Poem: For Han Chuo, Judge of Yangzhou – 杜牧《寄扬州韩绰判官》









[1] 韩绰(chuò):生平事迹不详。从杜牧的另一首《哭韩绰》诗来看,当是杜牧的友人,后同在京城为官,二人有很深厚的友谊。

[2] 判官:唐代的一种官职,负责在节度使、观察使府中掌管文书事务。

[3] 迢迢:一作“遥遥”。遥远。

[4] 草未凋:一作“草木凋”。

[5] 二十四桥:宋代沈括《梦溪笔谈·补笔谈》并举其桥名,说二十四座桥,即唐代扬州城的二十四座小桥(沈氏实列举二十三座);清代李斗在其《扬州画舫录·卷十五》中,则说二十四桥,即吴家砖桥,一名红药桥。

[6] 玉人:美人,此处指韩绰。

For Han Chuo, Judge of Yangzhou

Du Mu

The dreaming green hills stretch as far as the blue streams;

At autumn’s end grass seems still green on southern shore.

Twenty-four fairies on the bridge steeped in moonbeams,

Are they still playing on the flute now as before?

This is a beautiful description of an autumn scene in Yangzhou.


The poem “For Han Chuo, Judge of Yangzhou” is a poem by Du Mu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty. This poem was written after the poet left Yangzhou. The poet deliberately portrays that Yangzhou in late autumn still has green water and green hills, lush grass and trees, and the night of the twenty-four bridges still has a beautiful and handsome music, so as to flirt with the leisurely life of his friends and express the poet’s deep nostalgia for his past life in Yangzhou. The poem has a beautiful mood and is full of interest.

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