A New Position in Nan Cao, Early Autumn Hot Weather Begins to Abate, Go Out to Defend Wuxing. Record This Writing and Show to You
新 转 南 曹, 未 叙 朝 散, 初 秋 署 退, 出 守 吴 兴, 书 此 篇 以 自 见 志
捧 招 汀 州 去
全 家 羽 翼 飞。
喜 抛 新 锦 帐
荣 借 旧 朱 衣。
且 免 材 为 累
何 妨 拙 有 机。
宋 株 卿 自 守
鲁 酒 怕 旁 围。
清 尚 宁 无 素
光 阴 亦 未 晞。
一 杯 宽 幕 席
五 字 弄 珠 玑。
越 浦 黄 甘 嫩
吴 溪 紫 蟹 肥。
平 生 江 海 志
佩 待 左 鱼 归。
Xin Zhuai Nan Cao, Wei Xu Zhao San, Chu Qiu Shu Tui, Chu Shou Wu Xing, Shu Ci Pian Yi Zi Jian Zhi
Peng zhao ting zhou qu
Quan jia yu yi fei.
Xi pao xin jin zhang
Rong jie jiu zhu yi.
Qie mian cai wei lei
He fang zhuo you ji.
Song zhu qing zi shou
Lu jiu pa pang wei.
Qing shang ning wu su
Guang yin yi wei xi.
Yi bei kuan mu xi
Wu zi nong zhu ji.
Yue pu huang gan nen
Wu xi zi xie fei.
Ping sheng jiang hai zhi
Pei dai zuo yu gui.
A New Position in Nan Cao, Early Autumn Hot Weather Begins to Abate, Go Out to Defend Wuxing. Record This Writing and Show to You
Go out to promote and help a Changjiang islet village
All households like wings flying free.
Happy to now have new brocade furnishings
How glorious these borrowed vermilion clothes.
Zhuangzi talked of natural talents and materials, each one has specific purposes
Knowing this, I do not have to climb the bureaucratic ladder.
A senior Song Dynasty official naturally watches for an opportunity
Do not put good wine into weak skins.
Value the clear, simple and quiet life
The light of dawn has yet to arrive.
Relax with one cup of wine away from curtains and banquets
Five-character lines better than playing with pearls.
Through this river country orange kumquats delicate and sweet
Wu streams full of their purple crabs.
Rest of my life hope to chronicle being one with nature
Wear at my waist the government seal that displays my small position, while still being in rural seclusion.
Wuxing: District in the city of Huzhou, Zhejiang Province.
Changjiang: Also known as the Yangzi River
Zhuangzi: (c. 369-c. 286 BC) Daoist philosopher and complement to the famous Laozi.
Song Dynasty: One of the Southern Dynasties (420-479 AD).