Du Fu Poem: On Qiantang Lake in Spring – 白居易《钱塘湖春行》













[1] 钱塘湖:杭州西湖。

[2] 孤山:独立于西湖里湖与外湖之间的一座小山。

[3] 贾亭:贾公亭。

[4] 云脚:指贴近地面、湖面的云气。

[5] 暖树:向阳树木。

[6] 新燕:指春燕。

[7] 乱花:散乱的花。

[8] 行不足:游赏不尽。

[9] 白沙堤:白堤。

On Qiantang Lake in Spring

Bai Juyi

West of Jia Pavilion and north of Lonely Hill,

Water brims level with the bank and clouds hang low.

Disputing for sunny trees, early orioles trill;

Pecking vernal mud in, young swallows come and go.

A riot of blooms begins to dazzle the eye;

Amid short grass the horse hoofs can barely be seen.

I love best the east of the lake under the sky;

The bank paved with white sand is shaded by willows green.

Qiantang Lake is later known as the West Lake in Hangzhou, and Jia Pavilion and Lonely Hill are scenic spots to the east or south of the Lake.


Spring Journey to Qiantang Lake” is a famous poem by Bai Juyi, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, describing the West Lake. By depicting the bright scenery of West Lake in early spring, the poem expresses the author’s joy of visiting the lake in early spring and his love for the scenery of Qiantang Lake, as well as his love for the beauty of nature. The middle four lines, in particular, meticulously depict the scenery seen in the West Lake in spring, with vivid images, i.e., the scenery implies emotions, and accurately and vividly expresses the lively interest and elegant leisure of the natural things. The poem is well-structured, naturally articulated, well-crafted, with simple language, precise diction and freshness, and has become a famous piece of chanting the West Lake for many generations.

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