed in this novel manner. ‘On knees!’ shouted one of the lamas. ‘Surrender, or cut off heads!’

But the men had courage enough to continue. Some of them put up their fists and some of them picked up benches to defend themselves with. The four lamas went back to where Sangge was sitting and flung down their knives so that they stuck quivering in the table. Then they moved in a slow and deliberate manner towards the men. Presently there were shrieks and cries and Trinket realized with horror that the lamas were systematically breaking the men’s legs. Soon all of them lay groaning and helpless on the floor amidst the overturned tables and the broken crockery. To begin with Trinket had felt rather pleased to see Zheng and his companions being humbled, but now he was really frightened and wondered whose turn it would be next. The lamas went back to their own table, however, pulled out and resheathed their knives, and sat down as if nothing had happened.

‘Waiter!’ Sangge shouted towards the kitchen. ‘Let’s have some wine! What’s happened to our dinner?’ (Unlike the lesser lamas accompanying him, Sangge spoke fluent Chinese.) He called several times, but there was no response. ‘Holy yak butter!’ shouted one of the lamas. ‘Not bring dinner, we burn house down!’ This threat brought the proprietor to the kitchen door. ‘Yes, yes, Your Reverence, immediately,’ he said, and turned to address the trembling waiter inside. ‘Quickly, boy, quickly! Take the wine and the dishes to Their Reverences!’ Trinket looked to see how the White Nun was reacting to this sudden change of fortune. She was slowly sipping tea from her cup and appeared to be totally unaware of what was going on around her The Green Girl, on the other hand, was ashen-faced and there Was terror in her eyes. Young Sir Zheng’s hue was changing from blue to white by turns. He was standing with his hand on his sword, but the hand was trembling. Though honour told him that he should fight, it seemed uncertain whether honour or fear would prevail. The sinister Sangge observed this with a mocking laugh and, getting up from his table, went over to confront him. Young Zheng jumped back a pace and held up his sword in front of him. ‘Wha-wha-wha-what do you want?’ His voice was husky with fear. ‘What I want has to do with this nun here and nobody else,’ said Sangge. ‘Who are you? Are you her disciple?’

‘No,’ said Zheng. ‘In that case, if you know what’s good for you, you’ll keep your nose out of this,’ said Sangge. ‘I mu-must ask you for your name,’ Zheng stammered. ‘I shall be requiring sa-sa-sa-, sa-sa-sa—’ ‘What will you be requiring? Satisfaction?’ ‘Ye-yes.’ Sangge threw his head back and roared with laughter. When he had finished laughing, he flicked the sleeve of his robe in young Zheng’s face. Zheng made a feeble pass at him with his sword, whereupon Sangge, with the greatest of ease, knocked the sword flying from his hand, seized him by the collar, and forced him down on to a bench. Then he pressed a point on the back of his neck so that he could no longer move. ‘Now sit there like a good boy!’ he said, and returned, laughing, to his own table to rejoin the other lamas. The lamas had now incapacitated Zheng and all twelve of his followers, yet still not laid a finger on the White Nun. Trinket couldn’t understand what they were waiting for. The fact is they were scared of her. They believed she was solely responsible for the deaths of all five of their fellows in the Cangzhou hostelry, and having caught up with her at last, were simply observing her, not quite sure what they would do next. Now that things had finally quietened down a bit, the waiter came in with some plates of food and a jug of wine. The wine-cups were quite large ones and by the time the waiter had half-filled all of them, the jug was empty.

One of the lamas banged on the table angrily. ‘This all wine we get? This not enough!’ The waiter, who had been trembling to start with, hurried back to the kitchen, now almost fainting with terror. Trinket had a sudden inspiration and slipped in after him. The lamas seemed scarcely to notice his departure. Even Sangge, who had met Trinket once before at the Shaolin Monastery when he had been posing as a monk, paid no attention to this little rich boy. In the kitchen Trinket found the waiter trying to pour wine from a wine-jar into the jug, but his hands were shaking so badly that very little was going inside it. Trinket took out a small ingot of silver and held it out to him. ‘Don’t be afraid!’ he said. ‘Look, you can take what I owe for my meal from this. The rest is for you. Let me give you a hand with that wine.’ He reached for the wine-jar, which the waiter yielded up gladly, scarcely believing that the world could contain so kind a benefactor. Tricky bastards, those lamas!’ said Trinket. ‘You never know what they’ll do next. Better go and see what they’re up to.’ The waiter obediently went to the kitchen door to look.

