Home Chinese Movies&TV Chinese Film: Police Story 2013 警察故事2013 ~ Chinese Movies&TV

Chinese Film: Police Story 2013 警察故事2013 ~ Chinese Movies&TV

Director: Ding Sheng
导演:  丁晟



Starring:  Jackie Chan, Liu Ye and Jing Tian
主演:成龙 / 刘烨 / 景甜



Genre: Drama/Action/Suspense/Crime
类型:剧情 / 动作 / 悬疑 / 犯罪



Release Date: December 24, 2013
上映日期: 2013年12月24日



Synopsis:  A small pub turns into the scene of a tense stand-off when the owner takes his patrons hostage — one of the hostages is Officer Zhong Wen (Jackie Chan), another is his daughter, Miaomiao (Jing Tian). The hostage taker (Liu Ye) demands that a notorious criminal be freed from prison in exchange for the lives of those in the pub.


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