While he had his back turned, Trinket took from his inside pocket a paper packet containing some of the strong opiate that he always carried with him for emergencies, and emptied the entire contents into the jug. He had just finished swishing it round to dissolve the powder when the waiter came trotting back. They don’t seem to be doing anything,’ he said. ‘Just drinking.’ ‘Here you are, then,’ said Trinket. ‘Better hurry. Don’t want them getting angry again and burning the place down!’ The waiter went off with the wine-jug, invoking blessings on this kind young gentleman. One of the lamas snatched the jug from him and poured out another round. ‘Not enough,’ he said. ‘Go get more!’

Trinket watched from the kitchen as they drained their cups. ‘Donkeys!’ he thought. This is one of the oldest tricks in the book. Anyone on River and Lake could have told them to watch out for drugged wine.’ One of the lamas, a big, fat fellow, had a weakness for girls. He had been itching to get his hands on the beautiful Green Girl from the moment he set eyes on her and it was only fear of the White Nun that had held him back. Already half-drunk before imbibing the drugged wine, he now, under the influence of the drug, completely forgot about his fear and went lurching over to accost her. ‘Not married, girlie?’ he said with a leer and reached his fat hand out to touch the smooth skin of her cheek. The Green Girl was trembling all over but managed to get out her sword. Before she could use it, however, he had seized and twisted her wrist. The sword dropped to the ground. The lama gave a great laugh and threw his arms around her. She screamed and struggled, but he only tightened his embrace. During these last few moments young Zheng had begun to feel the sensation returning to his limbs. Now, desperate to help the Green Girl, he clung to the edge of the nearest table and attempted to raise himself to his feet; but the fat lama saw him. Still holding the struggling girl in his right arm, he lashed out with his left fist and sent young Zheng rolling on the floor.

Trinket knew that the drug would soon take effect—in fact, he couldn’t understand why it had not done so already—but seeing the fat lama kissing and nuzzling the Green Girl’s cheek, he could bear to wait no longer. While the other lamas’ attention was fixed on their lecherous colleague, he extracted the dagger from his boot and hid it in the long sleeve of his jacket, then, ambling over with a big grin on his face, as if to show that he found the girl’s plight a joke, he jovially accosted her tormentor. ‘Hey, Brother,’ he said, stretching out an arm towards him and delivering what any onlooker would take to be a playful dig in the back, ‘what’s your game, eh?’ The incomparably sharp blade slipped through his sleeve and through the fat lama’s ribs, transfixing his heart. Trinket withdrew it, chuckling, and stepped aside. What’s the big idea, Brother? Aren’t you afraid of what my Shifu’s going to do to you?’ The fat lama crashed to the floor, still clutching the Green Girl in his arms.

When Trinket knelt down to release her from his embrace, he somehow contrived to slip the dagger back inside his boot without any of the others noticing what he was doing. Then he prised open the arms of the dead or dying lama and helped the Green Girl to her feet. ‘Ah Kor,’ he said (it was the first time he had ever spoken her name), ‘quickly! Come with me!’ He took the White Nun’s arm with his other hand and, accompanied by the two of them, one on either side of him, made for the door, stopping only to shout at the other lamas as they lurched towards him: ‘Stand where you are! My Shifu has the power to strike each one of you dead. You see what she’s already done to your fat friend?’ The lamas stopped uncertainly, swaying slightly. At that very moment there was a thump, followed, moments later, by another thump. The drug had finally taken effect and two of the lamas had fallen unconscious to the floor. By the time Trinket and his womenfolk had reached the door, there had been two more thumps as two more lamas hit the ground. This left only Sangge. He tried to stop them, but his legs seemed out of his control and his head was swimming. Before he could reach the door, he collapsed on top of a table, so hard that it gave way beneath him.

‘Sir Zheng, Sir Zheng!’ cried the Green Girl as they made their way outside. ‘Come with us, quick!’ ‘I’m coming,’ croaked Zheng and, struggling with some difficulty to his feet, he staggered after them. Outside the eating-house there was only Hubayin in the cart, looking thoroughly scared: the mule-driver was nowhere to be seen. Trinket helped the White Nun inside, and the Green Girl and Zheng got in after her. There was no time to look for the mule-driver, so Trinket got up on the driver’s seat at the front, took up the reins, and cracked the whip. The mule started without a second bidding, and off they went, making for the open road.

In the Sorghum Field

After they had been bowling along at speed for about three miles, the mule began to tire and they were forced to slacken the pace. As ill luck would have it, it was just at that moment that they began to hear, still faint in the distance, the sound of pursuing horsemen. ‘Pity we didn’t take the horses,’ said Zheng. ‘The lamas would never have caught up with us then.’ ‘The Reverend Mother can’t ride,’ said Trinket. ‘And anyway, who invited you to come with us in the cart?’ No one had ever spoken to the young nobleman like this before, but as things were, there was nothing he could do but swallow his indignation. ‘Reverend Mother,’ said Trinket, ‘we’ll have to get out and hide.’

He looked around. They were in the open country now, not a house or a barn in sight. To the right, however, there was a field of newly-harvested sorghum. All over the field, at intervals of ten yards or so, the tall sorghum plants, none less than eight feet high, had been laid together in tent-like stocks to dry. ‘We could hide in one of those,’ said Trinket. ‘How can I do that?’ said Zheng. ‘If my people got to hear of it, I should be a laughing-stock.’ ‘You can stay in the cart and drive on, to draw the lamas off the scent,’ said Trinket. While he was saying this, he was helping the White Nun down from the cart. He began making his way across the field with her leaning on his arm. The Green Girl stood wavering, torn between the White Nun and Sir Zheng. ‘Come on, Ah Kor!’ said the White Nun. The Green Girl followed, calling to Zheng as she went ‘Come and hide with us, please!’ Zheng followed the other three and crouched down with them inside one of the stocks.

But no sooner had they done so than Trinket remembered the cart and went running back. It was useless to hide so near Hubayin and the cart. Both, in different ways, must be disposed of. There was nothing else for it. He took out his dagger and looked into the back of the cart, intending to dispatch the lama with one swift blow. Unfortunately, since Trinket last looked at him, Hubayin’s paralysis had worn off and he had succeeded in freeing one of his arms. When Trinket bent over him with the ger, the lama clutched his sleeve in terror. ‘No good,’ said Trinket. ‘Sorry!’ and he forced the blade down into his chest. After one or two convulsions the lama was still, but the hand continued to clutch Trinket’s sleeve. Now every second counted. There was no time for remorse. Swiftly withdrawing the dagger from the lama’s chest, Trinket sliced off the hand with it, severing it neatly at the wrist; then, dashing forward to the front of the cart, he poked the dagger into the mule’s backside. The wretched animal kicked up its hind legs and went dashing forwards, clattering along the road at a tremendous pace with Hubayin in the cart behind it.

Trinket raced across the field, still holding the severed hand, and plunged into the stook where the other three were hiding. He wasn’t quite sure what to do with the hand. Perhaps he could use it later, he thought, to play some trick on Zheng. Crouching with the others in the darkness, he got out a large handkerchief, wrapped the hand in it and stuffed it inside his gown. Inside the rick they were huddled close together. Trinket quickly discovered that young Zheng was the person next to him and that the Green Girl was on Zheng’s farther side. Determined, even in this emergency, to have some fun at his rival’s expense, he suddenly let out a high-pitched squeal and claimed that Zheng had been fondling his person. ‘Do you mind, Sir Zheng! That’s me you’ve got hold of. Keep your dirty hands to yourself!’ Then he reached behind him and fondled the Green Girl’s waist. ‘Sir ZhengY the Green Girl exclaimed in a very shocked voice. When this little pantomime was repeated a few moments later, Zheng, while protesting his innocence, endeavoured to move away a little and in doing so exposed one of his legs outside the rick.

Trinket had chosen a bad moment for his horseplay because it coincided with the arrival in the vicinity of one of their pursuers. Sangge had never entirely succumbed to the opiate. He realized that they had been drugged and had retained sufficient presence of mind to call for the help of the waiter. After several dowsings of cold water, he had sufficiently recovered to attend to the resuscitation of his followers. All of them revived after three or four buckets had been emptied over them, all, that is, except the fat lama, on whom they continued to pour water until it became obvious that he was dead. Sangge and these three survivors, not waiting to burn down the eating-house as they had promised, threw themselves on their horses and galloped off westwards down the road that the others had taken. One of them, who had far outstripped the others, was passing the field of sorghum, looking about him as he rode, when his eye chanced to light on what looked like a human foot at the base of one of the stocks. The lama reined in his horse and dismounted. Keeping his eye on the foot—he was sure that it had moved a little—he walked stealthily across the field until he was within reach of it. He thought he could hear voices in the stook. Then a pounce, a tug, and out came Sir Zheng, a little rumpled and still protesting his innocence, in all his finery. ‘Nun in there?’ said the lama, dragging Zheng to his feet.

‘This is bad,’ thought Trinket. ‘He’ll have us all out in a minute.’ The lama was holding the front of Zheng’s jacket in both his hands and shaking him. Trinket saw in a flash that this was his only chance of saving them. Dagger in hand, he leapt out of the stook and struck. The lama felt an intense pain in his back and went down without ever knowing what had hit him. ‘Now,’ said Trinket to Zheng, ‘we’ve got to hide him. Give us a hand! We haven’t got much time.’ He began throwing sorghum-stalks on the fallen lama and Zheng, after a moment’s hesitation, followed his example. But it was too late. Sangge and the other two lamas were already visible on the road, and from their shouts and gestures it was evident that they had already seen them. There was nothing for it but to stand where they were and try to think of a ruse. Soon the lamas were striding towards them across the field. They stopped at some distance away from them, however. At first Trinket wondered why, but then it dawned on him. It was the lama’s body they had just noticed, half concealed beneath the straw. Even the crafty Sangge must believe that the White Nun had supernatural powers. Already she had eliminated seven of their number—or so it would seem to Sangge—the last two without even raising a finger. ‘You see what my Shifu’s powers are like?’ he called to Sangge. ‘She’s really very merciful, though. She’s willing to forgive you and not harm you if you will only go away and leave her in peace.’

‘She knows perfectly well what she must do if she wants to be left alone,’ said Sangge. ‘She must hand over her copy of the Sutra in Forty-Two Sections.’ ‘Oh, thai*.’ said Trinket. ‘She’s given it to him to look after.’ He pointed to young Zheng. ‘No, she didn’t,’ said Zheng. ‘I haven’t got it.’ Sangge’s two subordinates seized hold of Zheng and began feeling him all over. Then they began tearing off his clothes, ripping each garment apart to make sure that there was nothing in the linings, until he was stark naked. ‘I told you, I haven’t got it,’ he said and began pulling his now tattered garments back on again. ‘Where have you hidden it, then?’ said Trinket. ‘I know she gave it to you. What have you done with it?’ One of the lamas grabbed Zheng by the arm and dealt him a hefty slap on the face. ‘Where it is? You tell!’ ‘I’ve told you already,’ said Zheng. ‘I haven’t got it. I’ve never had it. I don’t know where it is.’ The lama hit him again, even harder, on the other side of the face. Tell!’ ‘Didn’t I see you burying something behind that eating-place?’ said Trinket. ‘Was that it? Why don’t you tell them?’ ‘I think the boy is telling the truth,’ said Sangge. We had better take this man back to the town.’ ‘Yes, better,’ said the lama, and planted another hard slap on Zheng’s already swollen face.

This was more than the Green Girl could bear. On hands and knees she pushed her way out of the stock and began shouting distractedly as she clambered to her feet. ‘Don’t listen to that boy! He tells nothing but lies. Sir Zheng has never seen that Sutra. He knows nothing about it.’ ‘I was trying to save you both,’ Trinket muttered. ‘Don’t you care about your Shifu?’ Sangge motioned to the lama who was holding Zheng to stop hitting him. He wanted him in one piece. ‘I think we should all go back to look,’ he said. ‘We’ll take the children, too.’ He addressed the stock: ‘You, too, nun, you had better come with us.’ Trinket noticed that he didn’t go any nearer the stock, although he had guessed that she was inside it. ‘Let me go in and tell her,’ he said. Sangge made no objection. When Trinket crawled in, the White Nun was waiting with outstretched hand. Take this,’ she whispered. She was holding a little bag. Trinket recognized it as the bag in which she had put the cut-up pieces of map extracted from the Sutra’s binding. Judging that her situation was now hopeless, she had resolved to die; but before she died, she wanted to leave the precious fragments with someone she could trust. Trinket felt immensely proud that she was giving them to him and not to her own disciple. Tell them I won’t come out,’ she said. ‘If I can, I shall try to think of some way of saving you all. But I won’t come out. I won’t show myself to those lamas.’ Trinket put the bag inside his gown and crawled out again. ‘She won’t come out,’ said Trinket. ‘She says she refuses to go with you.’







‘We’ll see about that,’ said Sangge. He beckoned to the other two lamas to come closer, still keeping Zheng as their prisoner, and join him in a little huddle. Trinket and the Green Girl were left standing by the stock in which the White Nun was hidden, while the lamas squatted by another stook about ten or fifteen yards away, jabbering to each other in Tibetan. Puzzled, Trinket saw them get up, tear several sheaves of dried sorghum from it, and then squat down again. He didn’t remain puzzled for very long, however. Soon Sangge had produced a little flame with a tinder-box he was carrying and was lighting the end of a sheaf. He hurled it as far as he could, but it fell short of the stook in which the White Nun was hiding. It lay on the ground blazing harmlessly, though making a great deal of smoke.

‘We must get her out of here,’ said Trinket to the Green Girl. ‘You will have to help me.’ The far side of the field was bounded by a low cliff in which there was a little cave. With a bit of luck and sufficient smoke to obscure their getaway, they might get the White Nun out of the stook before it caught fire and run with her towards this cave. He dived inside the stook. ‘Reverend Mother,’ he said, ‘I’ve found a better hiding-place.’ He half-dragged her through the far side of the stook to where the Green Girl was waiting. She took the nun’s other arm, and between them they began hurrying her across the field. It was a near thing. The second sheaf of burning sorghum landed right at the foot of the stook and soon flames were shooting up from it twenty feet into the air. Fortunately, as well as flames, there was so much smoke, and the breeze blew the smoke about so capriciously, that the three of them were halfway to the cave before the lamas could see that they had got away.

But when they reached the cave, they were not much better off than they had been before. This was for two reasons. The first was that the cave turned out to be a very shallow one, little more than a deep hollow in the side of the cliff, so that even when they were inside it, they were fully visible to anyone in the field, and far from affording them protection, it merely cut off their retreat. The second was that, although their flight across the field had been largely obscured by the smoke, the lamas had seen enough to guess that the White Nun was either ill or wounded, since she seemed to move with some difficulty and to need support. She therefore no longer appeared to them as an invulnerable enemy possessed of supernatural powers but as a weak woman whom they could fairly easily overcome. They hurried across the field to the mouth of the cave. Yet some residual fear of her still remained, for they did not venture in to lay hands on her, but piled up some sorghum stalks and prepared to smoke her out. ‘Reverend Mother,’ said Trinket, ‘I think we’re going to have to give them the Sutra. After all, it’s no use to anyone without the pieces of map.’ ‘You are right,’ said the White Nun, handing it over to him. ‘Do with it as you think best.’

Trinket knelt down with his back to the others, laid the Sutra on the ground in front of him, and got out the severed hand, glancing over his shoulder from time to time to see how far the lamas had got in their preparations. When he had unwrapped the hand, he took out his dagger and cut some strips of flesh from it whrch he laid carefully on the Sutra. By this time the lamas had lit the sorghum and it was beginning to blaze. Smoke drifted towards the cave making their eyes water and causing them to cough. ‘Hey!’ he called out over his shoulder. ‘I’ve got the Sutra here. If you don’t put that out, I’ll throw it in the fire.’

That will keep them busy for a while,’ he thought, taking out the little phial of Decomposing Powder. He didn’t know if the powder would take effect on living bodies, but he thought it was worth a try. He remembered that there had to be blood for it to start working, which is why he now shook some of it on the flesh he had sliced from the hand. He glanced out at the lamas, who were throwing flat stones and earth on the burning sorghum and stamping out the flames, then back at his handiwork. The flesh strips were sizzling slightly and oozing yellow droplets. So far so good, but he needed a little time. He got to his feet and stood with the other two to face the lamas. Throw out that Sutra nowl’ shouted Sangge, when the fire was thoroughly extinguished. ‘My Shifu will let you have it if you’ll promise to use it properly,’ Trinket called back. ‘It’s very precious. It comes from the Palace. There’s a secret locked up inside it, and anyone who can unlock it will have the power to convert the whole world to the Buddhist faith.’ He glanced down behind him at the Sutra. The strips of flesh were fast dissolving in a pool of yellow liquid.

Sangge knew that the secret contained in the Sutra had nothing to do with the propagation of the faith; but he also knew that the copy he had already sacrificed so much to obtain had in fact been taken from the Palace, and he was sure this was the one. He was trembling with excitement to think that it was now almost within his grasp. Tell your Shifu, the conversion of the world is very dear to my heart,’ he said. ‘My Shifu read through this copy of the Sutra, but she couldn’t discover the secret,’ said Trinket. ‘She says that if you are able to discover it, you must promise to share it with monks and nuns everywhere, not just be selfish and keep it to yourselves.’ ‘Of course,’ said Sangge. Tell her she can set her mind at rest. I am perfectly willing to give that undertaking.’ ‘If you can’t work out what the secret is,’ said Trinket, ‘she says you are to hand it over to the Shaolin Monastery. And if the monks of the Shaolin Monastery can’t make it out, they are to hand it over to the Pure Coolness Monastery on Wutai. And if the monks on Wutai can’t make it out, they are to hand it over to the Zen Wisdom Monastery in Yangzhou.’ ‘Certainly,’ said Sangge. ‘I promise to abide by all of these conditions.’ It seemed obvious to him from all this that the White Nun had no inkling of the Sutra’s real value. They could make what conditions they liked! Once he had the Sutra, he would dispose of the lot of them.

Trinket glanced down once more and was delighted to see that the flesh had entirely dissolved and the yellow liquid had been absorbed into the cover of the book. He doubled up the cloth in which the hand had been wrapped to protect his own hands with while he picked it up. ‘Here it comes, then—your precious Sutra!’ He lobbed it for Sangge to catch, then hurriedly threw away the cloth. But Sangge suspected a trap and allowed it to fall to the ground. It was the other two lamas who picked it up, pouncing on it, and fighting each other to hold it and have a look. ‘Hey, you guys!’ Trinket shouted. ‘Look at you! You’ve got centipedes on your faces!’ The lamas instinctively brushed at their faces with their hands but could feel nothing there. Stupid brat, they thought. They took the book over to Sangge. ‘Look, Father,’ (they were speaking Tibetan now), ‘is this the book we have been looking for?’ ‘Let’s take it over there,’ said Sangge. ‘We need to have a good look to make sure they haven’t given us a fake.’ They sat down with it at some distance from the cave.

‘It’s wet,’ said Sangge. ‘We’ll have to be extra careful we don’t tear the pages.’ He began turning them over carefully, using only the tips of his fingers. While they were all looking at the book, one of the lamas unconsciously scratched his neck and suddenly became aware that his fingers were itching. Sangge and the other lama, too, felt their fingers itching, but at first paid no attention. The itching grew more insistent, however, and when they looked, they noticed that the tips of their fingers were wet with some yellow liquid. ‘Strange!’ they said. ‘Where’s this coming from? Surely it’s not from the book?’ At that point the cheeks of Sangge’s two companions started itching unbearably and they began furiously scratching themselves. When Sangge looked up from the book, he saw that there were bloody scratch-marks on both men’s cheeks. The itching of his own fingers was now intolerable. Then he realized what the cause was and dropped the book in horror.

‘Aiyo!’ he cried. The book is poisoned!’ The yellow liquid was dripping like blood or sweat from his fingers. He wiped them frantically on the ground. The scratch-marks on the faces of the other two were now deep red furrows. Their cheeks not only itched now but hurt as well. When they saw blood on their finger-ends and drops of greasy yellow liquid dripping from their chins, they began to howl and scream and presently threw themselves to the ground, clutching their heads and writhing in agony. In Sangge’s case it was only his fingers that were affected, but finding that the tips were no better for all his dabbing and wiping and that they continued to ooze yellow liquid, he tore off his robe, wrapped the poisoned book in it, and rushed off with it under his arm to look for water.

Trinket was relieved to see Sangge run off into the distance, but the sufferings of the other two were more than he had bargained for. A quick thrust through the ribs with his dagger would, he thought, be doing them a kindness; but just as he was about to act on this merciful impulse, the men jumped up, mad with pain, and began running round in circles. Then, as if acting on the same impulse, they rushed to the cliff and began banging their heads against it. They banged and banged until both of them were unconscious. It was then that Trinket ran over to finish them off. But the ight that met his eyes was so terrible that for a while he stood ;azing down in horror, trembling too violently to carry out his purpose. The men’s faces had been completely eaten away: eyes, lips, cheeks, nose were gone, leaving only traces of red scum and a few sinews on the white bones.

Presently Zheng, who had been lurking at some distance behind the lamas, came over to look at them and was promptly sick. Then the Green Girl came to join Zheng and, though warned not to look, did so out of curiosity and screamed. Even the White Nun, who seldom betrayed any emotion, gave a shudder at what she saw. She looked from the faceless bodies of the two lamas to the body of the other dead lama across the field, now charred and blackened, beside the burnt-out stock. She thought of Hubayin and those other ones who had died in the hostelry. How many more thousands or tens of thousands must die, some of them as terribly as this, before the Ming dynasty could be restored? She wondered if that was really what she wanted.

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